Clan Taldryan's Naval Service is an integral part of the Taldryan Security Service.
The Navy is the powerhouse of the Taldryan Security Service and the envy of the rival Clans of the Brotherhood. It is responsible for planetary defense, planetary assault, and general space superiority. The Clans capital ships act as secondary command stations for the Clan Summit when traversing the galaxy. Taldryan's crews are comprised of both Jedi and non-Jedi personnel, all highly trained and impeccably skilled. The service is modeled roughly around the Imperial Navy, although a simplified version. The Navy is commanded by High Admiral Tak Vordin, under the Consul of the Clan Taldryan.
Navy/Clan Interaction
The Naval Service, like the other Security Services, has grown into its own and has complete jurisdiction over all naval-related areas. The reigning Consul is the sole exception to this rule, as he has the power to replace commanders with Jedi or provide Jedi assistance when the situation calls for force awareness. Fortunately, after many years and campaigns, both the Naval officers and the Taldryan Jedi are adept at combining their roles to ensure that the Clan remains victorious in all ventures.
The Naval officer core retains operational command of all naval units, regardless of embedded Jedi. In the past, many summit members had claimed command of individual ships or small battlegroups, which led to disjointed command and inefficient use of both military and Jedi resources. Now the fleet is split into various battlegroups by the Consul, with each group falling under the command of a non-Jedi Admiral with assistance from a Dark Jedi appointed by the Consul. While the Dark Jedi retains official overall command, they generally only exercise this power in extreme circumstances, leaving the non-Jedi naval officers to run day-to-day operations. However, while working among different officers, the Jedi must always adhere to the commands of their summit members above all other orders.
Command Structure
The command structure of the Navy is divided up among unit commanders who report up the chain of command to the Unified Naval Commands, who themselves report to High Admiral Tak Vordin, the Taldryan Naval Directorate, and Clan Taldryan's Consul. The unit commanders are as follows:
Unit |
Commanded By
Ship Command |
Commander or Captain
Line of Battle |
Line Captain
Fleet |
Battlegroup |
Rear Admiral and staff
System Force |
Vice Admiral and staff
Unified Force |
High Admiral and staff
These organizational groups and their leaders can be found scattered throughout Taldryan's territory. To more easily supervise and conduct operations in the various areas, the territory controlled by the clan is divided into Unified Naval Commands. These commands are of various sizes – some may consist of the space around a single planet, other may consist of an entire system – determined by the area's security needs. These Unified Naval Commands are headed by a Admiral or Fleet Admiral.
The regional commands are coordinated by the Taldryan Naval Directorate. The Directorate is headed by High Admiral Tak Vordin, and generally consists of six to eight Admirals along with their staffs, who plan and coordinate all of Taldryan's operations at the strategic level. These officers receive their training at the Taldryan Military Institute as all Taldryan Security Service officers do, but they also complete advanced War College courses in strategic planning and operations. High Admiral Venix Soyak supervises and guides the actions of the Naval Directorate, and brings all important operations to the Consul for final approval. The entire command structure can be seen here:
Taldryan's Navy Command StructureTaldryan's Navy Command Structure
Recruitment and Training
Taldryan's Naval Service fills it's ranks purely with volunteers. Enlistment centers are scattered throughout the clan's territories, and ever-present recruitment officers roam wherever potential crewmen can be found. Taldryan pays it's naval crewmen quite well, which makes a Navy career highly sought after on most planets. Making it into the Taldryan Military Institute and becoming part of the clan's officer core is the highest goal of many citizens, ensuring lifelong respect and a comfortable lifestyle.
Naval training is divided into two basic categories, individual and ship-born. All recruits are initially sent for ten weeks of basic naval training, followed by additional individual training for their specific specialization (Command, Gunnery, etc). After individual training is completed, recruits are sent to one of the Ship Training Centers, where they spend ten weeks learning the essentials of serving aboard a clan warship. This is done through a combination of classes and repetition of drills, until the crew's reactions are automatic. After completing this training, the recruit is officially graduated as a crewman and assigned to a ship. Once in-unit the soldiers training will continue on through constant drills and exercises.
Naval Pilots
While technically falling within the ranks of the Naval Service, the clan's fighter pilots have an independent chain-of-command, along with separate recruitment, training, and service requirements.
Fighter pilots are typically the best of all navy recruits, with the exception of the strategic officer core. Naval graduates of the Taldryan Military Institute who score in the top 10% of the naval aptitude exam and meet strenuous physical and mental requirements are permitted to enroll in flight school. Those who successfully meet these requirements have an entire year of grueling physical, psychological, and academic training ahead of them - all of which must be flawlessly executed if the recruit wishes to fly in an operational squadron. Upon completion of the training, all pilots are commissioned as full Lieutenants and assigned to an active squadron.
Flight operations and assignments fall under the jurisdiction of each ships commanding officer, but the planning and executing of his orders are done by the individual flight staffs. Each ship or installation which houses clan starfighters has a flight staff, commanded by a "CAG" (Commander, Air Group) who is typically a Commander. Aboard the larger fleet vessels which contain many various squadrons, an officer known as the "CSG" (Commander, Strike Group), typically a Captain, is responsible for coordination of all squadrons for mission success. Overall, all starfighters are coordinated centrally by the Fighter Group Admiral, who is part of the Taldryan Naval Directorate.
Several elite squadrons are scattered throughout the Clans territory, including the 33rd Fighter Group and Keirdagh Squadron. These units both operate more advanced fighters and are not attached to any specific ship, but are given assignments directly by the Fighter Group Admiral.
Naval Marines
The Naval Service often has need for personnel more closely resembling Army soldiers than Naval crewman. To fill this need, the Naval Service developed the Marines, whose troops are based on all Naval vessels to serve as guards and soldiers. Marines undergo basic naval training, then are sent to one of the Collective Combat Training Centers run by the Army to learn infantry and small unit tactics. Upon their return they are given an additional eight weeks of training in shipborne combat and boarding actions. Several elite units undergo Army Special Forces training and are used by individual commanders for unique situations. Generally Marines see themselves as more elite than normal Army units, which creates a near-hostile atmosphere in cantinas across Taldryan territory.
Current Command
Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces: Consul Shadow Taldrya
Executive Officer of the Armed Forces: Proconsul Hel-Pa Sklib
Naval Commander: High Admiral Tak Vordin (NPC, male Human, 43)
Fighter Group Admiral: Admiral Boryn Durb (NPC, male Sullustan, 61)
Battlegroup Vanguard CO: Vice-Admiral Raif Slaxton (NPC)
CSD Justice CO: Vice-Admiral Raif Slaxton (NPC)
MJHC Compulsor CO: Commodore Kyle Takan (NPC)
VIN Honor CO: Commodore Saiff Hessen (NPC)
L/FRG Fury CO: Captain Jormel Plaso (NPC, male Human, 38)
L/FRG Vengeance CO: Captain Shelsar Mer'skr (NPC, female Bothan, 40)
VT-49 Legacy CO: Commander TBA
Battlegroup Vigilance CO: Rear Admiral Shalla Arundel (NPC)
BAC Dark Prophet II CO: Rear Admiral Shalla Arundel (NPC)
VIN Valor CO: Commodore Kayla Norvin (NPC)
M/INT Orthanc CO: Commodore Ammar Kordoo (NPC)
CGS Flamewind CO: Captain Lee Starr (NPC, male Corellian, 32)
CGS Stormwind CO: Captain Merenia (NPC, female Selonian, 46)
VT-49 Sentinel CO: Commander TBA
Home Guard Forces
STARG Fearless CO: Commodore Eller Valtain (NPC, male Duros, 51)
Citadel Alpha CO: Captain Ark Lassik (NPC)
Rank Structure
Crewman Recruit
Junior Crewman
Petty Officer Third Class
Petty Officer Second Class
Petty Officer First Class
Chief Petty Officer
Senior Chief Petty Officer
Master Chief Petty Officer
Fleet Chief Petty Officer
Lieutenant Commander
Line Captain
Rear Admiral (lower half)
Rear Admiral (upper half)
Fleet Admiral
High Admiral