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| == Slave Days == | | == Slave Days == |
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| For about seven years, Jaden worked as a slave to the Hutts. He did the Hutts bidding, he worked hard night and day creating fuel for space ships. His specific owner was Ka'Pa a Hutt who lived and owned much of Nar Shaddas slaves. But this was not a kind master, he was beaten by the guards when failing to finish his shift without trying to get water, and some times would be tortured because he was not fast enough to do anything. All of these were just excuses to beat the young boy, which is a little extra help to him wanting to kill them. Even then, when he didn't know it, he was being fuled by the dark side making him have terrible rage spurts. Once he killed his own cell mate for calling him weak, and that day he proved the foolish man worng. He was once brave enough to poisn the drink of the hutts that were having a party. But he did not expect them to even tell that it was poisned just by smell, and he was beatned until he almost bleed to death. | | For about seven years, Jaden worked as a slave to the Hutts. He did the Hutts bidding, he worked hard night and day creating fuel for space ships. His specific owner was Ka'Pa a Hutt who lived and owned much of Nar Shaddas slaves. But this was not a kind master, he was beaten by the guards when failing to finish his shift without trying to get water, and some times would be tortured because he was not fast enough to do anything. All of these were just excuses to beat the young boy, which is a little extra help to him wanting to kill them. Even then, when he didn't know it, he was being fuled by the dark side making him have terrible rage spurts. Once he killed his own cell mate for calling him weak, and that day he proved the foolish man worng. He was once brave enough to poisn the drink of the hutts that were having a party. But he did not expect them to even tell that it was poisned just by smell, and he was beatned until he almost bleed to death. |
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| He had no way of escaping, and he felt as if he was doomed for ever to the pits of hell known as Nar Shadda. The work and hours began to wear him down faster and faster everyday, not even the force could aid such pain and suffering without a break. But he always seemed to feel that he was being watched, every now and then he would see a dark cloaked figure but it would soon dissapear in a flash. Infact, he thought he saw the cloaked figure doring and after he killed his cell mate. And when he was poisning the drinks he swear he saw that cloaked figure smiling evily in the background, it seemed to him as if it was incouraging him. The were detined to truley meet one day, when his master had him serve drinks for a party, the same cloaked Dark Jedi had found him and sensed the strong Force aura from him for sometime now. He tod him to come to him and they both left easily, but not until they got into space. | | He had no way of escaping, and he felt as if he was doomed for ever to the pits of hell known as Nar Shadda. The work and hours began to wear him down faster and faster everyday, not even the force could aid such pain and suffering without a break. But he always seemed to feel that he was being watched, every now and then he would see a dark cloaked figure but it would soon dissapear in a flash. Infact, he thought he saw the cloaked figure doring and after he killed his cell mate. And when he was poisning the drinks he swear he saw that cloaked figure smiling evily in the background, it seemed to him as if it was incouraging him. The were detined to truley meet one day, when his master had him serve drinks for a party, the same cloaked Dark Jedi had found him and sensed the strong Force aura from him for sometime now. He tod him to come to him and they both left easily, but not until they got into space. |
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| == The Escape == | | == The Escape == |
Template:Sith charinfo
Character History
10 ABY to 25 ABY
As a child, Jaden Kyrath, was born to a kind and loving Mother and Father who were both born and raised on Dantooine. Jaden didn't really know his parents as what jobs they had and if they were good people to the community, he just rembered that he had parents. When he was young, around the age of eight, his parents took him to many planets showing him the worlds outside his. But as fate had it, this was did not last long. On a short visit to Nar Hadda, they stopped to get something to eat, and when Jaden went to use the bathroom he came back to find the body's of his parents and he was soon knocked out and taken to be sold to the Hutts. His life would never be the same, but it would one day lead to his ulitmate power, and strength in the dark side of the force.
== Slave Days ==
For about seven years, Jaden worked as a slave to the Hutts. He did the Hutts bidding, he worked hard night and day creating fuel for space ships. His specific owner was Ka'Pa a Hutt who lived and owned much of Nar Shaddas slaves. But this was not a kind master, he was beaten by the guards when failing to finish his shift without trying to get water, and some times would be tortured because he was not fast enough to do anything. All of these were just excuses to beat the young boy, which is a little extra help to him wanting to kill them. Even then, when he didn't know it, he was being fuled by the dark side making him have terrible rage spurts. Once he killed his own cell mate for calling him weak, and that day he proved the foolish man worng. He was once brave enough to poisn the drink of the hutts that were having a party. But he did not expect them to even tell that it was poisned just by smell, and he was beatned until he almost bleed to death.
He had no way of escaping, and he felt as if he was doomed for ever to the pits of hell known as Nar Shadda. The work and hours began to wear him down faster and faster everyday, not even the force could aid such pain and suffering without a break. But he always seemed to feel that he was being watched, every now and then he would see a dark cloaked figure but it would soon dissapear in a flash. Infact, he thought he saw the cloaked figure doring and after he killed his cell mate. And when he was poisning the drinks he swear he saw that cloaked figure smiling evily in the background, it seemed to him as if it was incouraging him. The were detined to truley meet one day, when his master had him serve drinks for a party, the same cloaked Dark Jedi had found him and sensed the strong Force aura from him for sometime now. He tod him to come to him and they both left easily, but not until they got into space.
The Escape
As the pair reached the ship, they soon realized that Jaden had a slave tag that would and did trace every step he took and where he is. Almost as soon as the left the atmosphere they were being attacked by the hutts freighters and were being unsuccessful in winning this fight. After taking loads of shots they stopped on a nearby remote planet when as soon as they landed and got out they came down and shot at the ship, having it exploded into a billion bits. They both left that explosion un scarred but the fight wasn't over yet. As soon as the ship exploded, they landed planning on killing the Dark Jedi and taking me back. This only amused the Dark Jedi the whole time he just msiled as he easily deflected the blaster bolts and killed the two men. As soon as that was finished, the had to find the trace of the tag, and the dark Jedi looke dat him through the force to find it was in the flesh of the boys left arm. I twasn't very deep but it was still going to be a painful experince as the Dark Jedi burned through his flesh and took the tag out. Only 15, he was still in major pain and screamed as it happend but he came out with a new scar to rember as the two took the men's ship and ditched the tag on that planet and blasted away.
Sith Training
25 ABY to Present
Before Jaden could do anything, he was given the choice of which ways of the dark side he wanted to learn, The Obelisk, The Sith, or The Krath. He chose the path of the Sith and his destiney was basicly sealed and handed to him in an envelope. Jaden quickly flew in his ranks. He had easily reached the rank of Protector on his own but from there on out, he would have a true guiding hand. He was soon taken under his masters wing Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar al'Tor , better known as Aabs. The strong between master and apprentice was strong since the begginning, but that did not stop the rough training to come.
File:Warbanner.gifJaden's Warbanner
Aabs had trained and punished Jaden multiple times, mistakes in forms and failure of a mission resulted in immediate so called 'Shock Therapy'. His master and him always had a strong bond, but Jaden always had a burning hatred for his master, unbeknownist of his master wanting him to hate him with all his heart, to want to plunge him to a feiry doom. This hunger of hate and deseption is truley what helped Jaden feel the power of the dark side. His hatred made him strong, but unlik the other sith pride did not corrupt his mind, in fact he found it funny how the other sith bragged about there so called 'power' that can never be mastered...not even by the Dark Lord himself. But that did not stop him from having a sprout of arrogance every now and then, once or twice he would snap at his master and would be yet again punished. He soon learned that keeping his mouth shut was a complete asset if you wish to survive, and he just obeyed his masters commands, and learned how to control himself and the dark sid to keep his beliefs still intertwined.
But after a few years of training, it was coming apparent of Jaden Kyraths strength in the dark side. His master was quite impressed with him, that he gave him a symbol of Clan Plagueis on his back, and a sith tatoo bellow his left eye all the way to his right eye. Hey soon gained the rank of Jedi Hunter and is currentley finishing up his trials. But one of the most memorable trials was the creation of his first lightsaber. Jaden and aabs had traveled all the way to Korriban to find crystals and finish up his lightsaber. Jaden entered a cave where he found his crystal and performed hours of sith alchemey upon it and then began the creation of his Lightsaber with the guidence of the Dark Lords of old. He then came out of the cave to be attacked by his master to make sure he had actually completed his lightsaber. He blocked his attack and successfuly completed that trial, and they returned to Clan Plagueis and gave them his saber to be awarded to him on the day of his ceremony.
Service to Clan Plagueis
Jaden is formally a Sith Flight member for Blades of Kun and is now one in Exar's Shadow. He has served in the 6th Great Jedi War fighting for Plagueis and has done many missions such as the assasination of the senator who planned on helping the jedi mine crystals on Illum.
DJB Facts
File:Robes.jpgJaden's Robes
Positions Held
Was Eaxr Kun's Envoy for a short time and is currentley s Sith Flight member in Exar's Shadow.
Outstanding Achievements
- Being the Envoy of Exar Kun
- Still being a Sith Flight member in Exar's Shadow
- Being the Apprentice of Aabs.
- Being a active member of Clan Plagueis
Jaden Kyrath was basicly made by combining a star wars characters name and making Kinrath Kyrath instead.