Rhaegon Targaryen: Difference between revisions

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
m (updating name to properly categorize)
m (updating to new category, is Malathion #13835 2nd character, last used on Dec 28th 2015. He is Rogue.)
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Revision as of 08:12, 22 June 2018

Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?
This article details the history of a character who no longer actively takes part in current events.

Rhaegon Targaryen
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

10 ABY

Physical Description







185 lbs





Personal Information
Chronology & Political Information
Known masters:


[ Source ]

Rhaegon Targaryen is a Human male born on the planet Naboo who became the first apprentice of Maelous Ascarend. Found by Ascarend, left for dead and clenching onto life with his last ounce of strength, Rhaegon was saved by the Dark Jedi and has since sworn loyalty to him and to all of Clan Naga Sadow, though he often sways from his Clan's path during his greater expeditions into the Force for the greatest power he can possess and obtain.

A young and troubled youth, Rhaegon was born as heir to the infamous Targaryen family of Naboo. For the first few years of his life, he was viewed as the future of the Targaryen family name, to which his father held in the highest regards. Once he was found to be a Force Sensitive, his father shunned him due to his own bigotry and Rhaegon ran, passing various trials in his every day life and eventually becoming consumed by Dark Side of the Force. After being fully immersed in the ways of the Sith, Rhaegon found himself enticed by the philosophies of the Dark Force and fell under the influence of its founder, the long dead Dark Lord, Darth Millennial through the finding of his Holocron on Dromund Kaas.

Rhaegon believes it is his divine destiny, set forth for him by the Force itself, to become the last and greatest Supreme Prophet of the Dark Side and that through the beliefs of the Dark Force he will be granted Millennial's power to see into the future and spread the teachings of the Dark Force throughout the Dark Brotherhood and eventually the Galaxy.

Character History

Early Life


Rhaegon was born the first son of Aegon and Aeria Targaryen, one of the most powerful families on Naboo. They followed a strict code of honor and ancient rights, meaning Rhaegon being his father’s heir was his birth right as the first born child, he would inherit all his father’s lands and businesses which totaled over 800 million Credits. Rhaegon was extremely loved and well looked after by his family, during his early years it was mainly by his father who was grooming the young lad to be the great patriarch and businessman that he himself was known to be. Rhaegon received the finest education that his father’s money could buy, learning history, math and literature at the most private of private academies on Naboo. Rhaegon continually ranked as the best student in all his classes due to his high drive to impress his high expecting father. Rhaegon stayed out of trouble and remained loyal to only 3 other students at the academy he went too, never getting distracted or side-tracked with his education.

As Rhaegon got older, his father only aimed to make him wiser. He began developing leadership skills in the school system. After being named valedictorian, he took up the role of president of his class swiftly bringing in reform at his prestigious academy that is implemented even today. Aegon was impressed by the courage of his young son and his views of him only grew in greatness, as did his expectations.

From Heir to Exile

Rhaegon in his ceremonial armor on Naboo.