
From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club

Template:Sith charinfo

"Quiet destruction, rendering you helpless"
―Selene, describing Kaiden to an Apprentice.

Character History

=Where it all began

The Beginning...

Kaiden King was born on the planet Eriadu, home of Grand Moff Tarkin in 22 bby to a normal mother and a normal father. Unlike most Dark Jedi whom suffered horrible tragedies and live with the memories of a twisted childhood, Kaiden's parents were both very kind and loving people. However when Kaiden was eight years of age both of his parents were killed by an Imperial strike force who were taking "volunteer" recruits. The child was heart broken and sent to live with his bitter, arrogant, violent grandfather. His grandfather worshipped the Imperials and wasnt heartbroken at all that his only son was shot. "Should'a went with'em...That boy never could listen to orders." He would say. Not the best father or grandfather in the world but he was all Kaiden had. His grandfather, despite his flaws, was a very wise and intelligent person, these traits rubbing off on the young boy with time. Kaiden's childhood revolved mainly around studying and taking notes on many different thing's such as, Sentient Anatomy, Languages, Naval Strategies and Command manuals, Imperial Doctrine, and yes even the Force, this of course before realizing his own Force Sensitivity.

With time his grandfather molded the young mind into a closed minded individual who grew up to become the very thing that caused the death of his parents. Vengeance wasnt sought, nor did he care anything about what happened that night on Coruscant. His mind and body was stuck in a dangerous state that would eventually lead him down a path of no turning back. His mind was clouded by the fog of industry and pollution that Eriadu produced. His eyes were fixated on the Empire and his heart was ready to serve the Emporer. What once was a kindhearted child was now a relentless killer, ready, willing and able to carry out the commands of his superiors.

An Imperial Life Torn Asunder...

For years and years, Kaiden lead armies throughout the galaxy, ripping apart civilizations with his airships and well trained soldiers. His reign was referred to as the Decade of Destruction..Men feared him and respected him. They all knew that if they were hesitant or disobedient in any way his warships would decimate their cities or villages. The Decade of Destruction soon came to a screeching hault however. The Jedi felt that if this Imperial Legion started setting their eyes on the Republic then they would need to Intervene. A threat..Was soon disassembled and Kaiden's forces were completely wiped out. Quietly, and swiftly. These battles werent space battles they were stealth kills. Something the Jedi tried to conceal from the eyes of the Republic. An extermination, all were killed but one. Kaiden King laid crumpled amongst the bodies of his army. Jedi surrounded him, Lightsabers drawn, circling him before they spake. "I sense the force within this young man." Kaiden's blood covered eyes opened wide as he heard that the force he had studied flowed throughout his being. "He's an Imperial..He ruthlessly killed, Men, women, and children." The conversation continued. "His mind can be reawakened." The Jedi finished putting the young King in a comma like state.

Force Practitioner Kaiden King.

The Awakening...

This is a document stating the events of a secret council held by Dorgan Graiko, Chi'bi Vorkensen, and Darius Draymo, all three Rogue Jedi cast out of the Jedi Order for insubordinate acts.

"Kaiden.." a voice spoke softly, like a whisper."Within your mind is a troubled past. You must learn to let go of the anger inside you and listen to the harmony that the force produces. I know you've felt the force flowing within you. You might not of known what it was but I'm sure you've felt it. You can learn how to use this to your advantage." The voice continued, starting to grow confident. "Feel the force within you and release the burdens that are holding you back!" the voice shouted before falling back into a low rumble. "I will teach you all that I know my friend. But what I teach you wont be how to be a Jedi. You see I'm a Rogue, cast out of the order for having an opinion of my own. Well no matter..Let's get started.." static.....

Finding a Lightsaber...

DJB Facts





