
From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 00:01, 27 May 2015 by Sa Ool (talk | contribs)
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

32 BBY

Physical Description





0.5 meters


Varies by mood



Personal Information

Dark Jedi

Lightsaber Color(s):


Lightsaber Form(s):


Chronology & Political Information

Jedi Sentinel


Jedi Master

Known apprentices:
[ Source ]

T'la is a Jedi Master that was one of the original Disciples of Odan-Urr. He was also the Master Of Paet Silmians and Sa Ool, before Sa fell to the Dark Side.

Personality and Appearance

Personality and Hobbies

Ta'la Is normally a passive person, known only to fight if he has to. T'la loves to explore and not stay in one area for too long unless he is required too. One can find the Kushiban drinking some kind of tea he would make or find him honing his skills as a Jedi in his spare time.


T'la will normally wear the top part of a Jedi robe that was made to fit him personally by a friend of his. T'la is a traditional Kushiban and his fur changes colors with his mood. He can be known to walk on all fours most of the time but will stand on his hind legs so people know that he isn't some pet for them to take home.


Younger Years

Taken from the planet Kushibah by Odan Urr after his discover of being force sensitive. Odan trained T'la and other young jedi to be on a remote planet after the fall of jedi thanks to Anikan Skywalker falling to the Dark Side. After a while under Odan's training T'la was knighted and became a full fledge Jedi.

Life as a Jedi Knight

After becoming a Knight T'la went off and did missions on his own for the Jedi Order. He went to many different Planets far and wide of the galaxy doing different things as the Jedi seen fit. On one trip to Dorian he found a Young Kel Dor by the name of Sa Ool. Finding Sa to be force Sensitived T'la took him as his apprentice.

After going to the planet Corelia T'la and Sa found a human male named Paet Silmians to be forced Sensitive. Taking Paet as a second apprentice along with Sa. training the two proved to be a bit diffacult seeing as his two apprentices never really got along. Watching his two apprentices getting in a huge fight he had to step in so they didn't kill each other, only for one to flee and to never be heard from agian.

The Jedi Master

With Paet living after his fight gaining the rank of Jedi Knight, T'la was promoted to the rank of Jedi Master. The two still did missions together even though they didn't need to. After a few years the pair Had found Sa Ool and his apprentice Pendell and almost got into a fight with them only for them to finally talk and they broguht Sa and his apprentice back to the light side of the force.