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|firstname= Morotheri
|firstname= Morotheri
|lastname= Mithfaron
|birth=9 ABY
|birth=9 ABY

Revision as of 00:47, 26 October 2011

Morotheri Mithfaron
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:


Physical Description









Very dark brown, normally covered by hood


None, can see through force sight instead

Personal Information
Lightsaber Color(s):

Yellowish Orange

Lightsaber Form(s):


Fighting Style(s):
Chronology & Political Information



Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era



Personal Ship:


Known masters:




[ Source ]

Morotheri is a Jedi Hunter of House Odan-Urr.

Appearance and Training

Morotheri is a Miraluka from the world of Alpheridies. Being a Miraluka, he has no eyes and regularly wears a decorative visor of sorts made of silver or gold coloured material (sometimes a rare metal, such as gold) with a gem encased in the center that only covers the eye section of his face for social reasons. His usual attire also includes a red hooded robe that he normally wears with the hood covering his hair and upper part of his visor. Morotheri has received extensive training in the force and lightsaber combat from a very young age, given that all Miraluka are force-sensitives. Authough most Miraluka can see through the Force, it often takes a great deal of focus in order for Morotheri to preform this correctly, compared to other Miraluka. Because of this, his master had been training him to keep his focus sharp, even in the midst of a battle, and to not always rely on sight, but to place his trust in the Force.


The Homeworld

Morotheri was born and raised on the adoped Miraluka homeworld along with his sister, who was much like him in many ways, and also nearly identical. They also shared a unique Force Bond, allowing each of them the ability to track each other, no matter their location in the Galaxy. During childhood, Morotheri was rarely seen without his sister nearby. At the age of 8, his parents left Alpheridies and vanished into the Galaxy, years later presumed dead. A friend of the family, a Zabrak by the name of Kaizen Nar taught both Morotheri and his sister in the ways of basic lightsaber combat as well as using and understanding the force down the path of the Light Side. Kaizen Nar believed Morotheri to be destined for greatness in his early age and worked exceptionally hard to prepare him for the rest of the Galaxy. During childhood, Kaizen Nar also taught them both in the ways of the Sentinel, often resorting to Bastila Shan as an example. His master also instructed them to follow the Jedi Code of Odan-Urr strictly. Everyday his master taught him the virtue of patience by meditating with him for hours a day.

In Search of The Force

At the age of 26 he sought to leave his homeworld behind in search of a greater understanding of the Force at the guidance of his former master, Kaizen Nar. He later found passage off of his homeworld after receiving a message from a friend who had recently become a renowned Mercenary by the name of Murtallica, who had often come to Alpredies on business. Murtallica successfully took Morotheri offworld in excange for a favor, Morotheri would become part of his mercenary band, for a time until his debt was paid in full. Morotheri's life on his homeworld was one of great isolation from the rest of the galaxy, thus he is often unconfortable when socializing with ailens.

Morotheri was not accustomed to the resonant drone of the engine while onboard theDynamic-class freighter that Murtallica had become familiar to. He frequently found their journey unconfortable, nonetheless, he was appreciative that he was able to depart from his homeworld to experience the rest of the Galaxy.

The Mercenary's Life

Before he received the message from Odan-Urr his debt to Murtallica landed him a job as a notorious mercenary. The mercenaries had acquired a Dynamic-class freighter that was used most often on operations, although Morotheri was often manning a old Delta-7 craft titled The Redeemer. The rest of the mercenaries were often ex-republic special forces, some with dishonorable discharge from the ranks. As a mercenary, Morotheri was the brains of the operations, often using the force to pull the occasional mind trick on security forces who insisted a search on the Dynamic-class freighter, or pulling strings to avoid a conflict at all with his ingenuity. Knowing the Force to have it's limitations, Morotheri also took firearms and slicer, as well as stealth training from his fellow mercenaries. As a mercenary Morotheri took great pleasure in helping orchestrate a well-planned infiltration. His mercenary group was a small 6-man group of what Morotheri considered some of the galaxy's most fierce, efficient mercenaries who always got the job done. No matter the cost.

Morotheri loved the Mercenary life. In his team of six, everyone was well and equally payed and never complained. Being the only Jedi in the group, Morotheri was generally put at the front lines of a firefight. The mercenaries were both fierce and intimidating to their opponents, having gained increasing notoriety throughout the galaxy. Morotheri was also assigned as the infiltrator when it came down to silent operations or planning them. Morotheri had become a great friend to Murtallica, the group's gunslinging leader during his time as a Mercenary. Having gained too many enemies and being too well known, as well as having paid off his debt a year prior, he was forced into leaving his comrades behind and continue onwards to continue his quest in search of the Force.

Understanding the Sentinel's Teachings

Morotheri's old Zabrak master had often resorted to following the teachings of Odan-Urr and Bastila Shan, as well as passing them on to Morotheri. As a result of this education and understanding of the Force, Morotheri continued to pursue more knowledge into the teachings of Bastila Shan, all the while following Odan-Urr's Jedi Code. He began a pilgrimage to ancient sites holding any possible knowldege of Sentinel teachings. He had disappeared to visit the Star Map locations to search for hidden relics. Eventually, this quest took him to find a secret message from New Tython, buried beneath an ancient Jedi Temple, where he realized he could continue to pursue his quest on New Tython.

The Path of the Light Side

The Miraluka arrived in the spaceport of Menat Ombo and immediately made his way to Ooroo Abbey to meet the grand chancellor, the Gand Ji. Upon surprising the Gand with his unexpected arrival, Ji had welcomed the Miraluka who was clad in red robes, as well as bearing a orange lightsaber with a almost golden hue. His reasons for answering the call still remain a mystery and secret, but the Acolytes of Odan-Urr see him as a great addition to the cause. His allegiance to the light or dark side is also unknown, although he does claim to not share the same views as the Sith, who he calls "the ruthless destroyers of the original homeworld of the Miraluka", he is generally classed and respected as a Grey Jedi, although with the teachings of a Light Side Jedi, neither fully committed to the light nor dark. It is often speculated that he joined to fight a common enemy, the Dark Jedi.

Morotheri currently has a small room in the lightwalkers Takakoa Monastery, to escape the buisiness of Menat Ombo's districs. He can be often found meditating in the Monastery or in the Gardens of Meditative Reflection, and often enjoys company when he does. His current duities are helping his Battleteam, the Lightwalkers and aiding the Harakoans when he is able. When in Menat Ombo he is oft found studying or honing his skills in the many facilities available to Odan-Urr.

A World at War

During the tenth Great Jedi War, Morotheri had been defending against the onslaught of Brotherhood forces as they attempted to destroy the Acolytes of Odan-Urr. Morotheri had seen through the Force the damage wreaked upon New Tython and its inhabitants during the Great Jedi War and stood alongside Acolytes of Urr and the Mandolorians of Clan Ordo to defend the planet of New Tython. Morotheri had stood against all odds in the epic struggle in preventing the Brotherhood from retaking Menat Ombo after it was regained by the Acolytes of Urr alongside the Mandolorians until reinforcements arrived.

Unknown Mysteries

Even though Morotheri has travelled much of the known galaxy on his own, he still has family. When Morotheri left his homeworld, he left his sister behind. It is rumored that his sister also left shortly after Morotheri, although not down the same path. Morotheri has followed these rumors for years, eventually finding them to be true through an old friend he had known since he was a mercenary. After landing on New Tython, he had shortly later discovered that he may have not come alone to New Tython, although he had seen no proof if it was his sister, his connection to her through the force seemed to get stronger and grow a few weeks after landing.

DJB Facts

Positions Held


Outstanding Achievements

Created most if not all of the images for Halls of the Watchmen article.

Earned a Dark Maven in the Flight Degree.


The name Morotheri is also Mortheri's main character's name in the game LOTRO.