Darro Zhen

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Darro Zhen
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

16 BBY

Physical Description





6’5” / 200 cm


286 lbs / 130 kgs





Personal Information





T-21B Light Repeating Blaster, Westar-34, Grenades, Vibroblade

Fighting Style(s):

Broken Gate

Chronology & Political Information

Mercenary (former), Bounty Hunter (former)


Member of the Knights of Allusis


Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era



[ Source ]

"That was pathectic maggots. Drop and give me fifty!!"
―Darro Zhen training K.U.D.F. recruits

A former mercenary and bounty hunter Darro Zhen is a Mandalorian warrior born on the small outer rim world of Sacaya. After over thirty years of selling his services to the highest bidder he joined the warriors of Clan Ordo in defending New Tython from the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. At wars end he chose to stay on New Tython serving as a combat instructor in the K.U.D.F. before going on to join House Hoth and the Knights of Allusis.

Character History

A Warrior Born (16 BBY - 2 ABY)

Shortly before the outbreak of hostilities that would become the Mandalorian civil war a small Clan of warriors, Clan Haruss, chose to leave the only home they’d ever known and journey to the stars. Unwilling to bear arms against the men and women they once called brothers and sisters they instead chose to wander the stars in search of a new home. They would eventually settle on a small uninhabited rock on the very edge of the galaxy called Sacaya and went about turning it into a home.

It was here sixteen years before the Battle of Yavin that Darro Zhen was born. His parents, Vidar and Amina, had been children when the Clan had arrived on Sacaya but had grown into fine warriors in their own right marrying in their early twenties with Darro arriving a little over a year later. He was a precocious child often getting into fights with other children his age, much to the amusement of the adults. He was the couple's only child until his brother Vinis was born a few months after Darro’s fourth birthday.

As he grew he attended school to learn all the things he would need to become a strong and productive member of the community. Things like reading and writing of course but also the history of the galaxy and how his people fit within it. He learned about Mandalore, a world he would probably never see, and the reason the Clan left. As he grew older his studies turned to more martial pursuits as he began to receive instructions in the proper use and maintenance of blaster weapons, hand to hand combat and knife techniques. He was also taught languages, specifically bocce and mando’a, the former to facilitate easier communications with any potential clients unable to speak basic the later to keep in touch with his heritage. He excelled at school particularly in the areas of marksmanship and hand to hand combat where his size and strength served him well. Eventually he graduated and on his eighteenth birthday his parents presented him with his very own set of Mandalorian armor.

Taking Charge (2 ABY - 28 ABY)

For the next two years he received more specialised training furthering his already impressive skills with a heavy blaster and giving him a working knowledge of a variety or explosive ordinances. Just after turning twenty, and with his advanced training coming to an end, Darro’s father offered him a place in his mercenary squad. Darro jumped at the chance to work alongside his father and accepted the offer joining as the squad's new heavy gunner. For the next four years he followed his father across the length and breadth of the galaxy performing mission as diverse as simple guard duty to hostage retrieval missions and always the pair came through without a scratch.

Things changed however when they were hired as bodyguards for a Corellian businessman who was travelling to Nar Shaddaa for a meeting. Unbeknownst to Darro or his father the businessman, Aran Harkor, was far from the legitimate businessman he claimed to be. An arms dealer by trade he had come to the smuggler’s moon with the express goal of ripping off one Zaxo the Hutt, a relatively small time crime lord involved in the trafficking of illegal arms and narcotics. Learning of Harkors plan Zaxo set up an ambush at a busy intersection less than a hundred yards from the spaceport. As Harkor and his Mandalorian escort strode down the crowded thoroughfare the Hutts men struck.

The attack came from nowhere as a rocket exploded fifteen or so feet from their position knocking the squad down and blasting several bystanders into smoking wet chunks of meat. As the Mandalorians slowly regained their wits and feet they closed ranks around Harkor and slowly retreated back to the spaceport as a barrage of blaster fire came in at them. Darro’s father Vidar stopped for a moment to lay down some cover fire when a second rocket exploded mere feet from him sending him flying backwards. Darro ran to his father and was shocked by what he saw. His father’s legs were missing as was his left arm while his chest and stomach had several small holes that bled freely.

Removing both his father's helmet and his own Darro begged his father to hold on but Vidar knew it was too late as he said his goodbyes and died. With a scream of pure rage Darro picked up his blaster and began to cut down any enemy he could lay his eyes on until a grenade exploded close by sending shrapnel flying up into his face leaving three ragged gashes from his mouth to his temple. As he wiped blood from his face he felt a hand on his shoulder as one of his father's men tried to drag him back to their ship. Seeing the battle was lost he picked his father’s lifeless body up and threw it over his shoulder before following his fellow Mandalorian back to the relative safety of the spaceport.

Upon returning to Sacaya his father was buried and Darro went about rebuilding the squad under his leadership. It was slow going as not all of his fathers men were willing to follow someone so untested. But enough of the squad's core stayed while the rest were quickly replaced by men Darro’s age including his younger brother Vinis. It was during this time that Darro decided that instead of taking whatever job they could find he would be more selective and set about transforming the squad from simple mercenaries to a crack team of search and rescue specialists. The changed seemed to work too as they didn’t lose a single member of the squad since Darro took command. That all changed however in 28 ABY when a mission for the New Republic went bad.

The Raid (28 ABY)

Coming Soon

On The Hunt (28 ABY - 35 ABY)

Coming Soon

The People’s Champion (35 ABY - Present)

Coming Soon

Personal Information


Darro Zhen is a human male in his mid fifties. Incredibly tall and powerfully built he stands six feet five inches in height and weighs in at two hundred and eighty six pounds. He has a well defined physique, broad shoulders and a thick short neck. His head is shaved bald though if he had hair it would be the same smoky grey colour as his neatly trimmed beard. His eyes are a dark brown almost black colour and are often described as hard. His nose is slightly crooked the result of more than one broken nose that was never properly set.

His most notable features however are the numerous scars that cover a good portion of his body. The most visible of said scars are the series of ragged near vertical lines that run down the right side of his face, the result of being too close to an exploding grenade. One third of his back is covered in a large series of burn scars obtained in a shuttle crash. He also has numerous stab, blaster and bite scars on his arms, legs and torso.

Most of the time Darro can be seen adorned in the ubiquitous armour of his people, the Mandalorians. His armour, initially given to him on his eighteenth birthday, consists of a pair of strong weather resistant combat trousers and a tight sleeveless top, both black in colour, over which he attaches the armoured plates that cover his chest, shoulders, forearms, groin, thighs, knees and shins. Made of thick pieces of durasteel each piece is painted blood red. On one of the chest plates is painted the symbol of Clan Haruss, a stylised black scorpion. The helmet is also red with black highlights and the t-shaped visor is red. The gear is rounded off with a gun belt and holster and a pair of strong combat boots.


Coming Soon


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