18 ABY
1.9 meters
Svere, Herne, Jared
Jennara (Deceased)
Teras Kasi
Second Lieutenant in the Ascendant Legion
New Republic, New Jedi Order, DJB
Taranae Rhode
- "He was born for the light but his... father brought him to the dark..."
- ―Jedi Master Jared
Calvo is a member of the Obelisk order. He currently holds the level of Guardian. He is a freshman in the Shadow Academy. He is a member of the Disciples of Dreypa.
Character History
Birth (18 ABY) through Childhood
As a child Calvo was taken in by a bothan darkside practitioner by the name of Mak Lya. Mak raised Calvo, training the youth for the Brotherhood. Calvo's earliest memory was Mak trying to teach Calvo the beast control ability. Mak was ruthless in his training of Calvo, and Calvo gladly accepted. On Felucia at the age of five Calvo, an optimistic youth and practitioner of the beast trick, met a Human Jedi master by the name of Jared. Jared tried to take Calvo to the Jedi, but was stopped by Mak, who took control of a Rancor and knocked away the Jedi master. Mak took Calvo far from the core, to the world of Karvoss II. The two trained there, and Calvo learned many ways to fight, and some force abilities. Calvo spent years training hard, but making no serious progress in anything but martial arts.
The Journey to the Dark
At the age of 18, Calvo was once again found by Jared, and Jareds Apprentice, the iktotchi female named Jennara. The two attacked Mak, and Jennara stabbed him in the heart with her saber. Calvo beat Jennara in his rage at Mak's death. jared, trying to save his apprentice, took her and fled. Mak, dying rapidly, told Calvo to go to the world known as Fakir, to meet the Besalisk known as Herne. Calvo did as asked and after spending a year with the besalisk, the two became friends. Herne, after the year with Calvo, sent Calvo off to the Brotherhood. Calvo learned much in the brotherhood, and eventually became a warrior in the 11th great Jedi war.
- "I am not the Hero. I am the warrior."
- ―Calvo
The 11th Great Jedi War
Serving in the 11th GJW, Calvo lost his optimism and gained a strong ally in the mute kaleesh Svere. Calvo served every day of the war, and during the war got revenge for Mak when Svere killed Jennara to save Calvo. Calvo, his main enemy gone, began to doubt both the Darkside and the light, and after learning of Grey Jedi, has adopted their code as his own.
Physical Description
He is tall for an Elomin, but just barely. He has amber eyes and shorter nose tusks. His horns are arranged in a crown like structure. He has a tattoo of six blood drops in the center of his chest. They contrast greatly with his maroon skin tone. His battle armor is painted blue with his tattoo as a symbol painted on the chest piece. It is made from scrap of old stormtrooper armor. It has no helmet, but covers the rest of his body. Since it is made from many different storm trooper outfits, in order to fit the Calvo, it looks mismatched. His training outfit, a cinder style outfit, is kept pristine. His horns and nose tusks are clean to a point were in battle you can see them get dirty.
Calvo carries nothing but a blue bladed light saber, and when he feels it is necessary, his battle armor.
- Calvo doubts his own way, and regrets every kill he makes.