Template:Sith charinfo
- "Never Tempt the Might"
- ―From Eton Jade 'Battle of Keldorn Straits'
Born Nul'Brodo'a, though he would be called Brodo for short. His parents were Illysia and Korvem. Korvem was a military leader of skill and prestige in the Nul military. He lead the 2nd Grand Battalion into several conquests along the outer rim of the Nul space. His mother was an outsider, a half Kiffar from the shipyards surrounding the planet Sluis Van. She was on a freighter assisting her employers in transporting a load of metals for the factory's foundries when it came under attack by pirates. The captain of the freighter sent the vessel into a blind hyperspace jump. Amongst all the manuvers the man could've done, a blind hyperspace jump is likely to have been the most dangerous and foolist choice possible. In the end, the freighter skimmed an asteroid and left hyperspace in a tumble, barely under power. Only Illysia and the helmsman was left alive, and they worked together to get the spin under control.
A frigate in the Nul military at the time, the Cordite Hawk, was in the vicinity at the time, and recorded the entire reentry to normal space, and the subsequent slowing of the spin. The Hawk, led by a young Korvem, hailed the severely damaged ship, and offered assistance, which was quickly taken. The helmsman died of his wounds after being transported to the frigate, but Illysia was alive, and fell in love with her rescuer, Korvem, deciding to stay with him rather than returning to her life of work and toil.
- 75 BBY - Assasination attempt.
This attempt, which unfortunately is rather common amongst the higher ups in the Shaevailian society, took place at an official banquet where Brodo's father was to be awarded a large portion of land for his success in the Subjugation of the Ifrica Belt. During the ceremony, while the guests and dignitaries were looking towards the dias where the ceremoney would take place, an agent sent by one of Nul's greatest rivals, the Arka, poured a clear, tasteless liquid into Korvem's drinking cup. Brodo, being of the relatively young age of 31, had not really had much access to alcohol, and tried to get a taste from his father's cup while everyone was distracted. Brodo began to feel ill immediately, and was violently sick on the floor. The ceremony came to an abrupt halt as Brodo was rushed to the nearest medical centre by a very worried Korvem.
The doctors didnt know what the poison was, or how it was taken, because only Brodo knew this. He would stay ill for many days, Korvem never leaving his side, even to attend to duties. Brodo remained in a deep coma for much of the time as the poison did it's work. The poison was such that it would kill its victim slowly, inducing a coma known as the Sleeping Death, while corroding their organs, causing leaks and ulsers. These cause further damage and excuriating pain, which the victim feels all the time. Brodo got to this stage before the Arka agent was found, and brought to Korvem. It is said that Korvem beat the man for a day and a night AFTER the poison's name and type was revealed. Brodo was slow to regain consciousness, but when he did, he let out a minute long scream, and was quickly sedated.
Nearly a year had gone by, and finally Brodo had healed enough to be woken. He had a long physical thearpy schedule, but managed to finish it early. He was very touched by how his father had acted, and sought to do him proud with everything he did.
- 61 BBY - Weapon's Beginning.
Brodo creates the shaft which he would later use to create his Ironwood Spear. The shaft was made of Ironwood, a tall nearly indestructable metal which, when melted and forged, would crack like the grain and bark of a tree.
Quinlan Vos born
Brodo meets Quinlan Vos, and learns for the first time of his Force sensitivity. This meeting has a profound effect on Brodo, as he has found out that he would be cast out of his family if they knew. He decided to keep it to himself, and tried his best to hide it. He also resists the pressure of Quinlan to go to the Jedi Academy.
- 46 BBY - Military Academy
Brodo joins the Nul Armed Forces (NAF). As a young adult he learnt the ways of the Nul military, both on the field and off. His skills in martial combat grew greatly, his prefered weapon being the spear.
- 42 BBY - Hereditary Promotion
Brodo is promoted because his father retires. Brodo becomes the General of the 2nd Grand Battalion, just like his father, and leads it through two victorious campaigns: The Quelling of the Ifrica Rebellion, and the Expansion Invasion of the Ter'Lak'a Rift.
- 39 BBY - A Secret Revealed
Dad tells Brodo he is force sensitive too, a bond occurs, someone finds out, Korvem is killed and Brodo flees into Wildspace
- 35 BBY - Homecoming of sorts
Brodo reaches Kiffu, the planet where his mother had been born. Learns more about her, and is granted official membership-by-heritage of Clan Vos. Is trained as a Kiffar Guardian
- 32 BBY - A Secret Project
Because he was well known in wildspace as a ferocious warrior and leader, he was offered an opportunity to train, and perhaps lead, a group of elite troopers. Though reluctant, he accepts. Travels to Kamino, meets Kal Skirata and Walon Vau, finds a sort of kindred spirit. Meets his 2 year old clones for the first time.
All of Harta Squad killed in a training accident, an explosion of high-yield explosives. Brodo crushed, but still leads his men through their training, teaching them better medical procedures, and survival.
- 22 BBY - "Begun the Clone War has"
- 15 BBY - In the Emperor's Name...
- 9 BBY - Dissent and Deceit
Joins Rebels, fights in various places, but decides that the Empire is better, and seeks to damage the Rebels somehow
Family Tree
File:Brent4.jpgVos Clan insignia.
Unknown--+--Unknown Unknown--+--Unknown Unknown--+--Unknown Unknown--+--Unknown
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Unknown Nul---------+---------Unknonw Kalrk Unknown Vos---------+---------Unknown Tainer
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Nul'Kovem'a-------------------+-------------------Illysia Tainer-Vos
Nul'Brodo'a-------+-------Erianna Victae
During his time in the Corporate Division, along with other Subgroups of the Emperor's Hammer, and now in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, Brent has started, and run several companies, and corporations to give him a stable and ample income.
- Lumina Corporation (LUC) - Advertising and Public Relations
- Archangel Cookie Corporation (ACC) - Delightful cookies and other treats
- Wildspace ArmsCorps (WAC) - Weapons contractor, builds components to be installed in TIE style fighters (under contract by Sienar Fleet Systems, and alphabet style fighters (under contract from Incom, and others), along with sensor equipment and weaponry.
Basic Information
Identifying Marks
Carefully applied yellow-black tattoos adorn his right arm in a tribal design, with a large five-pointed star as the focal point. A huge tattoo adorns his chest, in the shape of a giant cat of orange and black. On his back, a pair of feathered wings has been tattooed.
Physical Description
Broad shouldered, and muscular, his frame is that of a born fighter. With his massive size (big even on his race's standards) and powerful build, he was trained in ground combat, which shows itself in his great upper body strength. His dark hair is always in dreadlocks, which are left to hang, framing his face like the mane of a giant cat. His eyes are a steely white, and his skin seems to have a constant bronze tan.
Advanced Information
Planet of Origin
Shaevalis Prime
Current Residence
Caliburnus Headquarters, Ptolomea, Cocytus System
File:SniperRifle.jpgDH-122 Sniper Rifle
Personal Weapons
- Ironwood Spear
- DH-112 Sniper rifle
- Combat knives (x2)
- E-11 blaster rifle
- Storm Commando armour
- Clone Commando gauntlets
Clothing Description
- Pilot: Dark grey Flightsuit, with navy blue piping.
- Formal: Black flowing cloak with hood, dark grey armour and pants, combat gloves and brown boots. A thick utility belt, without tools, but with lightsaber, Vos shoulder emblem.
- Combat: Dark grey training shirt, arms removed. Black-Grey armour, with a grey tunic, along with combat vest. Dark brown combat boots. Thick utilty belt with various tools and weapons, as well as lightsaber. Clone Commando gauntlets, along with vibroblade, painted matte black.
Languages Known
- Basic, Zabrak, Twi'lek, several Wildspace languages
- Basic Ground Warfare: Shaevailian War Academy (SWA)
- Hand-to-Hand/Weaponry training: SWA
- Tactical/Strategic Training: SWA
- Basic flying training: Imperial Weapons And Training School (IWATS)
- Stormtrooper Basics, Advanced, Officer: Hammer's Fist Training College (HFTC)
- Stormtrooper Commando: HFTC
- Various environmental, and occupational trainings: HFTC, IWTC
- Brent is married to Erianna "Rayne" Victae (and is dating her in real life)
- My very first IRC nickname was Archnagel. No, I didnt spell it wrong... there's a bot called Archangel in another Undernet channel, so I couldnt use it. :/
- I was the second to last man to be voted in as Mr EH
- I was expelled 10 days later!