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Jagan is a Human Dark Jedi who famously assisted the rebels in fighting off the Empire's control. Outside of battle, Jagan is a fun-loving guy who likes to joke, yet while in the heat of battle he fights with a brutal vengenace and shows little mercy to his opponents. It has also been known for him to sacrifice his own teammates to gain the upper-hand in battle.

Since the Galactic Civil War, Jagan was lost from the memories of the people and all records of him were erased by the New Republic in fear that he would become a threat to them. He joined the Dark Jedi Brotherhood many years later, to the ranks of Clan Plagueis and has risen through the clan where he now holds the position of Aedile of Exar Kun, and is the current Exalted Lord of Kun.

Character History

Early Life (14BBY - 0BBY)

The streets of Onderon where Jagan regularly visited

Jagan was born just outside of Isis in the jungles of Onderon. He did not know his mother as she had died soon after his birth, but his father tried his best to support him. Jagan spent most of his days in the jungle and by age 8 was already highly adept at survival techniques and had the agility of any jungle animal. Without any formal training he already possesed a great skill in the force, if a somewhat primitive form. He was able to run at speeds just outreaching any human and could camoflague himself fairly well. He did not know that he was harnessing the force, but the power he possessed thrilled him greatly.

Soon after his 14th birthday Jagan's father was killed in a swoop bike accident while crossing the street. The sorrow Jagan felt fueled his power, and the force surged through his body upon hearing the news. He could not stay on Onderon anymore, there was nothing left for him there. He snuck himself into the starport and onto a small ship which took him to a large freighter docked above.

It soon appeared that this ship was indeed a rebel starship, and the ship came under attack from a grroup of imperials. Jagan could do nothing else but fight, he tried to hide but after the invading imperials came on he knew he had to fight. He found the call of battle incredibly strong and his instincts and reflexes were perfectly honed for such fights. He tore through a whole regiment of imperials and pushed them back to their ship. He was then faced with a Dark Side User, seemingly one of Vader's underlings. A fight against a saber was not easy for him, but something inside him was too overwhelming for him and he managed to slay the Dark Side User with a shot to the heart. Looking down at the saber Jagan picked it up and put it inside his tunic.

Fall of the Empire (0BBY - 5ABY)

Jagan was soon called up to fight for the rebels and was sent for training. He missed the battle of Yavin, instead deciding to return home to Onderon in secret and train himself with his newly found saber. He was drawn to a small clearing in the woods where the animals were living in total harmony and at peace. He honed himself in to the force here and meditated for days, infusing himself with the light force here. It was also here that Jagan experimented with the artificial dying of lightsaber crystals, eventually altering his current red saber to a pure silver glow.

It was odd for a Jedi to train himself in the ways of the force and in the art of the saber, yet Jagan had developed a slight skill in both. Still nowhere the grandeur that fell upon those formally trained, Jagan could use the force to benefit himself in most situations. Despite his skill though, Jagan wanted much more. He wanted to be as good as those that he had read about, being able to move things with their minds and look into other's souls. He wanted to be a master with his saber and be able to slice blaster fire from the air with ease. Jagan knew though that he would never be able to possess such power, at least he wouldn't be able to if he didn't find a Jedi to train him.

Jagan failed to return to the rebel training compound, and instead "commandeered" a local nobleman's Z-95 Headhunter, heading off in search of the answers that he needed.

Jagan was gone for a year on his quest, venturing across the whole universe and visiting many planets on his way. It is not known fully of what he saw while he was on his journey, nor where he went specifically, though it is believed that he came across an old Jedi of the Old Republic. His name was Quinlan Vos and apparently it was he that taught Jagan even more of the force and of the art of the saber.

The fabled Jedi Quinlan Vos who trained Jagan in the ways of the force

On returning from his training, Jagan's persona had changed though. He had become more serious, less of the joker that he used to be, and he had a darker side to his personality also. Despite these changes, Jagan still wanted to help the rebels fight off the Empire, his quest only increasing his hatred of the Empire's ways.

Jagan finally returned to training and easily passed through all of the tasks assigned to him. It took only a matter of weeks for him to be sent out and stationed on one of the many rebel outposts. During the rest of the war Jagan became infamous throughout his troop for being the most dedicated fighter. Rarely defeated in battle, Jagan would face off against waves of opponents using his assigned rebel weaponry. He did not look upon it wisely to draw his saber in battle as he knew what fate befell the remaining Jedi in the Universe.

Despite his hesitance to draw his weapon, Jagan had the choice taken from his hands when one of Vader's apprentices had come for him. He assumed that the Empire now knew that he had been trained as a Jedi, and dispatched of his assassin quickly before leaving his troop and returning to base.

Many talks followed from the superiors. Some believing that he should be utilized as "the ultimate weapon" against the Empire, others looking upon him as a threat to their safety. Jagan was not removed from the Rebel force though, instead it was decided that he would now work alone, away from the other troops.

The Outer Rim Missions (5ABY - 20ABY)

Tales of the valour and bravery of Jagan spread throughout the universe, with many people looking to find his whereabouts to learn from him. Though none were able to find him. Jagan took it of great importance to remain undetected, hunting out Vader's apprentices, one by one. Many of them were stronger than him, and a lot of them were more experienced, but Jagan continued to improve with every battle that he fought against them. Despite losing many of the fights, he was never brutally wounded, and kept coming back at them with a greater force until he finally bested his opponents.

After many years of travelling the war ended, and Jagan did not need to fight anymore. He decided that he wouldn't return to the Rebel base. As much as he wanted the fame and glory, he didn't care for the leaders, nor did he care for the cause anymore. The Empire had been defeated, his job was done, but years of war had changed Jagan. He wanted to fight for his own gain for once, not for others.

It was after this decision that Jagan went missing once more. No-one saw or heard of him for nearly 8 years and the legends of the great Jedi protector had died out. When Jagan finally did return he was a vastly different man. He had lost that glint in his eye. The glint in his eye that he got from helping others, from rescuing those in need. He now only looked to serve himself, and it seemed that in his own way he was stronger, and his powers in the force had increased also.

He had returned on hearing the rumours of the Jedi Academy on Yavin IV. He still had a slight bit of good within him, and wanted to help train up new Jedi like Master Vos had done for him before. Once there though, Luke Skywalker rejected him as a Jedi, saying that his need for glory would lead him to the Dark Side. Jagan reacted angrily and lashed out at Luke. An epic battle ensued, with Jagan being faced by Luke and a dozen potential Jedi's. It was near impossible for him to defeat Luke, one who was far greater than he in power. Jagan murdered many of the Jedi that had come only armed with blasters and fled the battle as Luke tried to heal the wounded.

Jagan felt furious at his rejection. They had forgotten all of his work during the war and Jagan could take no more of it. He left to travel the galaxy once more and blasted off into hyperspace.

The Brotherhood (20ABY - Present)

During his time in self-declared exile, Jagan came across a mysterious organisation known as the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. The place intrigued him, and he needed to know more about it. He scouted out many of the planets that had rumoured Dark Side activity on them and asked questions of the organisation. He came across many accounts of powerful Jedi, hundreds in number and far stronger than those trained by Skywalker. Jagan had forgotten the feeling that he once got from using the force, and had lost his passion for battle and believed that this place could help him.

Another year passed and finally Jagan got himself into the training programme of the Brotherhood, and then after many more gruelling months, successfully integrated himself into Clan Plagueis of the Brotherhood.

It was around 2 years until Jagan found that lust for battle again, and once he did he began to show the characteristics of the Jagan of old. He became Aedile of House Exar Kun, and won competition after competition, being rewarded with numerous awards. Jagan was happy again, the power of the Dark Side had made him stronger than ever and he liked it.

The Seventh Great Jedi War (27ABY)

Jagan had found himself taking part in the Rite of Supremacy award ceremony, an event that he was obliged to attend being a leader. It was not the greatest of days for Jagan, finding it incredibly boring to be stood in one place for so long. Suddenly, it seemed as if Jagan's wish for action had come true, with reports coming in that the Yuuzhan Vong were attacking the Brotherhood and the Plagueis fleet.

Jagan leapt into action and took his place on the Vengeance where he was forced to fight off the Yuuzhan invaders as they fled into the shroud. Jagan did not sleep for 6 days during the war, and by the final day he was exhausted. He was kept awake by the need of constant repairs, the manning of gunning turrets and the battles against the Yuuzhan Vong boarding parties.

The war finally ended after the Yuuzhan Vong decided to leave the Jusadih system and the brotherhood alone while they focused on other matters. Jagan was thankful of the end. Despite his former lust for war, the life of leadership had dampened his desire somewhat.

Upon returning to the Jusadih system he was shocked at the carnage that had occurred, all of the brotherhoods defences, including the almost impenetrable Diadem Fortress, had been wiped out. Jagan was not disheartened though, and was one of the first people to offer up his services to rebuild Clan Plagueis.

DJB Facts

Dismal Aedile of House Exar Kun
26 ABY to Present