Jusadih Naval Command

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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In times past, the Fleet of Clan Plagueis has been organized into Task Forces and Lines for system defense. However, with the Reform of Houses and the reorganization of Plagueian Assets, the Dark Jedi of the reformed House Plagueis have taken a stronger role in system patrol and security, forming the Jusadih Naval Command.


Upon the invasion of Jusadih by the Yuuzhan Vong, the Plagueian Fleet was almost entirely destroyed. The Grand Master of the Brotherhood issued a new class of carrier, the Firefox Class Carrier. One of these ships was issued to Clan Plagueis in an attempt to revitalize the defense of the Brotherhood, particularly with Antei being under the control of the Yuuzhan Vong. Consul Aabsdu Dupar and Warlord Vessicant also drew from many offensive ships, including an Imperial Star Destroyer and two Victory Star Destroyers.

Early in his tenure as Consul's Aide, then Knight Alaris Jinn was given the authority to reorganize the scattered and panicked Fleet that was the Plagueian Naval Forces. He was issued as much power and resources as necessary and given the authority to change ship assignments for both Jedi and non-Jedi officers and enlisted men. He ensured that powerful Dark Jedi assumed command of the vessels so that he may employ Battle Meditation for increased success in battle.