
From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 23:46, 10 February 2013 by MissKatonic (talk | contribs)
K'tana. Formerly Katalik’Blen or Kat'alik Blen
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

17 ABY

Physical Description







145 lbs



Personal Information

Inarya, Fet'ai'narun, Nath Voth

Lightsaber Color(s):

Training (carries a Vibroshiv at most times)

Lightsaber Form(s):


Fighting Style(s):


Chronology & Political Information

Former Slave/Slave Mistress


Jedi Hunter




Clan Arcona, House Galares

Known masters:




[ Source ]

Protector in Clan Arcona and part of House Qel-Droma, K'tana has a very loyal streak and will obey and follow her Master, almost to a fault. Although he, for the most part, ignores her she continues to strive for his attention and praise.


K’tana was born into a Twi'lek clan meant strictly for breeding slave children. Most children went to work in the spice mines. However as K'tana was born with purple skin and green eyes and was a very lovely child. As beauty is a curse she was given to a Hutt who collected Twi'leks of all colors so that she could show status and have a unique collection that no other Hutt had. Being she was only a child, she was trained by the Twi'lek women and taught what would be expected of her. At age 3 she began serving patrons of The Slug Mistress "Pleasure and Entertainment" ship. She began her training with menial tasks and fetching food, drinks or other patrons under the supervision of a young Lethan Twi’lek only a few years her elder. As K'tana grew the other older Twi'leks began to teach her the Lekku language so they'd never have to speak in front of their owner, as a slave opening their mouth needlessly was considered offensive to The Slug and was punishable with being sent to “The Bath House”. There the Twi’lek would be forced to wash their Mistress...A task one did not want to be punished with.

After approximately 10 years of this life K’tana was trained to dance, although she’d be watching her Slave-kin since she was brought aboard and practicing in secret, learning how to sway her lekku in time with and with the same flow as her arms. Sooner than most other Twi’leks her age, she had mastered moving her lekku in time, waving them, curling them and she began using them to grip large objects.

She began to earn her tattoos after her twelfth year for accomplishing small jobs. She began passing messages began the slaves, the patrons, The Slug. She would meet and greet people and bring important people to their meeting places on the ship. After each year with no fault and impressing The Slug Mistress she would get a set of lavender spots tattooed on her violet lekku. K’tana was proud of her tattoos. Whereas the others seemed to be ashamed of their own, hide them or even tried to become unnoticed so they would not be marked in the next year. These Twi’leks were usually easily replaced by newer, younger and less broken willed children. As K’tana became more then favored she began to take over teaching the children. She would not teach the children how to speak with their lekku, noticing the older Twi’leks would use it to speak ungratefully about The Slug Mistress, and she refused to add more ungrateful or disobedient slaves to her Mistress’s court.

She grew more and more favored by her Slug Mistress the more protective and loyal she became. K’tana began taking fighting lessons as the Hutt grew attached to the girl. At age 15, K’tana proved herself as a skilled killer as well as a decent bodyguard. She found that a male Twi’lek slave had been conspiring against her The Slug Mistress. She presented herself to this male, as playing with other slaves was not a forbidden happening, and then she drugged him....While he was drugged K’tana dragged the male out in front of her Slug Mistress and coerced him to telling what he had planned. As soon as it was out of his mouth, K’tana spun around, wrenched a vibroblade from a patrons belt, grabbing a hold of his lekku with her other hand and, in one fell motion, she sliced it off at the base. His tortured scream echoed through the entertainment chamber.

The Slug Mistress was impressed. The patrons laughed, he collapsed in agony and tears...

K’tana felt a surge of rage and power through her very being. Suddenly she, without touching him, slammed his face onto the floor and planting the vibroblade at the base of his head, she stared into the empty eyes of The Slug. Without asking or having her notion confirmed, K’tana jammed the blade into the male Twi’leks skull, twisting it...All while staring blankly at the Slug.


Highly manic and volatile. Usually breaks into a fit of laughter while fighting. Seems to enjoy pain and becomes more vicious the more she is hurt. She doesn't get better at fighting, but instead becomes more unpredictable. A lifetime of slavery has left her with a hatred for slaves. Former slaves and Masters/Mistresses immediately earn her respect. As such she values her Master, although no longer really a slave, she feels as though she owes him her life, despite the fact her life really seems to mean little to her. When alone she makes a habit of dancing or practicing with her blade. When doing neither of those, she has been caught laughing or muttering to herself.She has been known to giggle and laugh at very inappropriate times and this usually gets her punished or gives her other such troubles. Some find it amusing or enthralling...usually that's before she attempts to stab them. Most just find it unnerving.


Violet skin with lavender spots tattooed on her lekku. Her lekku taper down to a point just above her lower back. Her face also has lavender tattoos gracefully contouring her features and adding a set of eyebrows to her hairless face. Spending most of her life dancing, her muscles have grown strong and lithe, however she isn’t a typical long and slim Twi’lek. Her body gracefully curves which makes her dancing an enchanting sight to behold. Her chest and hips are as large as some humans, making it larger then most Twi’leks and making others of her race consider her large for her race...However, training her body to become a beautiful, lethal weapon is her favorite pastime.

Outstanding Achievements

Recently "saved" from executioner further slavery by Jaek and brought to the Dark Brotherhood as an apprentice. Quickly went up the ranks and earned herself a Dark Cross.