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General information
Planet of origin:

New Tython

Physical characteristics
Average height:

1.5 meters at shoulder

  • flight
  • Climbing up 80 degree vertical rock faces
  • Able to bite through flesh and bone easily, some reports stated the Fallus could bite through metal, however those reports have yet to be corroborated
[ Source ]

The Fallus is flying cat like creature that is found on the Kamuekiko continent on the planet of New Tython. The Fallus is a predatory creature that prefers to hunt at night.

Creature History

It was the ancient Harakoa who discovered the Fallus and painted it’s terrifying image on the inside of their doors as a warning not to go outside at night. To this day the Harakoa refuse to mention the Fallus’ name as it was an early belief that saying the creatures name would summon it.

When the settlers arrived on New tython they learned of the Fallus and a few scientists traveled to the mountains of Kamuekiko to learn about the terrifying creature. Three days into their expedition they entered the territory of a large male Fallus, they were recording video footage when the Fallus attacked. Without warning it descended with the sun to its back and snatched up one of the scientists in its claws. The remaining scientists began to run when the body of their friend fell from a great height landing with a crunch in front of them. As they ran piercing shrieks came from the Fallus above them. Only one scientist returned alive from the expedition. Upon his return he promptly handed over the video of the encounter stating “Do what you will with this, I’ll have nothing to do with those demon beasts anymore.”

No further expeditions were set forth for many years until another group of scientists ventured forth with long distance surveillance equipment. From the edge of the jungle they observed various Fallus for a year. When they left to return to civilization they set up permanent video surveillance equipment to monitor and learn more about the Fallus.

Physical Description

Standing 1.5 meters at the shoulder and with a wingspan of 4 meters the Fallus is a 400 lbs predator capable of taking down prey 3 times it’s weight. They only way to tell a male from a female at a distance is by the color of the diamond shape on their head. Males have a white diamond while the females have a red diamond. Once a female becomes pregnant she will have a gestation period of 12 months, during this time the female who is normally less aggressive than the male will become hyper aggressive striking at anything that gets near to her. The male will hunt for both during this time bringing food back to the female in the nest. He must be careful not to get struck as he places the food in the nest.

Once the baby Fallus is born it will stay in the nest for around a month. during this time it will grow to three times it’s original size. After a month the baby Fallus will begin to learn how to use it’s wings. Once it has learned to fly it will follow it’s mother and father for around a year learning how to hunt and live on its own. After a years time the baby Fallus will leave it’s parents nest and live on its own till it finds a mate.


The Fallus is typically ill tempered and very territorial. They will attack any large animal or person that enters their territory without hesitation and with no warning. Once a Fallus finds a mate they will stay together for life producing one-two offspring every 5-10 years. Not much is known about the Fallus as it is difficult to get near enough to study them without becoming a food source for the creature.

Future expeditions

At this time no future expeditions are planned to go study the Fallus through Sight Nortorshin of house Odan-Urr has stated interest in the creatures and in taking a trip to the Kamuekiko mountains to see the beasts in person.