Alara Deathbane is a Dark Jedi in Scholae Palatinae, House Excidium. She currently lives in Ohmen, and studies at the Shadow Academy under Shadow Nighthunter's training. She started training with the Dark Jedi Brotherhood in 39 ABY.
Character History
Alara's home planet named Coruscant
Early Life
Alara Deathbane was born in 16 ABY to her parents Devon and Crystal Night. Back then, she bore the name Alara Night. Her Sephi-mother worked a local cafe, while her father worked as a smuggler. When her father wasn’t working, he trained Alara very fiercly in combat. She grew to be incredibly strong at an extremely young age. She had an emaculate knack of tapping into her emotions when fighting, and her father was rather proud at her tenacity. Life was steady, and life was well.
Due to her father not being honest enough in his work, some mercenaries showed up in 19 ABY. They offered him two options only: one, to give three shiploads’ profit to them, or two, give them Alara as payment. Due to greed, or carelessness, it is not known; Sadly Alara was quickly kicked to the curb without even the gift of goodbyes. She was only three years old at the time.
For six long years, Alara slaved after the mercenaries day and night. She wasn’t exactly sure where they took her or where she was. She was forced to cook for them, clean up for them, and whatever else they didn’t feel like doing. Most children forget about their parents when they are taken young, but not Alara. The anger and hatred towards her parents grew every year. Added to the anger and hatred towards her captors, she grew strong in the Dark Powers of the Force.
When she was nine years old, Alara devised a plan to be rid of her captors. She concocted a special form of sleep tonic, and fed it to the mercenaries. That night, as they sat down to their meal and grew weary from their dinner, she grabbed a kitchen knife and slaughtered every single one of them; slicing throats one by one. She dangled the keys to one of their cruisers in front of their faces as they died.
Becoming Alara Deathbane
When Alara finally left all the mess of slavery behind her, she landed rather abruptly in the jungles of planet Onderan. She barely didn’t make it due to a horrible spinal/neck injury, but the Force kept her alive and made her hold on. In a vision, a Jedi appeared to her and told her he would come to her aid. He also told her to find it within herself, and the Force, to choose to live. She managed to pull through, and when she awoke, the Jedi was before her. He said she conquered death when it was impossible to do so. Thus her name was changed to Alara Deathbane: for she fought against death and won. She was miraculously healthy, if not healthier and stronger than she was before.
Alara's bed while staying in the Jedi Temple
The Jedi who who watched over Alara was named Aor-Shun. He decided to take Alara as his new apprentice. Their connection made Alara feel safe. She was able to begin combat training again, but she was incredibly restrained. She soon found that the Jedi teachings of serenity did not sit well with her. She was always accustomed to using her rage to fuel her in battle, and she could not fathom going without it. Her rage became a part of her. Despite her inner feuding, she pushed herself to do well in training. Aor-Shun was intensely proud of her, but he had no idea of her secret. She soon learned how to hide her rage, and lash it out late in the night when her master was asleep. She would sneak out every night she needed to and allowed her rage to take over. Afterwards, before the sun was too high in the sky, she would sneak back into her room and continue her training the next day. She did this for 5 years.
Alara started to realize she could no longer stay at the Jedi Temple.
Her powers grew stronger with every year she trained. Despite her hardships in controlling her rage, Alara was an excellent student. Eventually though, Aor-Shun began to sense the coldness in her heart. He soon grew suspicious of her, and watched her more intently. One night, as he was meditating, he caught a flash of light in the corner of his eye. As he looked out the window of the Jedi Temple, he spotted Alara. She was at the sparking point of her rage, and was preying upon a tree. With full force she lunged, kicked, punched, and used Dark Force Lightning against it. Her powers scared him immensely, and he immediately alerted the rest of the Temple.
Aor-Shun, as well as the rest of the Jedi Knights, approached her the next morning. They discussed what to do with her, and all agreed that she should be put in training with another Master. Another Jedi Knight, whose name Alara never discovered, confessed to a past with the Dark Side. He offered to train her and free her of the rage within, but she refused to let it go. She fled the Temple that night in fear of being reprimanded by death for her refusal.
File:Ruping.jpgA Ruping
Alara the Scavenger
Alara quickly took to the jungle of Onderan. There she befriended the animals inhabiting the region, including a handsome male Ruping. This Ruping helped her find the tallest tree in the Jungle, and helped her build a tree hut on it for them to stay. With her strength and agility, Alara was able to quickly adjust to this lifestyle. When she wasn’t gathering food or training in combat, she would scrounge the jungle for other fallen ships like her own. Whatever she couldn’t use for her hut, she would immediately bring it to the nearest town and sell it in the marketplace. Some people grew accustomed to her visiting, and learned not to ask too many questions. Some, however, Alara learned to stay away from. They would get far too suspicious, and usually report her to the local guard. With her skilled agility however, she was never at risk of getting caught. If a stranger came too close to her hut in the jungle, they’d learn their lesson rather quickly.
Joining the Dark Brotherhood
As the Force grew stronger in Alara, she began to feel a tug in her soul to leave the planet. After four years of living in the jungle, she decided to go for it. She reluctantly left her beloved Ruping behind, and headed to the local village. There she became a castaway on a local transporter. While in hiding on the ship, she soon discovered she was on her way to Ohmen; the capital city of Judecca. When she landed, the Force protected her in the giant city, and led her to the House Excidium of Scholae Palatinae. There she found her long lost sister , Shadow, who was born shortly after Alara was taken by mercenaries. The two became close friends rather quicky.
The closeness, however, was growing far too fast for Alara. As she discovered more about her sister, she grew too afraid to open up about her past. She still hated her parents, and soon disliked Shadow for how great her childhood seemed to be. Alara fled a few days later to the Black Jungle.
Alara's home in the first layer of the Black Forest
Alara stayed there for five more years, living in complete solitude from human life. She and most of the animals of the jungle became friends. There was the occasional animal that she would have to get rid of, but for the most part she lived in peace.
When Alara was 23, she had a vision of her sister Shadow. In this particular dream, Shadow was calling her back. Shadow told her that she missed her, and she felt as though Alara would grow so much stronger if she were to come back. She woke up immediately, and made her way to Ohmen.
Upon immediate arrival, Alara began studying fervently. Shadow was chosen to become her master, and the two became good friends once again. Shadow taught her how to tap into her rage and use it towards her studies, something Alara never thought Shadow would understand. Alara discovered that she too, was taken away from their family at a young age. That Shadow also was trained by Jedi. The two were so thankful to be together again. Within a matter of days, Alara was promoted from Initiate to Neophyte.
Personal Information
Alara, much like her sister, is a very hard-working, serious woman. She prefers the solitude of her bed chamber, or the company of animals over human interaction. Despite her seriousness, Alara has grown very close to her friends at Scholae Palatinae. Alara continues to practice small efforts of the Jedi such as meditation. In combat, Alara can be excruciatingly intimidating. She uses speed, strength, agility, as well as Dark Force Lightning in most, if not all, her battles. Her cunning intellect and survival instincts makes her a great warrior, and a great battle planner. She stays mostly at the Clan’s chambers, but she also frequently visits her sister’s cabin in the forest for training.
Physical Appearance
They say that injustice treats the skin poorly, but it is not so for Alara. Her chiseled, pale face holds not only beauty, but sternness. The rage inside her heart continuously flickers in her fiery, enlightened amber eyes. She stand at 5 foot 10, but intimidates all she passes by. Her muscular figure and air of confidence gives her further height. When trying to keep focused, she usually wears her long, dirty blonde hair in a braid. When angry, and when in Dark Force combat, she has her long waves down by her waist. As half-sephi like her sister, Alara’s pointed ears stick through her locks. Her muscular, athletic frame maintains feminine proportions that have been honed for survival rather than for "show". She sticks to wearing neutral colors to better blend in with her environment. She is most commonly found wearing combat boots, a tighter jumpsuit, and a cloak.
File:Alarawithfriends.jpgAlara spends a lot of her time with her dear forest friends
Alara spends most of her time in the forest when she is not at the Clan’s location. She has made many forest friends, and enjoys spending time with them. She likes to keep her combat skills pristine, and trains frequently. She also likes to study hard in the Shadow Academy, and write her days within her journal. Alara is a serious student and Neophyte, and likes to keep her priorities in check. She enjoys the occasional scavenging trip as well.
Despite the years that have passed, Alara still yearns for her parents to be brought to justice. When training in combat, she usually goes over her plans to destroy them, and plans someday to fulfill this once she’s higher in rank. She keeps this from her sister, though her sister knows her hatred for their parents.
DJB Facts
Alara currently serves the Dark Jedi Brotherhood as a Neophyte. She has obtained the Dark Cross award.
Trivia Facts
Shadow Nighthunter and Alara Deathbane are the best of friends in real life, and have been so since 2008.
Alara’s other identity (Amber) is a gamer,singer, and future youtuber from Canada.