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Republic-class Star Destroyer
1,250 Meters
- Heavy turbolaser batteries (40)
- Heavy turbolaser cannons (40)
- Ion cannons (20)
- Tractor beam projectors (10)
3 Fighter squadrons
3,200 troops
11,000 metric tons
2 Years
House Tarentum
38 ABY
Revenge is a Republican-class Star Destroyer under the control of Clan Tarentum.
Vessel Info
The Republic-class Star Destroyer was one of the early warship models developed for the New Republic's standardization programs. Hampered by a resurgence in fighting due to the Thrawn campaign in 9 ABY and the return of Emperor Palpatine the following year, production on the Republic-class and other vessels was eventually restarted at a smaller level and the new ships were dispersed throughout the fleet.
The Republic-class was smaller than Lira Blissex's Imperial-class Star Destroyer, but was a much more efficient design. It was manufactured by Rendili StarDrive for the New Republic.
Although the Republic was only half the cost of an Imperial and required a mere one-fifth the crew, it boasted 20 percent more firepower than an Imperial I model. However, it was still outmatched by the Imperial II-class and the various Super Star Destroyers. The Republic-class was only 1,250 meters long, significantly smaller than the 1,600-meter-long Imperial-class. Because the smaller ship retained a similar level of weaponry, it had to sacrifice cargo space and endurance.
Command Crew
- Commanding Officer: TBA
- Commander: TBA
- Flight Commander: TBA
- Surface Commander: TBA
Coming Soon
Air Wing