The following events took place in 0 BBY. The year can also be called 0 ABY, especially when referring to events in that year which occured after the Battle of Yavin.
- Dissolution of the Imperial Senate.
- Destruction of Alderaan by the Death Star
- The first Death Star is destroyed by Luke Skywalker
- The Rebel Base on Yavin 4 is evacuated.
- Attack on Tantive IV
- Skirmish in the Death Star
- Mission to Yavin
- Battle of Yavin (First Battle of Yavin IV)
- Second Battle of Yavin IV
- Third Battle of Yavin IV
- Fourth Battle of Yavin IV
- Fifth Battle of Yavin IV
- Sixth Battle of Yavin IV
- Raid on Yavin IV
- Thousands onboard the Death Star I