The Dark Crusade Prologue is a Brotherhood-wide event designed to capture the Avenger II. Members have been tasked organized into 18 teams, have been given the task to board and capture the former flagship of Grand Master Zoraan. The fog of war destroys the greatest of plans and yours will be no different. Information for this adventure will be provided to you but it does not limit the scope of your run on. Keep things interesting and exciting by focusing on character progression and plot development!
In the wake of their master's death, the SSD Avenger II is attempting to flee the Antei System before the Brotherhood can mount a counter-attack. However, without Zoraan's guidance, the ship is having difficulty navigating through the Shroud leaving it blind and vulnerable for attack.
Muz Ashen has recruited you and a team of powerful Dark Jedi to board the Avenger II, eliminate all opposition, and capture the vessel for the Dark Brotherhood.
Map Information
Maps provide you and your team a rough guideline for which to create your adventure. This will help keep your story in the bounds of the mission, but you are by no means limited to what you see. Always keep in mind that you define how event unfold, but keep it realistic.
Mission Update
Phase III
Klaxon's wail and red emergency lights flash as the combined forces of the Dark Brotherhood assault the SSD Avenger II. Your team has triumphed against Dantella Novae and successfully navigated their way to the ship's bridge to discover madness. A lone man stands surrounded by bodies and blood, his chest heaving and his mind fragmented within the Force. As you step forward, the man turns towards you, his eyes glazed with insanity and a deranged smile alights his face. As your team moves in to position to engage, you notice additional movement within the room....
Your team has made it to the Bridge of the SSD Avenger II and has encountered the mad apprentice of Grand Master Zoraan. It will take your team's combined strength to destroy the Sith Master.
Your team should describe this battle in detail and conclude your run on NLT 31 2359 January 2013 (EST).
Standard Enemies
The Bridge of the SSD Avenger II remains intact, but Zoraan's apprentice has murdered the crew and is intent on crashing the ship. Stop him.
Darth Necar
Priority Voice Intelligence Report: NOVEMBER ECHO 13
Opponent's Difficulty: Grand Master
Bridge - Click to enlarge.
List of all member participants. Winning RO will become canon, while all other teams will be depicted as backup units that help secure other parts of the ship in terms of story.