Hel-Pa Taldrya Sklib

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club

Template:Obbie charinfo

Character History

What sex are you?

  • Male

What race are you?

  • Human

Place of Birth?

  • Saigetopia

Date of Birth?

  • Aug 31

Current Marital Status?

  • Single

Current Social Status?

  • Somewhat respected

What is your family like?

  • Dead, except for mother

What are your current hobbies?

  • Sparring with clanmates from time to time.

What were your teen events?

  • Hel-Pa Sklib was a Corellian originating from Saigetopia. His father was a CorSec agent and since Hel-Pa's childhood, he wished he could grow up and be like his dad. After his father's death several years ago, Hel-Pa developed a thirst for revenge against the one who murdered his beloved father. One of Hel-Pa's most distiungishing marks is a scar in his left hand running from the bottom of his thumb to the bottom of his hand near the wrist.
  • Hel-Pa was 17 years old when his father died. His adolescent mind seeked the utter destruction of whoever murdered his father Tarth. Now several years since this tragic event, Hel-Pa had a clue on who the murderer was, but refuses to believe it. In the mouth of his father's corpse was his mother's favorite cosmetic appliance. Hel-Pa still was not totally convinced it was his mother, but nevertheless he cannot exclude that possibility

What were your adult events?

  • Hel-Pa has just begun venturing into the adult world. His recent promotions in the Brotherhood have wisened him and as Tetrarch of a Battle Team, Hel-Pa handles more responsibility than he ever has in his life. His first "test" as an adult was the [[Great Jedi War|Sixth Great Jedi War, where he exemplified all the qualities an Obelisk should show during the Great War. Hel-Pa will face more tests in the times to come.

What is your attitude toward the brotherhood?

  • It is Hel-Pa's home, his haven, his refuge. He can only be thankful for it.

What are your past occupations?

  • CorSec assistant.

Do you have any allergies for phobieas?

  • None

Do you have any personal tragedies?

  • Death of father and close friend. Withdrawal of close friend from the Brotherhood.

What are your current views about the brotherhood?

  • Hel-Pa views the Dark Brotherhood as the only place where he is at peace with himself, fueled by his anger and aggression.

What is your reason for joining the brotherhood?

  • Hel-Pa was found as a Force Sensitive shortly after he stowawayed onto a Corellian cruiser where he was found and brought into the Dark Brotherhood.

Do you have any comments about the brotherhood?

  • None.

Personal Quote:

  • He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man.

DJB Facts

Positions Held

  • Hex Tetrarch

Outstanding Achievements

  • Becoming Hex Tetrarch


  • Hel-Pa Sklib was runner up for one Tally: Best Newcomer