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From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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== Trivia ==
== Trivia ==
Currently apprenticed to [[Macron]]
Currently apprenticed to [[Macron]]
Has a hired hit man pet named Mr. Snurpy.

[[Category: DJB Characters]]
[[Category: DJB Characters]]
[[category: Clan Naga Sadow]]
[[category: Clan Naga Sadow]]

Revision as of 20:19, 26 June 2007

Template:Krath charinfo

Character History

The heat of roaring flames is cooled by the down pour of darkened rain. That's how it always goes, in my dreams, well more so of my memories. A complicated Journey to get to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood where I now stand, surrounded by other apprentices and their masters.

When I was just entering into my teenage years a man had appeared, in what I had deemed then, out of thin air, what I know now is he had been waiting for me in cloke. I don't remember much about fighting to ward him away but then again perhaps I had no chance, I could see that SOB drugging me or using some sort of stun device. Who was it you ask? I know you ask as its obvious I know who my attacker was. Well, that piece of information I will leave until another part of my story, but for now just remember that he was and always shall be an arrogant SOB!

Excuse me, but I always get this far away look when I remember him and what he has done to oh so totally change my life. See I'm from a planet that only dreams of other life existing beyond our own species, a planet full of diversity and riches, well riches to us any way. Apparently some of our riches are worth nothing on some planets, like gold, and some things to my home world which are worth absolutely nothing, like lint, are worth their weight in gold to other cultures, go figure! So, to be picked up from this world and thrown onto, or rather into, one full of dealings with other species and cultures was not easy that's for sure! Especially when some of those species contain what I often use or seek out when I am hungry.

What did I first see when I finally awoke? Well at first just a normal room. It had a bed and dresser, a desk, a mirror and all kinds of the normal things I was use to, so I thought nothing of being kidnapped and taken to another universe! However, waking up in any strange place gives you the chills and the creepy, what we use to say back home, the creepy umpalumpa vibe! Not to mention the people I saw. Where did the people come from? Well like any person who has been kidnapped, they try to find a way out. Yes my first option was the window, cause who hasn't seen or heard of someone escaping through a window to safety, from a fire or unwanted guest in your home? However the window, in what I came to know as my room, would not open. Although a good almost 3 stories up the drop would likely have done some sort of damage to me, I tried for about an hour to get it open.

Finally giving up on that I went to the door and found it unlocked. Hoping upon hope that I hadn't wasted precious time I opened the door and found a hallway created entirely out of metal. Ya that was odd to say the least! As back home the only things made of metal, that could have been similar, were Submarines (boats that traveled underwater), hidden military bases like in the base of a mountain, or possibly even a sewer (If you don't know what that is I don't think I will tell you…its best not to know).

Slowly I placed my foot, one after the other and made my way cautiously down the hallway, so totally confused as to which way to go! I ended up turning a corner and running into a fairly tall boy, a little older then myself. He was surprised to see I had ventured out of the room but was glad as well. He told me that the parents were away. I tired to pry him for information on how to find my way out of the weird building, and somehow tell him that I think his dad kidnapped me, but of course he wouldn't tell me how to escape and he just didn't believe me about his dad, said it was impossible!

Did I still try to escape? Oh heck ya! I had no intentions of staying around for the parents to show up. I tired every door I could find, most lead to some supply closet or another door which just lead to another door, and I had to give up before Jep, the boy I ran into, came looking for me. Needless to say the parents did find their way back and it was a conversation that didn't go well!

I ran all around, hiding after yelling and screaming didn't work. I gave up after about 5 days, on everything. Gave up on trying to escape, gave up on trying to get a good enough explanation, and finally I gave up on eating. That last one was what eventually did me in. See I can eat food, normally enough, but I need other subsidence to sustain my body and keep me going. Actually come to think of it I have always been one of the lucky ones. On my home world others of my kind would kill to have the ability to eat normal foods, in fact some of them even tried that as old myths and urban legends told them they could if they did something odd like take the life force from 3 adults. Or even 3 adults on a merry-go-round, ya I know odd but hey most urban legends are odd

Aw yes I see that concerned look in your eyes covered by the fake smile pasted on your lips. You want to know what I am, whether or not I will take your life here and now. Well I'll give you a hint, I don't take your energy, or your aura as some people call it, I take something much more inner, much more connected to your body. Does my grin frighten you? It's just that your heart racing is hitting my ears like drum beats to my faviourte song. Oh the sweet taste of fear is on the air….

Ya I haven't fed for a while, let me get back to my story before I end up doing something that I regret and you, well you might just not notice. See I am part human, much like everyone else I see wandering around the Shadow Academy and Dark Jedi Brotherhood, but my other half is not. My other half has many names, but the most common is vampire. I have no idea what all the myths and legends are in this universe around my kind, or at least half of my kind, but back at home there are many, pretty much all of them relate to vampires as being evil. To be honest most of the vampires that people see and remember are evil, as those vampires like the memory to cause fear later on in life and possibly spread to others, which has worked well. However, like me, we are not entirely evil, ha! Yes I say this as a member of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. But I digress let me continue on with my story.

When I gave up my soon to become adoptive family became concerned and contacted the SOB who kidnapped me, but I didn't know that at the time, I just thought he was a doctor or medic. I never got to see his face, but I heard his voice as they talked about where I came from, the parents casually avoiding any details on the subject, and it wasn't his fault that it appeared I had some flaw. He forced them to give him something, to which I found out later, was more money, in order to find out what my, as they called it, "flaw," was. Although they were upset with my needs they accepted it. This family eventually became my adoptive family and Jep my adopted brother, once I found out I was no longer on my home world, but in a completely different part of the universe.

How did that feel? You've got to be kidding me! Like I am going to say of it felt like sun beams and rainbows with drops of leprechauns dancing around! What do you think it felt like? It was horrible! Being a teenager on my home planet was bad enough, trying not to get killed by either the humans or the vampires, while having a social life and going to school. And to have to learn a whole new set of rules for over 100 cultures that I might come into contact with was more then I thought anyone could handle! However as you can see I ended up surviving. Of course I had some help.

Ya some help from the adoptive family, but I was only "so close" with them, I had a best friend at the time. I say at the time cause well, I wouldn't be talking to her now without my handy new friend, called my light saber, by my side! Oh I'll come to that soon enough.

We were as close as two friends really could be. She took me out, and helped me understand the different cultures and where to hide when the "troops" came out. You know they were the ones dressed up in weird shinny white armor, which I came to know as storm troopers. Ha! Come to think of it I can remember this one time she wanted to show me this one building, I don't even remember what that building was or what was inside it but there was something she just had to show me. Well when we got there it was locked…did I mention I was in my teenage years? Well she also taught me the find art of breaking a security code and entering into a quieted building. Now I know she did a good job, as no alarms or anything went off as we walked inside, but someone must have seen us from the street or nearby window and told the troops. I really wonder why they even bother to yell freeze, because it’s so like we are going too…NOT! Oh man, it would have been great to see any tape or recordings of that one. We ran all over the building, hiding between boxes, around corners, and eventually slipping out through the troops legs and into the street! We had both agreed to try it again some day but never got around to it! I have to admit I still can't look at a storm trooper without laughing! SO lesson learned here, if you want to bring me in, don't send the troops send something more respectable like my master. Hmm come to think of it I might go running for the hills if I see him coming for me, other then for training purposes!

So I leave you with two or rather 3 questions still, don't I? There is the one of why my kidnapper was an SOB other then the fact he kidnapped me that is. The second is why my best friend and life support is no longer so and why I wouldn't go and meet her without my saber friend. And finally the third, how did I really end up in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood? Yes I know this would be the part where you would cue the commercial! But plow on we shall, or as I believe they use to say Wagons ho! Ya don't ask me, it was an old saying on my home world, and most people don't remember its history, so I don't expect you to know it.

Well the first two questions can be answered together. My friend wanted to go on an outing, take me for a space trip. See that was still fairly new to me, so I was both excited and scared out of my mind! Eventually I agreed. The pilot of our ship was to be her dad, a man I never saw before even while I was visiting or sleeping over at her house, as he was usually away then or just had been out with her mom.

As the planet got smaller and smaller I realized this was more then just an outing to see the world itself and began to wonder if I had been kidnapped again, while secretly hoping they were going to take me back to my real home. Which was it? Well…about that…it was neither really. Keeping me from the cock pit, I got to see out of a front port, if you will, and saw my adoptive family's ship following us. Problem was they weren't following us for long, and the SOB pilot shot them DOA, dead on arrival, they didn't even have a chance. I could feel the hot flames of the ship licking my skin and burning me from inside out as I watched the fire ball explode and fade back into the blackness of space.

When we laded on some other planet, my so called friend told me all about her dad and how he had been the one to take me away from my home world. I had gone ballistic but even more so when she told me it had been a part of his plan for us to become friends, although she regretted that when she told me of course. Apparently since we were so close he decided to take me and make me his daughter instead. Ya well to heck with that idea. We had a huge fight, and needless to say she was left in the rain with a few more then 2 injuries.

How did her dad, the bounty hunter feel about that? Ha well funny thing, he has sworn vengeance on me. And I am like, as if he has the right to swear such a thing against me! I mean if anything I should have one on him. He is the one that threw my life for a loop! It's not as if I killed his daughter or maimed her in anyway, although perhaps now I might. She is lucky my other half didn't come out. That I kept a control on it, in respect for the few good times we had, like the escape from the troops, oh was she lucky about that! My fangs still itch at the thought!

Then what happened? Well I guess what happens next can answer the last question I still have to answer. How did I find myself in the grasp of the Dark Brotherhood? Well walking through the pouring rain, looking for some poor unfortunate soul to take out my cravings on, a hooded outline appeared in an ally way, using one hand the figure beckoned me towards him. Oh I was tempted mind you, I wanted to use his life force to quench my high and need, but I brushed him off. However when I went to turn away I found myself suddenly in the air and floating towards him. Ha! He really knew how to sweep a girl off her feet! Anyway, when I was finally close enough to talk over the pounding rain, I was back on my own two feet.

My hair was drenched, my clothes soaking through, and the rain landing on my eye lashes made it so my eyes were constantly blinking. I really felt like I needed to evolve and grow some gills! Meanwhile, while I was standing in front of him looking like a drowned rat, he was perfectly dry, as if an invisible umbrella hung over his head. Well he told me of a group that could teach me how to use my powers to their full potential and learn new tricks. Said he could feel my emotions were high and strong, perfect for learning.

So picture this. A dark alley way, pouring with rain, and a girl, all alone and soaking wet, shivering from the cold, standing and talking to some guy in a hooded robe, who says he can feel her emotions. Ya, if I had had pepper spay he would have gotten a full dose of the stuff! I screamed and ran for the nearest building, but when I got there and looked behind me the man was gone. Yes so insert the next commercial break. I thought I had lost the guy for good, and part of me worried because of it, but part of me was full of pride about getting away. Although I wondered why I didn't try to kick his a$$ when I had done so only an hour, or so, before to my ex friend. Well walking out from the building the weather still fit my mood, making me wonder if perhaps I was causing it. It's possible for the full blooded vampire to cause such storms, and have control over nature, but I had never learned to master that trick, that power. Power though, now there was a word that ran through my head, a word the hooded man had spoken. I looked back towards the alley way and sure enough he stood there, cloak blowing in the wind. I remember standing there with my arms crossed and tapped my foot a long time before I finally walked back over to him.

He told me all about the group again, pretty much the same spiel as before, but he never told me the name or location of it or what it really stood for, which worried me that he would take me to some place and end up trying to kill me. Notice how I said try here. I still had my little secret, in fact my little secret about being a half breed is hidden well from the Dark Brotherhood and should you tell, I will have to come and use it on you. Oh I see the definite stare in your eyes, your resolve to go out and tell the next person you see. I dare you to, I need the practice. I've been far to accepting of the rules here, and would be a little too rusty to hold back any pain that you would feel from my bite, but a nice hunt and life force would do me good! Alright, I accept your vow to never tell, but be warned; I have no issues with going against my masters wishes in how I deal with you.

Well, to bring my story to a close, I eventually found myself wandering the halls and trying to learn what I could. However after a time it became too difficult to search around and find out how things worked, so I left, hid within the inner workings of the brotherhood, an invisible part of the order. Until, that is, I decided I couldn't hide anymore, I had to go out and test the waters again. This time I found myself with a Master that helped me through into learning more. Helping me with the heat of the roaring flames of my past, cooling them with the down pour of darkened rain.

DJB Facts

Positions Held

Battle Team Leader of Night Hawks

Outstanding Achievements

My many medals and the Latest ad greatest GJW! Go Naga Shadow!


Currently apprenticed to Macron Has a hired hit man pet named Mr. Snurpy.