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Template:Krath charinfo Tritherus is a Krath Protector in House Marka Ragnos of Clan Naga Sadow, and a Tyro in Ravana Squadron. Recently returning from a mysterious absence the Acolyte has pledged himself to his new clan, and is proud to call himself an Heir to the Empire. He can usually be found practicing his swordsmanship at Ragnos Cathedral.

Character History

Korriban and Darth Damirael

Tritherus was born on the Sith tomb world of Korriban. He never knew his parents. The first being the child every knew was a Sith Spirit known as Darth Damirael. Somehow the dead Sith Lord channeled the Dark Side into the infant sustaining his life in place of food and water. This was an application of the Dark Side never before seen, and Damirael continued to use it on Tritherus for the duration of his time on Korriban. This made the young boy dependent upon the Sith Lord. It also caused his eyes, which were gray at birth, to turn a startling red. Any other strange effects being sustained by the Dark Side alone at such a young age had on Tritherus are still unknown.

As the boy grew the spirit became his mentor, initially at survival and eventually becoming the boys first master in the ways of the Force. He called the boy Tritherus, and told him that his parents were amoral treasure hunters that came to Korriban to rob the tombs. While there the starship they came on was damaged by a strange storm. During their unintended extended stay Tritherus was concieved and born. After the ship was repaired they took what little artifacts they had and fled, leaving their unwanted child behind to appease the Sith spirits.

Damirael's tutelage was not as effective as he would have liked, but he was inhibited by the fact that he was not a physical entity. Tritherus was strong in the Force though, and took to his lessons well. One day he discovered an ancient Sith Sword, and began practicing with it. This was the start of his obsession with swordsmanship.

As his training continued Tritherus began to realize that Damirael was not the ideal mentor. His capabilities seemed to have reached a glass ceiling that they cold not rise above. He bagan to yearn for the stars, and meet living, breathing people. More then anything he wanted a master that could push him further in his studies. Unbeknownst to him this was the Sith Lords plan. Tritherus was his ticket off of Korriban, and all his training was meant to produce an able bodied Force-sensitive agent. Finally, Damirael revealed to his apprentice an ancient Sith starfighter that was fully operational. Packing the only possesion he valued, his Sith Sword, Tritherus sat in the cockpit of the fighter. Reaching out with the Force he activated it, and set off for civilized space.

He was not alone, however. Darth Damirael possesed the young man's body without exerting control over it. They would both at last be free from the dead and able to exert their influence on the galaxy at large.