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Character History
Rosh Nyine has only recently joined the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. As he struggles to climb up through the ranks, keep himself alive and become stronger in the Dark Side, he expects to become strong enough to kill his father, Jarik Nyine.
Hate has Born
16 ABY – Somewhere on the Outer Rim
The controls of the YT-1300 “Long Runner” were not what they used to be. Jarik Nyine, a self-educated Jedi and Jaleer Droma, a beautiful twi’lek, companion and lover for many years, were doing what was supposed to be their last run together. But this one was by far the worst they had ever encountered before.
The old ship, which was in a poor condition after so many years, had performed the entry into the atmosphere of the planet, just to find that the outer layers of the atmosphere were made of acid clouds. Now, only the control over the Force of Jarik was keeping the ship together.
“You were right, Jarik, this will be our last run together,” said the twi’lek in anger, “but not because you choose it, but because we’re going to die before we can even land this piece of crap on the surface!” Jaleer didn’t approve this errand. Ever since Jarik had joined the New Republic ranks in their operations in the Outer Rim, the female smuggler was not happy with him. Their relationship was more and more distant each day, and this last run could well be the last time they would see each other.
“When did I get you into a situation that we had no escape from, sweetie?” – smiled Jarik in his usual cheerful mood. No matter what was the situation, either with the environment or with the person he was speaking with, he always had a witty answer for each question. This time, though, the answer didn’t sound as usual. Maybe not even he was sure that they would get out of that situation. His effort concentrating and keeping the “Long Runner” in one piece by using the Force was extreme, and he was sweating all over.
Only after a few minutes and a heated discussion between both, they managed to get into the lower atmosphere and a relatively safe location. The purpose of this errand was to follow a vague clue about a Sith artefact hidden in this planet thousands of years ago and destroy it. Those were the orders from Jarik’s superiors, and he only knew one person in the Galaxy that would embark with him in such a mission, Jaleer.
File:JaleerDroma.jpgJaleer Droma
The search for the Sith artefact was easier than they thought, and soon after landing on the planet they were on a cave looking for it, guided by Jarik and his mastery of the Force. After dispatching a few old droids that were on their way, the couple managed to arrive at the central chamber were the artefact was placed.
The artefact in question was a holocron, a depositary of knowledge from past ages, but this one was created by the Dark Side. Jarik approached the artefact carefully, knowing that, at times, spirits of old Sith could inhabit these ones, waiting for someone to tamper with them just to get caught by the spirit of a Sith Lord and his lies.
But Jaleer was unfamiliar with the Force and everything related to it, and seeing the small object for what they have risked their lives, advanced in anger towards the object, reaching for it and grabbing it with one hand, showing it to Jarik.
“This is for what we almost died? A damn cube placed here by who knows, ages ago? This is, indeed, the last time that I follow you in one of your crazy adventures, my love. I cannot keep risking…” – started to argue the twi’lek before she suddenly collapsed to the floor, holocron in hand. Jarik automatically felt the Dark Side growing stronger around them, and igniting his lightsaber, he looked around, just to find what he was looking for: and ancient Sith spirit, released and ready to take possession of the body of the twi’lek.
“No!” – shouted the Jedi, and suddenly the spirit turned towards him, noting his presence. A loud hiss echoed through the chamber as spirit and Jedi started a clash of wills to take over the other. Jarik, though, was too weak after the effort saving the Long Runner, and soon his conscience started to fail, kneeling first and falling to the floor shortly after. The last he saw before closing his eyes was the shadow of the spirit, laughing diabolically, over the body of the twi’lek.
When he woke up, he found Jaleer sitting on a corner of the chamber, the holocron completely vanished, maybe lost forever. His lover, though, didn’t look the same. She was murmuring softly, in an angered tone of voice, as she swayed forwards and backwards.
“He has told me everything, Jarik. He has told me what you plan to do with me, that you will betray me, that you will kill our son before he even has born. I won’t let you do it!” – said the twi’lek.
Jarik looked dumbfounded, but he knew that the Sith spirit had been manipulating the mind of Jaleer, and who knows what else, before disappearing, together with the holocron.
File:JarikNyine.jpgJarik Nyine
“But Jaleer, my love, you know well that we cannot have children together. I’m a human, and you’re a twi’lek. There’s no way that what you mention could happen. How could I betray you?” – answered the Jedi.
“He told me,” answered the woman, “he said that it was possible, that you could make it happen using that Force of yours! You have been lying to me all this time, Jarik. But not anymore. He helped me, he put a child of you inside my body, after all these years! But, as I told you, he said that you would betray me. I won’t let you take your child from me!” – snared Jaleer.
The Jedi then realized what had happened while he was unconscious. Somehow, using a technique he didn’t know about, the spirit of the Sith had corrupted Jaleer’s body, implanting, using the Force, something dark, sinister, inside her. But somehow, through the Force, he could sense that this thing inside her had a part of him, a big part of him. Could it be true? Could the spirit mix the ADN sequences of both together to create a child inside the twi’lek? Whatever method was used, he sensed how evil was the seed inside his lover, and he knew that it had to end.
“Listen to me, Jaleer. What you carry with you is not natural. It’s something dark, inherently evil, an insult to natural order. I’m sorry, but I cannot allow this to happen. Not to you, my love. Wouldn’t you agree to be examined by my superiors to see what can be done about this?” – said Jarik in a calm tone, trying to convince her.
“No!” – cried the twi’lek – “He told me that you would say that, that you would destroy the life that is now growing within me. That’s why he instructed me to chain you to the floor, so I could escape if you didn’t understand.”
Jarik was, indeed, chained to the floor, which he had not noticed before, he was not able to free himself, and his lightsaber was nowhere to be found.
“I’ll take this baby with me, Jarik. I’ll let him grow inside me, far from you, as a symbol of the love we once had. But I won’t forgive you for lying to me all these years, and your son, or daughter, will know about this, be sure of it.” The voice of Jaleer was not of hers, but of someone that resembled her, just… changed, and corrupted.
Jaleer started walking outside the chamber, not before looking once last time at the Jedi, who remained silent, just observing her as she was leaving. The twi’lek boarded the Long Runner and escaped the planet, going through the atmosphere layer without problems, mysteriously. Jarik would eventually escape from that place, but he could not stop what would happen nine months later. The birth of a product of the Dark Side, the birth of his son, Rosh Nyine.
This is a work in progress and though right now includes fiction, as the story of Rosh Nyine is worked on it will turn into a more encyclopedical article than a fiction showcase.
DJB Facts
Positions Held
Outstanding Achievements
- Promoted to Acolyte shortly after becoming a member.
- His YT-1300, the "Long Runner", is on a terrible condition after so many years of service and due to the fact that it was stolen from his family during Rosh's escape.