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From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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=== Freelance Opportunist ===
=== Freelance Opportunist ===
Brief Summary: Liu'qin's time working as a freelance smuggler and mercenary. Traveling the Galaxy soul searching and looking for purpose.
Brief Summary: Liu'qin's time working as a freelance smuggler and mercenary. Traveling the Galaxy soul searching and looking for purpose.  
Note: Will be elaborated on and written in time. WIP
Note: Will be elaborated on and written in time. WIP

==== Lightsaber for Hire ====
==== Lightsaber for Hire ====
Various different mercenary and bounty hunting jobs Liu did after leaving the Order.
Various different mercenary and bounty hunting jobs Liu did after leaving the Order.  
Note: Will be elaborated on and written in time. WIP
Note: Will be elaborated on and written in time. WIP

Revision as of 09:00, 20 May 2013

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She's Got It Where It Counts, Kid.
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Liu'qin Vahn
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

12 ABY

Physical Description





1.75 meters


81.6 kilograms




Red-Orange (Formerly Blue)


Right Arm, Right Eye, Chin, Eyebrows

Personal Information


Lightsaber Color(s):


Lightsaber Form(s):
Fighting Style(s):
Chronology & Political Information
Known masters:

Cethgus Entar



[ Source ]

Liu'qin Vahn is a member of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. He holds the rank of Dark Jedi Knight, fervently following the philosophy of the Order of Obelisk and proving his loyalty everyday as a dedicated member of both the Clan Arcona and the House of Galeres.


Early Childhood

Born in the year 12 ABY on the planet of Hutta, Liu'qin Vahn was the product of a nights passion between two desperate souls. Liu's mother, (Blank), worked as a hostess in the palace of a prominent Hutt Gangster on the planet of Hutta. It was here she met (Blank), a Force Sensitive who ran errands and small-time jobs for the Hutt.

Before his birth, Liu's parents were merely friends who enjoyed each others company however after the child was conceived his father made a proper home for himself and the future mother of his child. Growing up as the son of a low level enforcer of (Blank) the Hutt, Liu'qin learned much of his father's trade at an early age, from handling and shooting a blaster weapons, to the fundamentals of starship piloting. When not being spoiled by his mother or tagging along with his father on long distant smuggling runs Liu'qin played with many of the other children on Hutta. Growing up in a rough neiborhood on a particularly rough planet, Liu quickly learned to fight and fend for himself from the other children.

It was not until he turned 9 that Liu began to exhibit special talents and abilities his father recongnized all too well. Liu'qin was Force sensitive. The term was used by the Jedi to describe an individual with a strong connection to the Force but untrained in its use. At times, he was able to tap into his raw abilities to see into the future. His father who too, had a modest level of training before the Jedi purge, helped his son foster these talents as best he could. However it was a difficult and arduous task with the limited knowledge he had from his training many years before.

Tragedy Strikes Home

Two years after the discovery of his new found abilities, Liu's Mother (Blank), wanted to send her son to the new Jedi Academy for Juniors to be trained properly. His father, knew all too well the feeling of dissappointment that accompanied failing the strenuous tasks, having failed the tests and training himself. Blank firmly made his stand against this desiring to spare his son the same dissappointment. After several months of debating and arguing back and forth, (Blank) secretly put out a hit contract on her husband after he dissappeared, taking his son with him. His plans were to get his Liu far away from the agenda and ambitions of his wife, though ultimatly, he would fail.

A Mandalorian-Mercenary by the name of Kan'daar took the contract, tracking (Blank) and his son down at the starport on Hutta. Confronting (Blank) who still refused to see reason, the Mandalorian Kan'daar was forced to shoot him dead and take the boy back to his mother. It was hardly a week later before Liu'qin was sent off to the Jedi Academy on Yavin IV to begin his instruction.

The New Jedi Order

Summary of this Chapter in his life will go here.

Padawan Liu'qin & Master (Blank)

Summary of meeting and being accepted into Master Blank's tutelage

File:Liu'qin Vahn Jedi Padawan.jpg

A Grave Situation

A murder within the Order occurs Liu'qin an his Master investigate

Investigating the Black Sun

All clues lead to the black sun and the killer of Liu'qin's Father.

Peace is a Lie, There is Only Vengeance

Against the Jedi code and his Master's insructions, Liu'qin slays all Black Sun mercilessly, both the armed and unarmed even those who had surrendered. Facing his father's killer he took great pleasure in torturing the man, cutting off one limb at a time before finally severing his head.

Forbidden Passions

Though the rules of the Old Jedi Order on laws of love and marriage weren't enforced, extreme emotional attachments were still taught to lead to jealousy and the Darkside. Liu'qin had such feelings and relations with a fellow Padawan within the Order.

The Betrayal

Still greatly shaken by the events that took place on Coruscant, Liu became even more cold and distant. Despite avenging his mother and father's deaths, revenge did not heal the wounds he had buried so deep for so long. His master finally confronted him about it after making the connection with the crime lord Liu had dismembered, and the murder of Liu's family some 17 years before. With every word his master spoke, Liu felt as if he was being forced to go on the defensive, as if he was meant to admit he had done something wrong. While he felt no disdain for his mentor specifically, Liu'qin experienced a rush of adrenaline and finally all of his emotion he had allowed to build up over the course of his life exploded from him.

In a fit of rage, Liu'qin drew and ignited his Lightsaber and leap to his master to close the gap. His master hesitated for a brief moment before grabbing his own Lightsaber hilt. He went to ignite it but was caught off guard. Just as Liu landed in front of his master, his blade severed the instructor's hand. His hand fell to the ground, Lightsaber still in its clutches. Fluidly Liu'qin then wheeled back and drove his blade deep into his mentor's chest with a reversed lunge. Slowly he pushed it further into his chest, creating a gaping hole in the front of his torso, exiting his upper back. Several other Padawan's were present at the time and Liu knew that if any witnesses were able to place him at that location at the time of his master's death, he would be found out.

His master's corpse slumped to the ground just as Liu raised his head slightly in the general direction of the other four Padawans. They too instinctively drew their own Lightsabers. Liu slew the first two with relative ease however the last two left him with disfiguring marks on his face and body. The heated battle between the three Force users was intense.

Forced to resort to the Darkside for the sake of survival, one of the Padawans threw a flurry of lighting bolts at Liu'qin. Burning and scarring his face, head and upper body. At the same time the other Padawan swung vertically downward, aimed at Liu's outstretched arm, severing it at the elbow. Liu'qin quickly retrieved his Lightsaber from his severed hand using the Force. Holding the hilt in his left hand, he re-ignited his Lightsaber just in time to parry his opponents attack. He then followed up with a counter attack of his own. Telekinetically, Liu'qin began to choke the Padawan standing directly in front of him. After the young man had suffered enough through lack of oxygen, Liu'qin spun around, performing a spinning back kick, hitting the young man with his heel, square in the jaw. The force of the kick was so great, it snapped the young Padawan's neck. As the third Padawan hit the floor dead Liu began to walk aggressively yet casually towards the last Padawan. She swung vertically upward which Liu'qin had not anticipated, the tip of her blade split his right eye rendering it useless. He was taken back by the pain but only briefly. He forced his way past her defenses and drove his Lightsaber vertically through the bottom of her jaw, exiting the top of her head.

Knowing there would be no recovery from this massacre, knowing he would forever be hunted Liu'qin Vahn left quickly with only a few essential belongings. He made it as far as the star port before being stopped buy blaster armed security guards, forcing him to kill them before stealing a small shuttle and making his grand escape into the Galaxy. He knew that he could never stay in one place for very long, ever again. So with little in the way of choice, Liu'qin headed for Tatooine to get in touch with his father's old contact.

Freelance Opportunist

Brief Summary: Liu'qin's time working as a freelance smuggler and mercenary. Traveling the Galaxy soul searching and looking for purpose. Note: Will be elaborated on and written in time. WIP

Lightsaber for Hire

Various different mercenary and bounty hunting jobs Liu did after leaving the Order. Note: Will be elaborated on and written in time. WIP

Discovering the Brotherhood

Knight Vision


The Shadow Academy

The Apprentice of Cethgus Entar

Trials & Tribulations

Appearance & Personality

Physical Appearance

Liu'qin Vahn has always been gifted with a rigid, athletic body, which complements the height of 5' 9" at which he stands. His skin is pale and his face and body wreathed with scar tissue behind which, lies dead nerves and atop which lie half faded markings of a pure blooded Sith. His eyes; which were once brown, have since turned a blazing Red-Orange just shortly before joining the Dark Brotherhood. Though Vahn has not been capable of growing hair atop his head for many years he still remains able to grow facial hair which is as sable as space itself. He has fashioned his beard with a strip of hair at the middle of his chin and two long waxed and curled patches of hair separated on either side above his upper lip.


Liu'qin wears a black padded leather jumpsuit under matching black knee length outer-robes with tassels and a large hood. He wears a darkened durasteel chest plate with matching pauldrons, gauntlets and boots. Over the outer-robe Liu wears a black ankle length, short sleeved over robe with a larger flowing hood. He is rarely seen without wearing a well fitted helmet made of darkened durasteel alloy, usually worn under the over-robe's hood.


Though callous and hard on the outside, Liu'qin still clings to some of his former Jedi teachings. However, he is a recluse by nature, neither social or talkative unlike many of his peers in the Brotherhood. Vahn cares not for camaraderie or friendship but instead prefers to work on his own, constantly testing himself to keep his edge in combat to continue performing at the peak of his physical and mental capabilities. Results and outcome are his only concern. Over the course of his life Liu'qin has bottled his rage, storing it for battle, turning it into a weapon of its own. He seldom speaks, preferring instead to observe, though when the occasion arises that he needs to break his silence his voice can be described as calm yet firm, both confidant and wrathful.

Martial Disciplines & Philosophy

Unarmed Martial Arts

Lightsaber Forms & Application Tactics

Facts & Trivia

Positions Held

  • (Former) Assistant Battle Team Leader of Revenance Virtuom

Outstanding Achievements

  • High Scores in the Shadow Academy Exams
  • Dark Maven of Combat
  • Record Fast, Back to Back Promotion

Character Trivia

  • The Surname: Vahn (Pronounced: Von) comes from a mix of Van (as in: Chevy Cargo "Van") and Khan (which means: King) as in Genghis Khan: the Conqueror of China and first nomadic ruler to unite the Mongolian Steppe Tribes several thousand Years ago.
  • Liu'qin's beard is styled after a Fu-manchu though with a few variances.
  • Vahn's physical build is inspired by Bruce Lee, as is his facial appearance (before falling to the Darkside). His martial prowess both in armed and unarmed combat were also inspired by Bruce Lee.
  • Liu's loss of arm is greatly inspired by Anakin Skywalker's. Though I doubt few whom have a cybernetic arm could say theirs was not in some way or another.

Facts About Me

In real life I am:

  • Just as much a medieval history and swordsmanship enthusiast as I am a Star Wars fanatic.
  • A Hobbyist who enjoys crafting Lightsabers as well as Medieval Armour for fan films and full contact sparring (respectively).
  • Working on several Machinima Movies and Youtube Series' as well as Live action short-films of both Star Wars and Medieval Fiction.