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Outer Rim




1, Enriton

Rotation period:

24 hours

Orbital period:

347 days




12720 km







Primary Terrain:

Grassy Plains, Lakes, Swamps, Forests, Hills

Native species:

Various Non-Sentient Creatures

Immigrated species:


Primary language(s):



Dismal Visutor al'Tor
Niman Visutor

[ Source ]



Andros is one of three nations on Enriton. It is where the capital city, Lobidian resides. In Lobidian, the Royal Palace (Castle Jorda), as well as the main senate building (The Viridian Pavilion), lies.

Andros is like Ratiren in geography, consisting of many rolling fields, beautiful valleys, and crystal clear lakes, fit for swimming. The grass is always a stunning and handsome shade of green.


Furino is the oddball per se of Enriton’s three nations. It is filled with many mountain ranges, countless caves and caverns, and where there are fields, they are barren, desolate, and rocky. One desert, the Ebog Plain, is just sand, tons of sand. Many dangerous fauna call the barren landscape of the Ebog their home.

In one range, called The Evil Spine by the locals, is home to a cannibalistic, barbaric tribe named Twalabahuga. Twalabahuga is a word the tribe’s language (much like gibberish, with many dialects spoken by units) meaning “Unity” and “Togetherness” at the same time.


Ratiren is like Andros in geography, consisting of many rolling fields, beautiful valleys, and crystal clear lakes, fit for swimming. The grass is always a stunning and handsome shade of green. Like Furino, Ratiren has no buildings or plays an important role in the government’s eyes. It mainly serves as a tourist attraction, and a home or vacation spot for more of the well-classed citizens.

Points of Interest

Castle Jorda: Castle Jorda is the residence of the current King and his family. It overlooks the town of Lobidian, capital of the nation called Andros, as well as the entire planet. It has two courtyards, as well as a large backyard.

The Viridian Pavilion: The Viridian Pavilion is where the senate which governs the planet meets every month, and where emergency meetings are held. (It resembles a Chinese temple in RL)




The Dispatch

‘’32 BBY’’

In the year 32 BBY, Padme Amidala was elected Queen of Naboo. Shortly after her democratic election to monarch, which opposed Veruna’s tyrannical style of rule, the Trade Federation, led by Viceroy Nute Gunray, imposed a blockade on Naboo. This event was provoked by Amidala’s protest of the Galactic Senate’s decision to tax the users of the Galaxy’s major trade routes.

In the wake of this, the Queen dispatched four of her best guardsmen, comprised of Zabrak and Human members (Keith Creel, Gav Kahn, Valad Yorcott, and Vyrra Foss) to find a backwater, uninhabited planet, which had a good, natural supply of plasma or steel. Armed only in one N-1 Starfighter a piece, and two SoroSuub ELG-3A blasters per person, the group began their search.

The Discovery

‘’’32 BBY’’’

After three weeks of searching, stopping on planet’s as they passed over them during the night, the band of explorers stumbled across a one planet system, Enriton. It looked pretty good, so they landed to investigate. They found only rolling hills, beautiful forests, and crystal clear lakes. A few sentient beings, the most dangerous being a small pack of Krayt Dragons, were also discovered. The most important discovery was yet to be found, and would be found a day later.

After waking up from a long night at camp, the group explored the western hemisphere some more. They found a mine, which turned out to be a rather large bowel of the planet, which contained a many deposits of Phrikite, the main ore of the alloy Phrik, which could combat lightsabers.

The team, while still loyal to their Queen, was blinded by greed. They saw a chance to not only rule their own planet, but also a useful ore to trade. A rather profitable discovery. With that, the team decided to set up Enriton’s government.

Keith Creel, the designated leader of the group, was of course the first King. It was his idea to keep the planet to themselves, after all. He had to start building the population, forcing him to mate with the only female of the group, Vyrra Foss.

Valad Yorcott, the only Zabrak of the band of rogue Naboo, was appointed the first Lord Judge, Head of the Judicial System. This position would later be disbanded.

The remaining person, Gav Kahn, was appointed Head of Government, called Chamberlain of the Senate, which would be formed when the population grew.

The Populating

‘’’32 BBY – Present’’

The planet was not to be spread throughout the galaxy, as they did not wish for the Trade Federation, Confederacy of Independent Systems, or the Republic to pressure them to join their senate or organization. They started by sending out a message to some crimelords of the galaxy saying it would be a good hideout spot if the Republic ever got sensitive to their operations. No bases would be allowed, nor would it be an outpost for ships. (See: Dismal The Zann Consortium section) This would soon be broken by the Zann Consortium.

Kahn’s Curse

‘’27 BBY1 BBY’’

When King Creel died of an unknown heart disease, Chamberlain Kahn, as Creel’s favorite, had been Heir to the throne, seeing as Creel’s wife failed to produce a child. Gav Kahn, blinded by lust for power, murdered Judge Valad Yorcott by a stab in the back with a poison coated knife, and assumed his position as well. Kahn was now Head of Government, State, and Judiciary system. He was a complete dictator, and the 26 year period he kept this up became known as Kahn’s Curse.

The Rebellion Shines

‘’1 BBY’’

A rebellion had been forming, which had never reached Kahn’s ears as he refused to even see a member of the lower class. By the end of 2 BBY, the Rebellion was equally strong, if not stronger than the Royal Guard. Saudu Visutor, head of the rebellion, led his troops into the Royal Palace one day, and made fools of the Guard and their petty attempts to stop them. Visutor personally saw that his second in command, Sariax Kavor executed the iron-fisted ruler. Now that the dictator was defeated, no citizens saw a problem with Saudu assuming the responsibility of King.

Visutor and the Old Ways

‘’1 BBY – Present’’

Saudu implemented the same government as Keith Creel had, with the exception of changing the judiciary system. Any criminal would have a trial before the senate and the current Chamberlain. With the new system, the spot of Lord Judge was no longer needed, and the title was disbanded.

Visutor also set up a rule for Succession to the Royal Throne. The eldest son would assume the title of King when the current died. If the monarch had no son, his brother would assume the title. If the monarch had no immediate family alive or available, the Lord Chamberlain would succeed the dead ruler. One could not hold the spot of Lord Chamberlain and King, Saudu wrote in the Book of Law, as to prevent another Kahn’s Curse from happening. Everything was back to normal in Enriton.

Roll of Kings

  1. Keith Creel: 32 BBY27 BBY (Died from unknown heart disease).
  2. Gav Kahn: 27 BBY1 BBY (Attempted to hold Head of Government, Lord Judge, and Lord Chamberlain simultaneously) (Died by execution by Rebellion)
  3. Saudu Visutor: 1 BBY – Present

Roll of Lord Judges

  1. Valad Yorcott: 32 BBY27 BBY (Murded by Gav Kahn in attempt to have ultimate dictatorship)
  2. Gav Kahn: 27 BBY1 BBY
  3. Position Disbanded: 1 BBY – Present (Disbanded because a new judicial system was adopted)

Roll of Chamberlains

  1. Gav Kahn: 32 BBY1 BBY (Longest Ruling Chamberlain)
  2. Sariax Kavor: 1 BBY – Present (Second in Command of Rebellion)