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From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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=== Banner of the Chameleon ===
=== Banner of the Chameleon ===

[[Image: Chamelon.jpg]]
[[Image: Chamelon.gif]]

This impressive flag is a gift from the Star Chamber, originally to Clan Satal Keto. Over three meters in length and width, it is made from the finest Corellian silk, adorned with thread of gold and platinum at the edges, and bears the symbol of Clan Plagueis. Enchanted by the Oracle, it cloaks the structure from which it is flown, making it undetectable to the naked eye. The banner now flies from the main stronghold of Clan Plagueis, and confers its protection there.  
This impressive flag is a gift from the Star Chamber, originally to Clan Satal Keto. Over three meters in length and width, it is made from the finest Corellian silk, adorned with thread of gold and platinum at the edges, and bears the symbol of Clan Plagueis. Enchanted by the Oracle, it cloaks the structure from which it is flown, making it undetectable to the naked eye. The banner now flies from the main stronghold of Clan Plagueis, and confers its protection there.  

Revision as of 20:44, 14 September 2006

Brief History

Clan Plagueis was formed from the merger of Clans Exar Kun and Satal Keto. Out of this, three houses were formed: House Exar Kun, House Satal Keto, and House Bane. The latter was soon removed due to low activity. Soon after this, the new clan's home system of Acarr went supernova, and they were forced to move to the Jusadih System. Here, they have gone through countless troubles from leadership changes to battles against forces vowed to destroy them. Yet, the real trouble still lies waiting around the bend.

Detailed History


Years ago, before the Great Split of the Brotherhood, the event known as the Exodus, there was a Clan of infamy named Alvaak. The avowed ‘chosen’ of the Grand Admiral of the Emperors Hammer, these Jedi were his closest confidants and aides to Ronin, and their loyalty was without question. This period is fast becoming legend, but one Dark Jedi remains now from this fabled period; the Loremaster of Clan Plagueis, Jonaleth Isradia.

When the declaration of independence was signed, a schism like no other arose in the halls of the Dark Brotherhood. In the end, it would be those who left the yoke of the Hammer who would survive and prosper, though at the time many considered them traitors. Of the Clan loyal to Ronin, it was believe all would remain, but in the face of the Grand Admirals arrogance, a handful fled; All those who did are now mere memories, bar one.

This small group of intrepid adventurers travelled through hardship and pain to reach their new home on Antei. However, as they travelled, unseen eyes watched and appreciated their plight. On the darkest and most dismal phase of their voyage, a spectre in the Force visited them, the immortal spirit of the greatest Dark Lord of them all; Exar Kun. He pronounced that these few were worthy of him, and made them heirs to his fortune and powers of Mind Control.

When the disparate group finally arrived on Antei, they were filled once more with fire and passion from their communion, and besought the Dark Council leave to create a new Clan based on their new Masters’ teachings. Permission was granted, and from the ashes of Alvaak arose Clan Exar Kun. The rebels took Acarr as their home, and against the pessimistic view of many, succeeded in a way no-one had thought possible to make a new Clan, alive and thriving. Their rise to power became legend in its own right; they defeated the older, established Clans in Great Jedi Wars, Independence Games, and Clan Feuds alike, and were sought out as allies by many others. It was Clan Exar Kun who found the lost Grand Master Firefox when Okemi took control of the Brotherhood, and it was Exar Kun’s children who were the greatest warriors in the Battle Halls on Antei.

Their glory continued unbroken, until the one called known now only by his pseudonym came to power; the Pretender. Since its founding, Exar Kun had been ruled by those who had met the Dark Lords shade, but the Pretender had never spoken with Kun, and did not share his vision. Against the council of Heirs, he took the Clan as his personal tool, and like a hammer of glass, it shattered in his grasp.

The Heirs revolted, and war was waged between clanmates. When finally the dust settled, a single Heir and Elder remained; Jonaleth. But now the Clan was weakened and dying. Disgusted with what had happened and the necessities it had driven him too, Jonaleth swore an oath never again to sit on the seat of power, lest he be forced again to slay his brothers, and passed on the rulership of the Clan to another, the former Grand Master Chi-Long, prophesying that when next he took the seat, it would be a time of Darkness Unending.

Arriving at the scene of the devastation, Chi-Long and his forces tended to the wounded of the Clan as Isradia reported on what had happened, then disappeared. Under the Grand Masters control, the Clan was stabilised again, but would never return to the glory it had known.

Yet in another part of the Brotherhood, a second Clan was falling on Dark Times. The prodigal Sons of Satal Keto were descended from the First Krath himself, and through the ages had carried the Dark Lords knowledge of Illusion that had smitten his enemies and forged his empire. In these times however, the blood of Satal Keto was running thin, and no true blood had been seen in a generation. There was power still remaining in the Houses of the Clan, whom were known as the wisest of the Brotherhood, whom had researched and recovered more lore of the Dark Side than any other, and who were truly gifted in the Force, but external threats held these things as of little value.

Crimson Tide

In their weakened state, the Sons did not see the looming threat of the Crimson Tide. These mercenaries and their army were descended from the Jedi and soldiers whom had battled against Satal Keto in aeons past, and like a scavenger of the stars, they fell upon the great Clan in its hurt state, and began to systematically eradicate it. Those few Elders of the Clan who remained fought with skill and cunning never before seen, but their numbers were too few, even with the Force as their ally.

In the end, they could hold but a single world against the onslaught of the Tide, and reaching out with their powers, beseeched the help of allied Clans. Only one was close enough to respond in time; the still frail Exar Kun. Heading their allies call, the Kunians sent what remaining forces they had after their own war to re-enforce their allies.

The battle was long and hard as Elders, Equites, Journeymen and followers of both Clans fought side by side against the marauding Tide, but in the end, the superior power and skill of the Jedi won the day, and the Crimson forces were thrown back into the darkness of space to lick their wounds and plot their revenge. The battle was over, the Dark Side had won, but at a terrible cost. What little that remained of both Clans before was now decimated further – the Consuls of Satal Keto and Exar Kun had fallen in battle, and as many took stock of the situation, they fell into desperation, and lay down to die. On the field of battle in both Clans, yet again a single Elder still stood.


Weakened and hurt, both great Clans still clung to the shreds of their glory and honour, and seeing that the weight of corruption in both could not be allowed to remain, the Dark Council intervened. In its entirety, the legendary Star Chamber visited the remnants of Exar Kun and Satal Keto, and pronounced the Dictum of Two Skies. There could no longer be two fates for these Jedi; two Clans would unite now as one, and lend the strengths of both to a new order for them. The composure of this Clan would be decided in ritual combat; the weak would perish that the strong might survive.

And thus the Dictum of Two Skies was carried out. New members came to the field, and for a month, Jedi fought Jedi in battle for supremacy, and when the dust finally fell, a new band stood together, united by victory and strength, their weaknesses purged and cleansed in a trial by fire. From the ashes of two Clans arose a new one: Plagueis, a new life born of death. Then the Dictum was released, and as their final act, the Elders of the Star Chamber worked a great feat of Force magic - grasping the skeins of reality itself, they wove together the twin fates of Exar Kun and Satal Keto, and merged their powers into one. At last the Star Chamber departed for Antei once again, and the new Consul of Plagueis, Kir Katarn, Deputy Grand Master, set forth to forge a destiny for the Clan.

The shockwaves of the Star Chambers actions, however, continued to ripple out through the Force, and unknown to all, a forgotten Sith Lord stirred in the embrace of the Dark Side. On the distant tomb planet of Korriban, Darth Plagueis arose from death in the shape of a grim wraith of Shadow and Dust, and called out to those whom had taken on his name.

In Plagueis, there were now but four Elders of the Dark Side with the strength to hear the cosmic summons, and the wraiths call touched their minds like caress, filling them with the subtle urge to seek him out. Kir Katarn, Sarin, Corran Force and Jonaleth Isradia answered the undying Dark Lords call, and visited his resting place on the necropolis world. Deep beneath the surface, the Krath enacted the rituals to re-animate the Sith Lord, and the wraith of Plagueis was brought for the first time into the material realm. For a day and a night, Plagueis spoke to these four, and listened to their story in turn. At the last, he blessed this new Clan with his providence, and dubbed these four his Eldritch Cabal, his protégés to be invested with his power, and to once again carry out his will in the galaxy.

The wisdom of Plagueis is renowned and legendary, so vast and encompassing that no mere mortal could hope to contain it all. And so, the Dark Lord invested in each of the Cabal a part of the Mystery that, when reunited, would lead to ascendance such Plagueis himself had achieved. In Jonaleth was invested the Mystery of the Wise, the secret knowledge and lore of the ancient Sith Lords. In Sarin was invested the Mystery of Ether, penetrating and steely knowledge of the supremacy of the Force. To Kir came the Mystery of One, the knowledge of control, unity and singularity that quantified the cosmos, and to Corran was set the Mystery of the Firmament, understanding of the nature of reality.

When they returned to their Clan, the Eldritch were as messiahs. Each bearing a fragment of the Dark Lord within them, their plans were laid out to lend new strength to their brothers and sisters. It was during this time that Jonaleth penned the Wisdom of Plagueis and became the Loremaster of Clan Plagueis, wisest of the Children. Sarin delved into the powers granted by the Star Chambers magic, and discovered new facets the Clan powers. Kir formed the Council of the Wise, so that the knowledge, heritage and wisdom of Plagueis would never be lost again, and Corran ventured into the galaxy and returned with arcane artefacts to empower the Clan.

End of Acarr

It was a month later that the disturbance began to manifest. Once again, it was the four Elders of the Cabal that sensed the change in the galaxy around them, and the felt a sudden cosmic rage was over them. In the Acarr system, home of the new Clan Plagueis, the sun was shuddering with anger, for the great feat of the Star Chamber had somehow distorted reality further than intended by merging the powers of Exar Kun and Satal Keto, an the heart of the great star of Sigil now faltered.

This doom was close, but the Plagueians had time to act – moving like lightning, the Clan mobilised itself, and began evacuation, fleeing to the Jusidah system. It was then that the Crimson Tide returned to seek vengeance on their defeaters, and launched an attack on the moving Plagueis forces. The Clan fought valiantly, and despite overwhelming odds against them, held back the Tide forces until the evacuation could be completed. Then, in a final act of malign vengeance, Kir Katarn and Sarin blockaded the system, trapping the majority of the mercenary forces within as Sigil finally went supernova.

Jusadih System

Coming Soon!

Selen Invasion

Coming Soon!


The Sith Amulets

The amulets worn by the Dark Lord Exar Kun were misleadingly named. Called "amulets", they were in fact a pair of gauntlets for the hands or a human or humanoid possessed of four fingers and a thumb. Fashioned from the thickened and treated leathery hide of a rancor, the joints, palm and back of the hands also had metal banding and sheets, strengthened and enhanced by Sith alchemical processes, and plated with solid gold. This meant that the gloves, whilst being supple black leather, were also suitable for use as armour, in addition to their more extra-ordinary powers, and were in many ways a work of art.

These amulets were created by Exar Kun on Yavin IV, using the stolen knowledge of both Naga Sadow and Freedon Naad, and the unearthed Sith alchemical techniques.

When worn by a Force user, in addition to their protective value, the Amulets allow the wearer to channel massive blasts of Dark Side energy, manifesting as arcs, beams and balls of black fire. Their use, however, is keyed to actual ability of the Force user; a weaker user will conjure weaker attacks, and so forth. Over use of the amulets can be deadly; If a wearer does not remove them and continues to call upon the powers of the Dark Side, the amulets begin to drain the wearers health and vitality, aging them to power the Dark Side power required to manifest such abilities.

The amulets were recovered during the beginning of Clan Exar Kun’s history; the exiles from Clan Alvaak were lead to where the lost artefacts of their Dark Master lay, where they recovered these amulets along with Exar Kun’s lightsaber.

Rules: The power of the amulet allow the user to prject a focused blast of darkside energy. The target of the blast must make a reflex saving throw. The dc depends on rank the of the force user. Due to his immense powers only those of the Kunar line are able to use this object and even then only few times a day.

Yeomanry - DC 15 Equites - DC 20 Leaders - DC 25

The blast deals 6d6 points of damage (half if the Reflex save succeeds). The maximum range of the blast is 20 meters.

Exar Kun's Lightsaber

File:EK Staff.jpg

File:EK Saber.jpg

This weapon is the making of legends. The very first dual bladed (Sith) lightsaber known to exist, Exar Kun forged this to prove himself the greatest of all the blade masters, and wielded it in countless battles and wars during his reign, including the very fight which led to his appointment as Dark Lord of the Sith.

Exar Kun’s Lightsaber is the template from which all future Sith Lightsabers would be built. Effectively two lightsabers stuck end to end, it features a unique alignment of Adegan crystals to generate the twin blades, set in a fashion that has never again been able to be reproduced that strengthens the energy blades immensely.

The saber itself is a simple, non-descript item. Featuring motifs of Sith and Krath, and Kun himself, it is a silver cylinder approximately one and a half feet long, ending in bell-type emitter shrouds, and worked into stylised patterns and shapes that house its internal components. Both blades are blue in colour, and are standard length for ordinary lightsabers.

As with all Sith Lightsabers, the weapon can only be wielded by those who have attained the minimum rank of Dark Adept, and it refuses to even be handled by those of lower rank. In the hands of a qualified wielder, however, it is fearsome to behold, imparting to them the abilities of Exar Kun himself in battle, effectively raising their rank by three – a Grand Master wielding this weapon is godlike in skill. The lightsaber also has the effect of protecting the wielder as if they were wearing full heavy body armour.

Rules: TBA


This impressive flag is a gift from the Star Chamber, originally to Clan Satal Keto. Over three meters in length and width, it is made from the finest Corellian silk, adorned with thread of gold and platinum at the edges, and bears the symbol of Clan Plagueis. Enchanted by the Oracle, it cloaks the structure from which it is flown, making it undetectable to the naked eye. The banner now flies from the main stronghold of Clan Plagueis, and confers its protection there.

Rules: A Spot check (DC 25) is required to notice anything amiss, if that is passed, a Search check (DC 20) will reveal the outlines of the building. Plagueis members of Acolyte rank and higher are able to find the stronghold without a check. This ability is lost 3 months after leaving the Clan (but former CP members may always apply a +5 bonus to the required checks.)

Mirror of Anor

This device created by Sith alchemy from ages past is a large full-length mirror that is intended to be hung from a wall. The Mirror of Anor is a shining silver ovoid that is 7' long and 3' 6" wide. The surface is unblemished and remains so even in the harshest environments and conditions. The frame that surrounds the mirror is a grayish silver resembling pewter, and in it is carved a beautiful and extremely intricate fresco of past Dark Jedi, that flows around the mirror and back into itself. The detail is amazing and unmatchable even by modern technologies. Upon close enough inspection, even the textures of the clothes have been included.

The surface seems to be an analogue of transparisteel but reveals itself to be much more. All the qualities of the substance are unknown and it has resisted attempts at reproduction. It has shown itself to be immune to any sort of damage. Lightsaber blades are simply absorbed at the point where they touch the substance. Unlike cortosis fiber, the blade is not disrupted or dissipated it simply ceases to exist where it comes into contact with the mirror, without disrupting the function of the rest of the blade. The same holds true with blaster bolts and any conventional weaponry up to and including turbolasers.

The Mirror of Anor was crafted by the evil shaman witches of Dathomir, both as a resource and a tool to trap their victims. Once their own uses with it had finished, they allowed it to be stolen by treasure seekers, and since then, it has circled the galaxy, entrapping many more with its cursed powers.

Imbuing a the Force into the mirror causes the fresco to animate, and voices of the spirits trapped inside can be heard. It is possible to focus on one and bring it forth from it's fellows; eventually the image of the speaker will appear in the mirror. Lesser Jedi must stop and satiate their curiosity with questions of the past. More powerful practitioners could give the Spirit a physical form. This requires a mortal body or clone for the spirit to inhabit, and the expenditure of such an amount of Force power that even a Dark Prophet might be helpless in the Force for the next few hours. No one may call forth more than one spirit at a time.

The spirit resumes physical form with full knowledge of the skills it had in life and is bound to the protection of the one whom called it forth. It will obey any order without question, and will sacrifice itself in the pursuit of protecting its summoner.

The spirit, in order to sustain itself, must feed on life energy from others by draining away their personal stores of the Force. A person can usually survive this for about a week before perishing, and the spirit may choose no other prey before finishing someone. Even more sinister is that after bringing a spirit forth the Jedi who summoned it shares it's habits of preying upon the life-force of others. The Jedi can choose any source to draw the Force from, including plants, animals and even Force imbued objects to the level of his ability. He will carry the curse to the end of his life. Even if the spirit summoned is returned to the mirror through destruction or a lack of feeding the Jedi still needs to feed as he has forged a (so far) unbreakable connection to the Mirror, which siphons Force away from him and will kill him if not shored up with other sources of energy.

Finally, the curse of the mirror does not end after death. Once a Jedi who has made use of the mirror dies, his spirit becomes enmeshed in the mirror and his image appears entwined in the fresco to be summoned up by future users, guaranteeing an increasing supply of luminaries to tempt the next user. So far no negative effects have been found from merely calling up a Spirit for questioning.

Rules: TBA

Blood Crypt

This is a huge sandstone coffin bearing an Ankh in relief on its lid. The crypt is mounted on a stone slab and thus moveable. It contains the body of Hr'tan, a Kh'amar'an warlord who died long before the demise of it's people. Anyone meditating close to the crypt for at least 2 hours, focussing on battle and violence, will gain the fighting skills Hr'tan had possessed for the double amount of hours. It will also cause the respective person to go into a blood fever, where killing and torturing is their main objective during combat. Thus, it is strictly forbidden to use this artefact during peace time.

With every kill the so enhanced that the user causes, he or she will keep the abilities for 10 more minutes, however, this comes at a cost. After the effect has Exired, the recipient of the extra ability will fall into a coma, experiencing every injury and every kill he or she has caused during vivid dreams. The psychological pressure of this has caused many weaker users to break down, and has inflicted insanity on others.

Rules: TBA

The Feud Throne

This throne possesses an elegant high back, varnished with thick black, almost oil slicked in its luster. Delicate lines of silver filigree traces in some places, runes in a language dead for an age. High wings of an ancient beast flare up into the back, each feather articulated with an unerring precision. Four long, slender limbs grasp skulls at each foot, the seat a graceful curve, set with a thick plush violet cushion. The arms are the twin visage of a vicious raptor, striking from high above the worlds, each eye a gem of brightly glittering facets. The wood was taken from a six thousand year old tree on Cinnigar, growing in a graveyard, drawing its substance from the dead.

The Throne is empowered by Grand Master Firefox to forge a link between Clan Plagueis and Darth Plagueis. When the ruling Consul seats himself on the Throne, communication can be established with the Dark Lord, and he can choose to manifest himself within fifty meters of the chair. Lord Plagueis may also at any time choose to observe events within that proximity to the Throne, hearing and seeing them with perfect clarity.

Rules: TBA

Jawadar's Spears

A platinum pendant portraying 3 spearheads in triangle set up, and a demon head with ruby eyes in it's middle. Upon reciting a specific mantra, the pendant will turn into a real 3-way-spear, with the demon head looming over it and guiding the weapon. The demon is the spirit of Jawarda, a member of the Sith race, from the era of sorcerers when the Dark Lords turned the Sith race into their own tools.

Rules: TBA

The Holocron

The Holocron of Plagueis appears as a Sith synthetic type crystalline holocron device. It is a tetragonal pyramid. The outer shell is formed of electrum, and this coating surrounds the synthetic crystal beneath. Fine wires and laminae penetrate the crystalline matrix. Intricate lattices and vertices store massive amounts of information held secret by the Holocron's Gate Keeper, Darth Plagueis.

Rules: The Council of the Wise has learned that the first tier of instruction on the Holocron is accessible to Equites and focuses on the enhancement of weapons and Dark Armor. The second tier, accessible only to Elders focuses on the genetic engineering and enhancement of sentient creatures. The third and final tier remains shrouded in secrecy, though rumors state it is a pathway to the most secret of powers created by Darth Plagueis.

Darth Plagueis' Lightsaber Crystal

File:Plagueis Crystal.jpg

The Lightsaber Crystal of Darth Plagueis originated as a Korriban Sigil Crystal. Sigil crystals are known for creating lighsaber blades that radiate intense heat to the point of igniting flammable material within six inches of the blade. Through intense meditation prolonged exposure to Darth Plagueis, this crystal radiates the Dark Side of the Force.

Rules: The Plagueis Lightsaber Crystal has been reserved for use by the Proconsul only


Coming Soon!

Ground Forces

  • 1x AT-AT
  • 2x AT-ST
  • 2x ULAV
  • 1x XR-85 Tank Droids
  • 1x SD-9 Series Infantry Droid
  • 1x SD-10 Series Infantry Droid
  • 165x OOM Series Combat Droid
  • 3x OOM Command Officer Series Combat Droid

Council of the Wise

In the depths of Korriban, the Eldritch Cabal awakened the spirit of Lord Plagueis, and in their mortal forms, he invested some part of his great and expansive power. Into Dark Adept Kir Katarn was given the secret of Plagueis’ wisdom, and when he returned from the necropolis world, he forged a Council of the Wise, to preserve and maintain Plagueis legacy, for all time.

The Council members are the wisest, most powerful and most loyal of the Children of Plagueis, and as such, are entrusted with sacred duties to carry out to preserve the Clan of Life and Death. Each of these duties, when joined together, form the part of the Mystery of Plagueis, and the Council as a whole reveals his Wisdom.

The Council meets in a secret chamber within the fortress of Clan Plagueis, accessible only to the Consul, Proconsul and the Council itself. In their areas of control, the Councils word is law, and beyond reproach; They oversee matters, so that the business of command and leadership can continue.

Appointment to the Council is not easy to obtain. Kir Katarn brought back from Korriban an artefact called the Staff of Veils, an ancient symbol of Wisdom throughout the galaxy, blessed by the spirit of Lord Plagueis. Through its own mysterious powers, the Staff selects the council members. Should any position in the Council be vacant, candidates are brought to the great vault where the Staff resides, and one by one are presented to the artefact by the reigning Consul. When the ceremony ends, the Staff will spin and glow a colour that represents the Council position being vied for. When it comes to rest, the one who is chosen will find the Staff pointing at their heart, and will be invested with the duties of their new position.

The following are the positions within the Council.

Loremaster - Dark Adept Jonaleth Isradia (Purple) – The greatest and wisest scholar of Plagueis is chosen for this post. To them is entrusted the ancient knowledge of Lord Plagueis, and control of the Book of Shadows. They are the greatest teacher of the Clan, the Master of Masters, and keeper of the sacred histories and artefacts. To them falls the duty to preserve these things, and teach the younger members the ways of Plagueis and the Dark Side. They are acknowledged as the most skilled in the Force and the powers of the Clan, and are consulted for long forgotten lore and answers. The Loremaster is also head of the Council of the Wise.

Swordmaster - Dark Jedi Master Corran Force (Blue) – Champion of Plagueis and General of the Armies of Life and Death, the Swordmaster is sworn protector of the summit of Clan Plagueis, and guardian of its fortresses and domiciles. They are greatest and most skilled combatant within the Clan, and lead the armies into battle at the summits’ decree.

Watchmaster - Sith Warlord Vessicant (Yellow) – Regent of the Jusidah system, the Watchmaster is governor of the planets and peoples thereupon, given trust to oversee the races under the Clan’s control and liase with their governments so that the summit is freed to continue its business. The Watchmaster is also the chief spy and espionage agent for the Clan, in charge of brining technology and information into Clan Plagueis, and keeping the summit up to date with current affairs. They also act as the envoy and ambassador for Plagueis to the rest of the galaxy, should the need arise.

Nightmaster - Sith Battlelord Salth Khan (Red) – Lord of the eternal night of space, the Nightmaster is commander of the fleets of Clan Plagueis, their admiral and protector of the entire Jusidah system. To them falls the charge to guard and ward the space above planets, to keep ever vigilant duty and fortify the sanctum of the Clan of Life and Death.

Shadowmaster (Green) – Master of the shadows and the arts of stealth and murder, the Shadowmaster is the chief assassin and bounty hunter for the Clan, controlling the specialised Jedi assassins and hunters for the summit to eliminate enemies who must be silenced quickly and effectively, without all out war, or bringing in avowed enemies of the Clan. The Shadowmaster is also Plagueis link to the criminal underworld of the galaxy, and is skilled in obtaining resources and information not otherwise available.

di Plagia

Being granted the Clan name is the highest honor any Clan can bestow upon its members. It is reserved for those members who have demonstrated the utmost loyalty, dedication, and activity. These are the best of the best, the absolute pinnacle of Clan Plagueis membership. They have demonstrated their dedication to the Clan over a period of time always counted in years, thus usually no more than 3-4 members receive the honor in any given year. They may have served as a leader or as a regular member, but their activity levels have always been in the highest categories within the Clan. Adding ‘di Plagia’ to you name never comes easy, but it is an award much worth striving for.

Granting Process There is a very specific procedure that must be followed when it comes to the granting of the Clan name, it is hereby stated:

1) Several times per year the Consul and Proconsul will review the most excellent members of the Clan based on their personnel experiences and on recommendations from Clan members and leaders. They will apply the strictest standards to the selection process – sometimes they may not find anyone worthy. If they believe they have found members who are worthy of the award, they may, in the Sith tradition, choose two and only two and proceed to the next step.

2) After having chosen two worthy members, the Consul and Proconsul bring the applicants before the assembled ‘di Plagia’. They present their case for initiating both of the new members to the assembly and then the entire current ‘di Plagia’ vote. A majority must vote in favor of a member for that person to be inducted. If a majority does not vote in favor the member is not to be inducted, although they may be presented at a later date again.

3) If the members are approved by the di Plagia assembly, a copy of the request to the assembly along with the vote of the assembly are passed on the Grand Master and his Deputy, who give a final blessing. Then the members are guided through the di Plagia rituals, known only to those who have completed this incredibly difficult quest.

Once someone is given the di Plagia name they are bound to Clan Plagueis forever. They may not leave the Clan unless it is to travel to the Rogues, and then if they return - they may only return to their home in Clan Plagueis. The only time in which a member can be stripped of the di Plagia name is if the CoJ has found them guilty of high treason. Then the di Plagia assembly can be gathered by the Consul to vote on a revocation. The revocation vote must be unanimous for the name to be revoked from the member.

Every Clan Plagueis member should strive to be able to add ‘di Plagia’ to their name...although few will attain this highest of all honors.

Honored di Plagia

  • Jonaleth di Plagia Isradia
  • Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar al'Tor

Prodigy of Plagueis


Occasionally a member will truly go above and beyond the call of duty, creating a harmony that will lift them above their peers. This true harmony between latent skills will garner one great prestige, unprecedented in Clan history. This is nearly impossible, except to those who have the utmost dedication and activity in their efforts for the Clan.

These individuals fall into the same flow as former great Dark Jedi, and thereby their accordance to harmony will garner them the title of Prodigy of Plagueis. They will use their advanced skills to further their House, Clan and the Brotherhood as a whole. Amongst their normal duties they will collect another set: Protector of the Clan Summit. Not only will they be responsible for the safety of both Consul and Proconsul, but also the security of the Clan itself.

Members who join this elite group are Champions of the Clan and have earned their position through hard work and dedication. These are the assassins, scholars and taskmasters of the Clan. They are the highest moral authority amongst the regular members of the Clan and are much admired...

They are the Prodigies of Plaguies.

Selection of Prodigy

The Clan Summit will, whenever they see fit, appoint a member of Clan Plagueis with the coveted title of "Prodigy of Plagueis". The Prodigy must exemplify the qualities and attributes of the Clan, shows a clear yearning to learn more of the Dark Side and a willingness to aid the Clan in any way possible.

When a Prodigy is named by the summit, they will remain reigning Prodigy until a new one is appointed. The minimum length a Prodigy can reign is one month; there is no maximum. The Summit may appoint someone the title of Prodigy of Plagueis more than once, if they wish, and their name shall appear then appear multiple times on the Line of the Prodigies.

Powers of the Prodigy

The Prodigy of Plagueis shall possess the following gifts and powers upon receiving his title:

Use of the Clan Assault Cruiser Ambition: The ship and crew shall be placed under the command of the reigning Prodigy when they require it. This can be overlooked in times of war when the entire fleet is under the direct command of the Consul.

Title: The Prodigy of Plagueis will be able to use their title on all official documents. They may simply write "Prodigy of Plagueis", or add their number in the line (IE: Second Prodigy of Plagues, Prodigy of Plagueis II).

Office: The Prodigy of Plagueis shall have an office within the Clan Plagueis Headquarters to use as needed.

Honor: Prodigies of Plagueis are seated second in honor at all Clan gatherings, directly behind the Clan and House summit members. They are to be treated with the utmost respect by all Clan members at all times.

Shared Powers: Command of the Ambition and use of the Prodigy office are powers held for the sitting Prodigy alone. All former Prodigies retain the use of the title and their seats of honor.

Duties of the Prodigy

The Prodigy of Plagueis has a duty to serve the Clan and perform the will of the Summit. They are to be of service to new members, answer questions if they can, run routine checks of the home system aboard the Ambition, and do other tasks the Summit requires of them. In addition, Prodigies are the foremost enforcers of Clan las, just behind the Summit. The title is an honor, but Prodigies are expected to uphold the high standards of the Prodigy heritage.

Removal of a Prodigy

Should a Prodigy of Plagueis commit grave treason against the Clan or the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi as a whole, the Clan Summit shall remove them of their title and privileges. If a Prodigy of Plagueis loses his or her title, they are removed from the Line of Plagueis forever.

The Prodigian Line

  • Schisca Archaon Azytzeen
  • Scorpius
  • Aabsdu Dupar al'Tor
  • Tek Cicero Dantes
  • Raken Spiderlord

Clan Summit

Roll of Consuls

  • Chi Long 6/12/2005 to 7/26/2005
  • Lucien Do'ltek 7/26/2005 to 11/28/2005
  • Kir Taldrya Katarn 11/28/2005 to 1/23/2006
  • Aristan "Sarin" Dantes 1/23/2006 to Present

Roll of Proconsuls

  • Braecen Kunar 6/10/2005 to 6/24/2005
  • Lucien Do'Itek 6/24/2005 to 7/1/2005
  • Warhunter 7/1/2005 to 8/7/2005
  • Virulence Bezatyne Isradia 8/7/2005 to 10/30/2005
  • Aristan "Sarin" Dantes 10/30/2005 to 1/23/2006
  • Salth Khan 1/23/2006 to 8/13/2006
  • Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar al'Tor 8/13/2006 to Present