
From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 20:08, 29 May 2022 by Mex (talk | contribs) (→‎Physical Description: Changed a 'his' to 'their' as they are not male.)

New Order era.

Biographical Information

Roche Asteroid Field

Date of Birth:

30 ABY

Physical Description





2.0 m / 6'7"


70.0 kg / 154 lbs



Personal Information
Chronology & Political Information


Known masters:

Zig Kaliska



[ Source ]

"Hi, I am Mex."

Mex is a Verpine mercenary currently employed by clan Arcona

Character History

Early Life

Mex was born in the Roche Asteroid Field to two loving parents Mxz’et and Lenx. After spawning Mex the two realized that they wanted their own place in the galaxy away from the hive mind and travelled across the galaxy to Tatooine. They had chosen the planet due to its remote nature, hoping to be left alone to spend time with each other and Mex.

Trouble on Tatooine

It didn't take long for that venture to turn sour, and one day while out in the wastes scavenging for parts for their moisture collector they were beset by Tuskan Raiders. This event left the young Mex orphaned, and the Verpine had to scrounge on their own to survive.

Due to their partial upbringing on the Roche asteroid fields they were not well acclimated to standard social routines that did not involve communication via antennae. As a Verpine, Mex was almost inherently adept with droids. This resulted in them associating and befriending droids that they scavenged up for parts and projects. Most of the knowledge that Mex had gained was primarily self-taught. This included their ability to negotiate in the Jawa trade tongue - one of Mex’s many clients as an independent scavenger.

Independent Scavenger

Since then, Mex has spent the past 6 years of their life running a little scrap shop on Tatooine, making ends meet through scavenging and trading parts and services to others. They have fixed more than a handful of moisture collectors for farms and have had multiple run-ins with the Jawas that trade additional junk for some of Mex's shiny refurbished parts. Scrapping by, Mex has lived a quiet modest existence, and they hadn't ventured out off the planet since arrival until the day Zig Kaliska showed up at his shop.

Joining Arcona

Zig recruited Mex after finding the Verpine during one of her scavenging runs. After a travel across the wastes her speeder broke down and it required new parts, this chance arrangement had her come to Mex's small little salvage operation for trading. Upon learning of the Verpine's skillset and situation as an independent scavenger she decided to take them under her wing and into clan Arcona.

Physical Description

As a young adult Verpine, Mex still has quite a clean and vibrant green carapace. Typical of their species, Mex stands pretty tall and lean. They sport big red eyes and no distinguishing scars due to their inexperience. They often carry their posture with an awkward rigidity due to their insectoid nature.

Mex likes to dress light due to their experiences on Tatooine, they are often seen wearing very little in terms of clothing, and takes a more utilitarian approach. Mex loves to hoard junk in their pack and have a utility belt for easy-access items. They show a lot of uncomfortable body language in groups due to their lack of social understanding.