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[[File:concord_dawn.png|200px|thumb|left|Concord Dawn]]
[[File:concord_dawn.png|200px|thumb|left|Concord Dawn]]

Born in the [[starwars:Outer Rim|Outer Rim]] on the Mandalorian influenced world of [[starwars:Concord Dawn|Concord Dawn]], Juda Graves was the product of true love. His father, Jonsa Graves was a [[starwars:Constable|Constable]] of the [[starwars:Journeyman Protectors|Journeyman Protectors]] directly in service to [[starwars:Fenn Rau|Fenn Rau]] before defecting in support of, who he thought was a more formidable leader in [[starwars:Gar Saxon|Gar Saxon]]. His mother, on the other hand, was a humble tiller of soil and took advantage of Concord Dawn's agricultural roots. She was a passionate woman and loyal to Mandalorian tradition, being a direct descendant of one of the oldest recorded Mandalorian clans, Valoon.
A young Iridonian, Juda Graves’ mother died at childbirth leaving him under the care of his drunken, gambling addicted father. The deck was not stacked in his favor when he was young, as his father Vin Graves had racked up an enormous amount of debt with the Hutt Cartel. To save his own life and to clear this debt, at least temporarily, Vin sold his son Juda to Meata the Hutt who was operating out of Nal Hutta. Known as the glorious jewel, this world was anything but glorious. However, Juda was able to learn many things from observing his Hutt masters negotiate and ‘play the game’ that he would later master.
Young and strong, Meata used him as her personal slave and would have him perform heinous acts that not only were demeaning and humiliating but some even grotesque in nature. Still, Juda managed to win the trust of his Hutt handler and she would eventually allow him to train in martial arts, even bringing in one of her Zabraki generals to train him in K’thri and teach him the culture of his people. While this act of kindness was appreciated, it was all an act, afterall, the Hutts rarely acted without an underlying motive. Fresh and new, Juda would become one of Meata’s prize fighters, forced to fight for his meals inside a cage where the most violent and brutal denizens of the Galaxy would be locked inside.  
With two ways to leave the cage, through victory, or on a stretcher. Juda, having to fight for his next meal, had developed an uncaring demeanor and a survivalist’s mentality. For years he made Meata a lot of peggats but had little to show for it and his internal struggles began to stir his own ambitions.  

==== Chapter II: Orphan ====
==== Chapter II: Orphan ====

Revision as of 18:14, 7 April 2023

Republic eraImperial eraRise of the Brotherhood eraExodus era.New Order era.

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Juda Graves
Biographical Information
Date of Birth:

3 BBY (43 years old)

Physical Description





1.85 m (6 foot 1 inch)


95 kg (209 lbs)


Bald - Black Beard



Personal Information

Anasha Taabir


Jonsa Graves

Known Children:
  • Moxy Trix - Foundling

Ursula Taabir (Sister)

  • Westar 35
  • Sith Sword
  • Sith Dagger
Fighting Style(s):

Mandalorian Core

Chronology & Political Information
  • Clan Leader
  • Commander of Tyrant Squadron
  • Bounty Hunter (Situational)
  • Entrepreneur
  • Crime-Boss

Proconsul of Clan Vizsla

Personal Ship:
Known apprentices:


[ Source ]

"The question isn't who's gonna let me: It's who's gonna stop me?"
―Juda when being named Proconsul of Vizsla

Leader of the Slaret Orat Cartel or the Bloodhorn Cartel in basic, The Zabrak known as Juda Graves has been building his empire for decades. A former cage-fighter turned prison escapee with ambitions to rule the Galaxy, he has carefully nurtured relationships and contacts in a plethora of various star systems. He has eyes and ears on many worlds and has utilized his domineering presence along with his manipulative personality to get what he wants when he wants. Loosely affiliated with the Shroud Syndicate, the Iron Throne has tried to leash him to no avail as he works outside their borders of control and seeks to do things his way. Yet, being a formidable combatant, upon defeating a high-ranking member of Clan Vizsla and acquiring a scepter known as the Heart of Zsoldos, legions of Mandalorians and Galactic riffraff have sworn to serve him as his desire for economic growth and development has become vital to Vizsla’s survival. Serving as the Proconsul, this Crime Lord has become a King among the mob of mercs working for status and unimaginable wealth that they know they can achieve with him as a governing leader.

The Book Of Juda

Crease The Spine

"This book is one of vengeance, hatred, redemption, and conflict. The chapters within are but a glimpse into his story. In writing this tome, his hope was to not only educate through the tales of his adventures and exploits but to inspire and encourage those who feel hopeless. Wipe away the dirt from the pages and let the lessons begin."

Chapter I: Mandalore No More

Concord Dawn

A young Iridonian, Juda Graves’ mother died at childbirth leaving him under the care of his drunken, gambling addicted father. The deck was not stacked in his favor when he was young, as his father Vin Graves had racked up an enormous amount of debt with the Hutt Cartel. To save his own life and to clear this debt, at least temporarily, Vin sold his son Juda to Meata the Hutt who was operating out of Nal Hutta. Known as the glorious jewel, this world was anything but glorious. However, Juda was able to learn many things from observing his Hutt masters negotiate and ‘play the game’ that he would later master.

Young and strong, Meata used him as her personal slave and would have him perform heinous acts that not only were demeaning and humiliating but some even grotesque in nature. Still, Juda managed to win the trust of his Hutt handler and she would eventually allow him to train in martial arts, even bringing in one of her Zabraki generals to train him in K’thri and teach him the culture of his people. While this act of kindness was appreciated, it was all an act, afterall, the Hutts rarely acted without an underlying motive. Fresh and new, Juda would become one of Meata’s prize fighters, forced to fight for his meals inside a cage where the most violent and brutal denizens of the Galaxy would be locked inside.

With two ways to leave the cage, through victory, or on a stretcher. Juda, having to fight for his next meal, had developed an uncaring demeanor and a survivalist’s mentality. For years he made Meata a lot of peggats but had little to show for it and his internal struggles began to stir his own ambitions.

Chapter II: Orphan

Juda's Mother Performing Kad Ha'rangir Ritual

Being of Mandalorian stock, Juda grew up under the tenants of the Creed and was expected to follow this set of guidelines or risk exile, even at a young age. He was born and raised as a warrior and would typically clash with those who began to transition and develop a more pacifistic way of life. This began to stir resentment as he studied the old way. His father was always away on missions he was never allowed to discuss so Juda was primarily reared and trained by his mother for most of his young life. Some labeled her a crazy shaman as she still worshipped the deities of her people and concocted healing poultices and tonics from the crops that she would grow. While this life was not one of great wealth, the knowledge and ambition she passed on to her son were priceless. Still very much a warrior, her skills with edged weapons and hand to hand were unrivaled by many in their community. She would often say -

"There is no greater honor than to directly make contact with your enemy. Sword and fist are passionate while blasters are clumsy and cowardly."
―Anasha Valoon

Whether she was right or wrong is open for debate, but much of Juda's training as a child was centered around close quarters combat and traditional Mandalorian ideals. He was always taught to be bold, to follow his passions, and to rely on his wits, especially when in combat. This would engineer a resourceful and ambitious individual who was both cunning and calculated, driven in all walks of life.

Chapter III: The Pits


As a right of passage. When Juda turned fifteen, Anasha allowed Juda's uncle, Vor Salan, to take her son under his wing. Unlike Anasha, Vor would not go easy on his nephew. His brother, Jonsa, had gone missing during a rescue and was thought to be dead. Therefore, honor would demand that Salan teach Juda as if he were his own.

Less diplomatic than his brother, Vor was a hard-nosed warrior who made a name for himself as a gladiator before striking it rich as a Bounty Hunter. Fighting was all that he knew, so in order to sharpen Juda's skills, he too would be fed to the hounds of the Slaughterhouse. But where Vor was skeptical at first, at the age of sixteen, Juda had managed to impress him with his first bout when he faced down two Vornskrs and managed to kill both of them with a make-shift knife. While Juda came out on top in the fight for survival, he didn't leave unscathed as one of the beasts took his left eye, it would later be replaced with a cybernetic.

Standing victorious, the crowd chanted "darasuum" which in the Mandalorian tongue meant (eternal).

A moniker that would stick with him throughout his career in the arena. For four years, he fought the scum of the galaxy, creatures that were honored by his people, and other Mandalorians who sought to dethrone him as the champion. However, none could, and he would retire at the age of twenty, undefeated.

Pleased with the growth of his nephew, Vor Salan knew that the true test couldn't be found in an arena fighting hand-picked opponents, rather, in the galaxy filled with the unknown.

True resourcefulness could only be revealed in the face of adversity. The boy would become a Bounty Hunter. Not just because he was broke, surviving off of the meager wages of a prize-fighter. But because, in order to survive on his own, he would need to forge alliances, meet contacts, test his mettle when the deck wasn't stacked in his favor, and see the galaxy for what it truly was. A melting pot of diversity with opportunities ripe for the picking.

Chapter IV: Birds Of A Feather

Wandering the Galaxy for three years, Vor Salan took Juda to a variety of different worlds. On Coruscant he would see the toppled Imperial Capital, on Myrkyr he would walk the dark forests and see the home-planet of the beast that had become his sigil, the Vornskr, Wild Space was primal and untamed. But on one world in particular, he would meet an individual unlike any he had ever met. That world would be Nar Shaddaa.

After a brief introduction to the Hutts, Juda would accept a mission that would not only change his life but would open his eyes to failure. He was tasked with tracking down a con artist. A Zeltron that had been undermining the Cartel and stealing their business. His name was Amans Viago, and all that Juda knew about him was that he was clever and charismatic. What he didn't know was that Amans harbored a secret. In a past life, he was a Jedi, training under the tutelage of an Order 66 survivor.

For about a month, Juda ran surveillance on Amans who had been operating out of a den of iniquity called Euphoria. Vor advised him that patience would be the most important tool in his arsenal for this particular mission as Amans was cunning and had evaded capture for much of his life. Sending out feelers, Juda infiltrated the Cantina disguised as a big-shot gambler but was immediately made as soon as he entered the establishment. Amans, being Adept at reading people was able to pick up on the easily recognizable swagger of a Merc. What Juda didn't realize, however, was that Amans was about to sucker him and play him like a cheap Halikset.

The battle was gruelling and while Juda would give him hell, Amans would come out on top, as the majority of Euphoria was a maze of intriciate traps behind the curtain. During the fight, a wager had been laid down by Amans, that if he were able to defeat Juda, the Bounty would be forgiven. Cocky and filled with the arrogance that often stemmed from inexperience. Juda agreed to the terms. While in that moment, in the moment of defeat, Juda felt that he had failed and would lose credibility. What he would later gain would prove to be invaluable. Over time, Amans would become his main contact and first link to the underworld.

Chapter V: Rusted Allies

(Uncle is killed - Juda assembles his team - first crew - adolescents - forms Bounty Hunting group that will later become Flock Syndicate - also discover location of original Valoon armor)

(Finds Grood - Shistavanen formerly a slave - He gets arrested and sent to spice mines of kessel, becomes shot-caller, young Grood helps him escape and is hand picked as a foundling)

Chapter VI: Ebb And Flow

Juda Donning Familial Valoon Armor

(Begins amassing wealth and renown - Bounty Hunting career tracks down and finds familial armor in buried container)

After being humbled by the Jedi Amans Viago, Juda remained on the Glorious Jewel. There, he would take every contract that came his way. It was a slog, a strenuous climb to the top, but as the days turned into months, his reputation as a completionist spread like wildfire, even in the face of stiff competition. The citizens of Nar Shaddaa were in the market for a reliable hunter and Juda as a young, in his prime, upstart, fit the bill.

Chapter VIII: Ascension

Reforged Beskar'gam Ad Valoon

(Rises to power in DB - develops the mentality of a conqueror and warlord. Reforges Beskar'gam Ad Valoon, meets Galvan Starfist who does the crafting)

Chapter IX: Al'verde

(Becomes second in command of Clan Vizsla)

Chapter X: Vassal Of The Destroyer

(Rules Flock Syndicate from the Shadows, Zor Gron is the face of the organization and the Director of Operations for his businesses and Chief Intelligence Officer 'undercover Sith' Zor convinces Juda he is the embodiment of the Destroyer God)

Additional Heading

Possible Subheading


Grimlarrk (NPC)

Formerly a slave and prisoner on Kessel, when Juda was incarcerated, Grim became the shot-caller's right hand man and enforcer. The wookiee, while slender and not as overly muscular as others of his species, was quick and agile but still much stronger than your average humanoid species. When it came time to escape, Grim was right by Juda's side and would play a key role in the plan being flawlessly executed. While much of the prison was destroyed in the process, Juda and Grim were alive and in possession of a new ship. Because Juda had been true to his word and a good friend, Grim offered his services for life, swearing his loyalty until death. Ultimately, Juda refused to accept the life-debt and in exchange reminded Grimlarrk that while he was a loyal friend for life, he was not indebted to him as much of the Wookiee's life had already been spent in slavery. He assured Grim that his freedom was intact and would remain so. The two would become inseparable, Grim would put his talents to good use and would later swear to uphold the tenets of the Mandalorian code and would eventually adopt the lifestyle as his own.

Zor Gron (ALT)

Grood (NPC)




Physical Description

Psychological Report




Basilisk II


Grave Mistake Cantina

Gilded Lady

The Flock Syndicate