The Nexum
The roles of the members of Qel-Droma may be diverse, but there is a single tenant held in the heart of every individual within the house: They work in the shadows.
All Qel-Dromans know this. But some are exemplars of this simple philosophy. These individuals are masters of shadow and the arts of subterfuge, those who have gone above and beyond, bled for their House. They are the best and brightest, a secret elite.
Such an award is not something to boast of. It is not something to show off, to flash to others in arrogance. It is something to be held to oneself. A support of the knowledge that they have advanced the cause of Qel-Droma. An assassin does not shout his presence, the award for an assassin should do the same. It should whisper, it's threat implied and subtle.
The Signatum
The Signatum
This award is simply called ‘The Signatum’. A series of runes in an unknown language along the right forearm of the awarded are tattooed. The tattoo is in a special ink, rendering it invisible unless subjected to ultraviolet light. If the right forearm is unusable, then the sternum is used. The only way to access a meeting of the Nexum is to present yourself to your brethren, and expose the tattooed area, where it is then identified. If the Signatum is not present, then the punishment is death, the speed of which depending on the mood of your captor.
Upon receipt of The Signatum, many try to decipher their meaning, unable to place the angular characters, with no link to known text. In truth, the runes used were found in an ancient grimoire in Nikola Valtiere's private collection of texts. None know what the runes mean but he. And, of course, none know it was Valtiere that developed the Signatum, for as much as possible about the award is kept secret, so others do not learn of Qel-Droma's elite.
Along with The Signatum, the awarded receives a weapon suited to their skills in the shadows, to be used when the Nexum are loosed by the Summit, enacting their will. The Fang.
The presentation of this award is kept as quiet as possible. Some say they take you in the night, the chosen waking with their arm burning as the ink is applied. Others say you are simply given a summons to a random room in the Phantom complex. A few even say the Nexum themselves come to you while you are on a mission, deeming you worthy. The truth is known only to those that have received the award.
The Fang
The Fang
The fang is not a dagger, a weapon for stabbing and piercing the foe, but a knife, a weapon made for cruel slashes, opening necks and arteries. It is hidden within a bracer on the left forearm, and can be drawn and sliced in a swift, silent movement. The blade is ceramic to avoid detection, the blade excessively sharp to whisper over the skin as it cuts.
Those that have been blessed with The Signatum act as advisers to the leadership of Qel-Droma, a stable of elite minds bent towards the betterment of their house. The identity of these advisers is kept secret from other members, and therefore the rest of the brotherhood, ensuring they do not become targets of lesser assassins. They are known as Nexum, a title distinguishing oneself from all other Qel-Dromans. The greatest honour that only they can know. For to reveal your role to another will cost the Dark Jedi their life, hunted by their former brethren of The Nexum.
Along with acting as advisers, members of the Nexum are employed by the house Summit as their subtle hand, removing threats, causing confusion and hysteria, advancing the needs of Qel-Droma. They are the best at employing underhanded tactics, at retrieving information. To not make use of their practical skills would be madness.
The criteria for induction to the Nexum take into account both participation and achievement for the betterment of your House. In a major event (Vendetta, Great Jedi War or House event), an individual must have participation ratio of over 0.66, across all of the competitions in the event. Alongside such a ratio, a ratio of achieved Novae of 0.1 is required. In calculating the novae ratio, Gold novae count as 1.5 rather than 1, meaning Gold Novae are worth more.
Members of the Nexum
Andrelious J. Inahj
Nikola Valtiere
Etah d'Tana