D'Tana: Difference between revisions

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
(Changing Lucius' name to Du Maurier)
(some Vong were missed in the great purge -14185)
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{{Family charinfo
|capital=*Coronada Fortress
|capital = [[Coronada Station]]
|language = [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Basic Basic]
|era=[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
|founded = 24 ABY
|era =[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
|affiliation = *[[Clan Arcona]]
*[[Clan Scholae Palatinae]]
*[[Clan Tarentum]]

== Who We Are ==
The d'Tana family used to be a predominantly Arconan family, with ties to both great Houses of Arcona. Although, they have recently endeavored to spread themselves out over the Brotherhood systems in order to re-establish their presence.  Founded by Voranyen d'Tana, he brought in several of those who were his Brothers in the Force: Alex and Koskian, and Gavin Dahl.  Some years later Selene and [[Malidir]] (he defected to the [[Erinos]] family) were both brought into the family, recognizing their value and spirit of guidance that they were providing the Clan they were in at the time. Du Maurier joined the family after coming back from some time away from [[Clan Arcona]].  Recently added to the Family are [[Rho]], who has recently been appointed [[Quaestor]] of [[House Galeres]] of Arcona under the leadership of Mejas Doto, [[Etah]], who has held a number of different positions within Arcona and has proven to be a great leader and [[Orv Dessrx|Orv]] who has also been a leader as the Aedile of House Qel-Droma of Clan Arcona has proven a great asset to making Arcona into a bigger and better place to serve the Brotherhood.  The d'Tana's have since then been able to bring in other notable Brotherhood members into the family: [[Phoenix Olkyssagh Palpatine|Phoenix Olkyssagh d'Tana Palpatine]] who happens to be the Consul of Clan Scholae Palatinae and has great influence in his position, [[Debric Santhe d'Tana|Debric d'Tana]] who has proven to be a great asset to the family, Adien Corsair d'Tana, whom the rest of the family has more than enough confidence that he will add to the family influence.  Their 10th member, [[Talos Vyranius d'Tana]], was most recently added and shows much promise to rise and to being very powerful among his clan. Furthermore, Talos has just recently returned to [[House Galeres]].  His joining was not taken lightly by the family... some were even skeptical, but most are confident in his skills and ability to bring honour to the family.  <BR>
The d'Tana Family has been a driving force within especially Arcona since it's inception, if not on the actual Summit at times. They have been able to bring forth their quiet influence from the Shadows, offering wisdom to the leaders of the Clan.  Often it seems that those who are distrusted by this family and it's fellows have not remained in power or their respective Clans for long.

== What We Do ==
''“We are the d’Tana Crime family. Our family was found deep within the shadows and there our heart still lies. We seek no greater good, we provide no community service or benefit to the general public whatsoever. We bow our head to no god; we serve no one exempt possibly our own greed and hedonistic desires. We acknowledge no authority greater than our own family, not even the almightily galactic credit can truly call itself our masterIn the end, we are the pathetic dingy tossed too and fro by the wind and waves during a mighty storm, that still stubbornly refuses to turn back or sink.”'' - '''Etah d’Tana to Robin Hawk d’Tana circa 32 ABY'''
Over the last several years, and since [[Clan Arcona]] settled in the Dajorra system, the d'Tana family has seen fit to expand the Clan's power base in any manner they could; legally or otherwise. Mostly the latter is trueWith the discovery of a type of spice on Eldar: Garconian, the d'Tana Family spear headed the initiative of getting mining bases and a trade routes to nearby Hutt space established.  The Tana route has been a lucrative form of income for [[House Galeres]], and helped fund many projects for [[Clan Arcona]] as a whole.

Smuggling has been in the hearts of the Family for several years as well. More often than not, the personal craft of a d'Tana coming back to Eldar would show signs of battle.  Never have they lost cargo, nor a ship, and the heat of fighting off the 'good guys' of law enforcement is an intense draw and they see it as a challenge.
In the past the d’Tana family prided itself on having a hand in any and every illegal endeavor, and being available to do anything for a credit. Not only did they run drugs, deal arms and sold slaves, but they also provided prostitutes, managed underground fights, and ran protection, completed assassination contracts and much more. But since the families rebirth they have tightened their focus. Now every illegal activity they engage in somehow supports its drug trade.

In more recent times, with Selene going Missing in Action in Tarentum territory (Pre-Alliance), [[Du Maurier d'Tana]] leaving Arcona for another clan, and recently having a leadership change under the new Arconan Consul, Mejas Doto, a few others have been shifted out of their leadership positions.  As a result, the family has lost some of the influence they have had in the Brotherhood as a whole.  Although, they continue with their family dealings as if nothing had ever changed and their influence on the Brotherhood Planetary Systems, they have confidence, will once again rise to its full potential.

* For more information on the inner workings of their business go read: [[Tana Consortium]]

== Current Directives ==
= History =
Directive One: Classified until further notice<br>
Directive Two: Classified until Directive One is achieved<br>
Directive Three: Ice cream<br>
Directive Four: Praise Gavin<br>
Directive Five: Get Drunk in Praise of Voranyen<br>
Directive Six: The search for head ache medicine

== The Family ==  
== The Drug Lord ==
[[image:TanaFamilyPortrait.jpg|thumb|right|460px|The d'Tana Family]]ShadowbloodArmor.jpg
The founder of the d’Tana family was a man named Voranyen, he was a human born on Ryloth. The details and exact timeline of his life are a little fuzzy, probably of his own doing. He was either orphaned or abandoned and by his early teenage years he was supporting himself as a street corner ryll dealer. In his young adult years he made a name for himself around the darker parts of the galaxy as a well known and wealthy bounty hunter and one of the more prominent members of the Bounty Hunters Guild.
[[image:talos.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Newest Member: Talos d'Tana]]
=== Current Members in Order of Seniority ===
*[[Koskian 'Psyko' d'Tana]]
*[[Alex d'Tana]]
*[[Du Maurier d'Tana]]
*[[Rho Ozrei d'Tana|Rho 'Dynamite' d'Tana]]
*[[Etah d'Tana]]
*[[Orv Dessrx d'Tana]]
*[[Phoenix Olkyssagh d'Tana Palpatine]]
*[[Adien Corsair d'Tana]]
*[[Talos Vyranius d'Tana]]

=== Honorable Members ===
Unknown to anyone at the time, Voranyen had located the ruins of the Sith Academy on Ryloth in his childhood. It was an one of the ancient Sith Academies that trained Sith Assassins and Spies during the latter part of the New Sith Wars. He came back to visit this ruin several times throughout his life. Eventually this relic of Lord Kaan’s Brotherhood of Darkness led Voranyen to the Emperor Hammers Dark Jedi Brotherhood. There he trained and rose in rank swiftly.

*Voranyen d'Tana - (founder) Retired
By the time of the Exodus Voranyen was an Equite and Proconsul of the Clan Arcona. That position led him to his greatest find on the worlds of Eldar and Selen; Garconian Spice. As he settled into his new home system, he also began constructing the basis of what would become the Tana Consortium. A system for secretly mining, shipping, refining, selling and distributing Garconian spice. It relied heavily on slave labor and contractors. Voranyen soon found the need for competent Lieutenants in his operation.
*Gavin d'Tana - Missing in Action
*Selene d'Tana - Missing in Action.
*Debric Santhe d'Tana - Retired

These members have either been lost to war or the ravages of time, or their own petty vices.  We honor their memories by listing them here, so that we may not forget them.

=== Defectors ===
== The Robber Barons ==
As Voranyens spice operation expanded, he decided to commission field supervisors. He also felt that to find the skill sets he required, they should be Dark Jedi's. For this he recruited three clan mates who also happened to be three human Brothers; Koskian also known as Psyko, Alex and Gavin. All three were young and strong. They drove the slaves, intimidated the contractors, and kept the buyers honest and the business profitable. Blackmail, extortion and murder, these were their tolls.

*[[Malidir Trepidus Erinos|Malidir Erinos]]
As the Baron's importance in Voranyens organization grew, so did their danger to him. In order not to become a victim of intrigue, the Arconae knew that he would have to keep them close. He kept them very close in fact and in time grew genuine affection for them, as they in turn developed a fierce loyalty to him. Somewhere along the way, they became a true family. They took Voranyen's name and the d'Tana Crime Family was born.

==The Family Recruiting Policy==
In time Prefect Arms and Dahl Plating were created to be front companies for the family, with Koskian and Gavin respectively, as the Chief Executive Officers. Along with their legitimate operations the family used these companies legal business license to do less than legal business and used the company's as covers for movement. In these two companies the seeds for what would become the Tana Consortium were born.

A potential d'Tana is told simply to "dress up" or "get dressed." He or she is taken to a private place and seated at a long table, right next to the lord. Other d'Tana Mafia members who are present will join in and recite oaths and promises of loyalty. The inductee must then hold a burning piece of paper as a simple of burning away all other things that .  In the d'Tana family, the new member is paired with a more experienced Mafia member who will act as his guide to lead him into Mafia life. The inductee must Vow that he will be a member of the family for life, and then a drop of blood is drawn from his trigger finger.  The prospective member must also show a penchant for making money or at the very least a willingness to commit acts of violence when ordered to. Usually, the new d'Tana must pass a test before he will be considered for full induction, and this test is commonly rumored to be some sort of participation in an act of deception or violence.

===The Process===

* For a new member to join the family there must be a personal invitation issued to the one who is being considered.
== Specialists ==
As the d'Tana Crime family continued to expand, so did its need for different skills sets. When Voranyen and Koskian decided to establish a legitimate business to operate from within, they also decided the nascent Consortium would need more specialized skills than the Drug Lord and Robber Barons currently possessed. To recruit this new talent, Voranyen looked within Arcona once again. He choose three Dark Jedi who, though not siblings, had fairly close ties.

* The one being considered can not be below the rank of Knight
An up and coming leader within the Clan Arcona was a woman named Selene; she was hired to become the Chief Executive Officer of the Tana Consortium, the public face and point of contact for the entire Consortium. The second Arconan went by Malidir and he was hired to be the Director of Marketing for the Consortium, in charge of advertising and branding. A third Arconan named Lucius was hired to be Director of Logistics, which amounted to smuggling and running security.

* A Request from an individual to join the family will automatically be denizzled; no questions asked.
Forming the Consortium around Prefect Arms and Dahl plating, it was also decided that the specialists should be given their own affiliates along with board positions in the Consortium itself. In that vein, Selene was made Chief Executive Officer of Selene Services Inc. Malidir was made Chief Executive Officer of Trepidus Shipping and Transport and Lucius was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Maurier Security Services.

* Along ''with'' the recommendation from a family member, the one being considered must have passed in a short 'application' letter stating what they are going to bring to the family.

* There must be a vote held after the recommendation has been made - and the ultimate result is determined by the family consensus.

* There must be a degree of personal friendship and interaction between the majority of the current members and the one being considered.
== Torchbearers ==
As the Consortium grew and the family became even more affluent and influential, they put their feelers out to find possible new officers for the Consortium. Rho, a Nagi, was Sashar Erinos's Apprentice but good friends with the d’Tana’s, Etah, a Sakiyan, was Koskians Apprentice and Orv, a Teltior, was a former member of the Imperial Directorate's High Command who was also close to Rho and Etah. He was also gaining a Brotherhood wide profile as his skills became recognized by the Dark Council.

* There must be a waiting period of at least eight (8) weeks from the time the invitation was accepted and the person being considered takes the d'Tana name to give a chance for the current members who might not know this 'recruit' to get to know them better before the next step.
Rho was made Chief Executive Officer of Ozrei Destructive Applications Company. A second security company, but a tad less professional than Maurier Security; less a company of soldiers; more a group of thugs. When Gavin died, Etah became CEO of Dahl plating and when Selene was killed, Selene Services Inc. became Dessrx Services and Orv was made CEO.

* After the person being considered has taken on the family name, there must be another 4 weeks trial period to make sure the person who joined is going to stick around and contribute to the life of the family. If they do not, they will be removed, no questions asked.
This period is often referred to as the Goldern Age of the d'Tana family. Many members of the family were active in the Brotherhood at the same time, the Garconian spice veins were full and flowing, the Consortium was profitable and a large space station named Coronada Station was established as the Consortium and the Crime Families base of Operations with Alex as its Captain.

* All requirements are subject to change.
== Exodus from Arcona ==
Gavin died, Malidir left the family and due to various circumstances, members of the d'Tana family started leaving the clan Arcona. Lucius, Selene, and Psyko all left for other parts, followed later by Alex. Instead of the Consortium being based solely in Dajorra, it now had assets spread between Clan Arcona, Clan Plagueis, Clan Scholae Palatinae and Clan Tarentum. Time proved this to be a losing strategy.
== Death of Selene ==
The history of this period has been stricken from public records. The family wishes only to convey that Selene was an amazing person, the loss of her has never stopped being felt and the family will never forget her.
== The Fourth Robber Baron ==
After Psyko had already left the Clan Arcona for the Clan Scholae Palatinae, he put forth the name Phoenix Olkyssagh for membership of the faily who was a Firrerreon Dark Adept and Proconsul of the Clan. He was easily voted in and was soon proclaimed to be a Robber Baron, a leader of the family (what would later be called Teru). Phoenix took over as Chief Executive Officer of Trepidus Shipping and Transport and renamed the Company; Olkyssagh Shipping and Transport.
== The Lost Generation ==
The next generation of three was made of Debric, Adien and Balthier. Of the three d’Tana’s Debric was the most active and longest lasting. After leaving the Clan Arcona he lost touch with the family. Adien was a member of the Clan Tarentum and was recruited by Lucius Du Maurier. His tenure was marked by continuous and unannounced absences. It’s not even clear if Balthier ever wore the name originally. He was voted into the family and disappeared right afterward during the time of Consul Mejas Doto’s Project Ressurection.
== Period of Decline ==
During the rise and fall of the lost generation, Psyko and Alex removed themselves from daily Brotherhood life. Lucius fell off the face of the galaxy, Rho traveled the galaxy, Etah made frequent trips to Kessel and Orv who had been appointed to the Dark Council, was too busy to be involved in the running of the Consortium. Alex continued running Coronada Station and Phoenix acted as the defacto Lord of the Crime Family.
== New Blood ==
Rho returned to Arcona around the same time Etah did. They both worked with a relatively new Dark Jedi that went by Talos. They both pushed for Talos to join the family. Shortly after he became a vested member of the d’Tana’s, he took a fall for the family. Sentenced by the Chamber of Justice on multiple accounts, he spent two full years in prison. Once he completed his sentence he returned to the family and returned to Arcona.
== Alien Occupation ==
The [[Alien invaders|Force-devoid Aliens]] swept through the galaxy like a plague, destroying worlds, enslaving entire peoples and changing the course of history in even the most remote corners of the galaxy. Not even the d’Tana family couldn’t remain unaffected by the enormity of the Aliens' invasion. Most  of Brotherhood Space was occupied and much of it was re-formed by the Aliens, but few destinies were as forever changed as that of the of the d’Tana Crime Family.
The invaders had occupied the entirety of Hutt Space before it had ever reached Brotherhood space and in the ensuing fight had destroyed the d’Tana’s home space station, Coronada. Furthermore, by the time the clan Arcona had retaken Dajorra, Alien-forming had totally dried up the Garconian Spice Lines. Since all of its assets were destroyed, but much of its debt remained, Alex officially dissolved the Tana Consortium and with it, its former Affiliate Companies.
== Resurrection ==
Over a period of many years Etah d’Tana had built a Swoop Club and based it on Kessel. Having located old Imperial Mining Reports he found a very potent Spice Mine, which contained dozens of spice veins that were each as large as the spice cashes the d’Tana family had on Eldar and Selen. Using swoop thugs that had been loyal to his Uncle Regna and old toughs that had been former slaves of the mines, the Thrice Damned hollowed out of fortress over these spice mines.
After the [[Alien invaders|Alien]] forces sequestered in Dark Brotherhood space had died from some kind of disease and the Jedi Invaders who followed them were driven from Brotherhood space, the Thrice Damned voted to offer their services and facilities to the family. This of course, had always been Etah’s plan and figured into the construction of the Fortress, so the family moved into the space with relative ease.
== Insanity and Betrayal ==
A human female named Robin Hawk, sought membership in the family. She had been in the employ of the Herald of the Dark Council. After a short amount of time, she was allowed to join. By this time the Consortium had been destroyed and the family went about moving into the Fortress on Kessel. Her duties involved information technologies and she immediately came under fire by the Chamber of Justice, who put her up on charges twice. She left the Dark Brotherhood and the family forever. When last heard from, she was being committed to a mental institution somewhere in the core worlds.
Talos after serving the family for a few years, disappeared. He left the employ of the newly formed d’Tana Inc. and wouldn’t return missives from the Teru. It only became clear what had happened when he was found at the side of Zandro '''Erinos''' wearing the '''Erinos''' name. Because he had little knowledge of the families inner-workings, had never visited the fortress on Kessel and has no knowledge of its whereabouts, he was spared the death of a betrayer, if only temporarily.
= Roster =
== Current members ==
=== Teru Koskian 'Psyko' d'Tana ===
A former Arconae, current member of Scholae Palatinae and one of the original Robber Barons of the d’Tana Crime Syndicate. Though he never took the title out of respect for Voranyen, Psyko functioned as the Drug Lord for much of the family’s golden age. Though he remains informed, he is nominally retired. There is some dispute over whether he is a human or an Ewok.
=== Teru Alex d'Tana ===
A former Arconae, current member of Clan Plagueis and one of the original Robber Barons of the d’Tana Crime Syndicate. He doesn’t defer to Psyko but never publicly challenged his primacy. Alex had been retired, but has recently returned to Dark Brotherhood space and is functioning as the active head of the family.
=== Tura Du Maurier d'Tana ===
The last remaining member of the d’Tana families third generation. His contemporaries Malidir and Selene have both disappeared, one through murder and the other through defection. He ran protection and enforcement through the family’s golden age. He was nominally retired but recently returned.
=== Tura Rho Ozrei d'Tana ===
The first member of the d’Tana families fourth generation. Soon after him came Etah and then Orv.
=== Tura Etah d'Tana ===
The second member of the d’Tana families fourth generation, coming after Rho and just before Orv. With the first three generations stepping back, Etah has taken responsibility for the structural reorganization of the family.
=== Tura Orv Dessrx d'Tana ===
The third member of the d’Tana families fourth generation, coming after Rho and Etah. Orv has also taken on more responsibility within the family.
=== Teru Phoenix Olkyssagh d'Tana Palpatine ===
Bucking the d’Tana tradition of threes, Phoenix joined from the Clan Scholae Palatinae and was the first to be named a Baron that wasn’t one of the first three brothers. He is now semi-retired.
=== Tura Balthier mied Demen d'Tana ===
Was last of what had been consitered the lost sixth generation of the d’Tana Crime Family, which also consisted ofDebric and Adien. He swept into Arcona from Plagueis during DJM Mejas Doto’s Project Resurrection. He didn’t stay long after joining the family, before he disappeared entirely. He returned recently and the Teru made it clear he was to be accepted back into the family.
== Honorary Members ==
=== Lord Voranyen d'Tana ===
Founder and mastermind, Voranyen was the original Drug Lord of the d’Tana Crime Syndicate. He has since retired and is living his elderly years in seclusion amidst many beautiful women and vast riches.
== The Fallen ==
=== Baron Gavin d'Tana ===
One of the original Robber Barons, he died of a simultaneous overdose, heart attack and stroke on the last day of a twelve day bender amidst spice, booze and the legend says; no less than four super hot Twi'lek slave girls.
=== Sister Selene d'Tana ===
One of the d’Tana families third generation along with Malidir and Du Maurier. She was thought to be the future of the family before her untimely demise.
== Current Retainers ==
===Mogani Kratus Vahillus===
Kratus is a rising star within the Clan Arcona and answers to Tura Etah d'Tana.
===Mogani Andraste Vivendi===
The young and quiet Apprentice of Tura Balthier mied Demen d'Tana. Only time will tell if she grows in stature within the Dark Jedi and if she has the stomach for living the life of an outlaw.
== Former Members ==
'''Debric Santhe''' - One of the lost sixth generation members of the d’Tana Crime Family along with Adien . His contributions to the family were fairly minimal and he grew apart from the family when he transferred to Clan Taldryan where the d'Tana Family had no assets. It was mutually decided to cease his affiliation with the d’Tana Crime Family, with no hard feelings.
'''Adien Falaut''' - One of the lost sixth generation of the d’Tana Crime Family along with Debric. Adien was recruited by Du Maurier/Lucy during a short period Lucy was a member of Tarentum. His contributions to the family were fairly minimal and once Lucy left Tar, Adien was left a lone member in a Clan where the Tana Consortium had no assets. It was mutually decided to cease his affiliation with the d’Tana Crime Family, with no hard feelings.
'''Robin Hawk''' - A few years after Talos’s induction came Robin Hawk. She was vetted very lightly and only a few months into her induction she was arrested by the Chamber of Justice and committed to a mental intuition somewhere in the core-worlds, the Grand Master had determined that she was a danger to herself and others. Since Robin Hawk the family has changed the way they induct new members.
== Traitors ==
'''Malidir Erinos''' - One of the d’Tana families third generation along with Selene and Du Maurier. He left the d’Tana family citing Brotherhood politics interfering with his status as Quaestor of Galeres. But his true intentions became known when he joined the newly formed '''Erinos''' Family. Because of his contributions to the Clan Arcona he was spared the death sentence customary for treason and betrayal..
'''Talos Erinos''' - Destroying the trend of threes Talos followed the lost generation.  He was imprisoned for some time by the Chamber of Justice, but returned to the family. He served only a short time before disappearing again but this time it was following Malidir into the '''Erinos''' family. His death sentence is stayed only because he is a member of Arcona. Should he ever leave Arcona, he would be executed as a betrayer of the families trust.


Latest revision as of 23:51, 14 February 2019

Societal information


  • Coronada Fortress
Official language:


Political Information

Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era

[ Source ]

“We are the d’Tana Crime family. Our family was found deep within the shadows and there our heart still lies. We seek no greater good, we provide no community service or benefit to the general public whatsoever. We bow our head to no god; we serve no one exempt possibly our own greed and hedonistic desires. We acknowledge no authority greater than our own family, not even the almightily galactic credit can truly call itself our master. In the end, we are the pathetic dingy tossed too and fro by the wind and waves during a mighty storm, that still stubbornly refuses to turn back or sink.” - Etah d’Tana to Robin Hawk d’Tana circa 32 ABY

In the past the d’Tana family prided itself on having a hand in any and every illegal endeavor, and being available to do anything for a credit. Not only did they run drugs, deal arms and sold slaves, but they also provided prostitutes, managed underground fights, and ran protection, completed assassination contracts and much more. But since the families rebirth they have tightened their focus. Now every illegal activity they engage in somehow supports its drug trade.


The Drug Lord

The founder of the d’Tana family was a man named Voranyen, he was a human born on Ryloth. The details and exact timeline of his life are a little fuzzy, probably of his own doing. He was either orphaned or abandoned and by his early teenage years he was supporting himself as a street corner ryll dealer. In his young adult years he made a name for himself around the darker parts of the galaxy as a well known and wealthy bounty hunter and one of the more prominent members of the Bounty Hunters Guild.

Unknown to anyone at the time, Voranyen had located the ruins of the Sith Academy on Ryloth in his childhood. It was an one of the ancient Sith Academies that trained Sith Assassins and Spies during the latter part of the New Sith Wars. He came back to visit this ruin several times throughout his life. Eventually this relic of Lord Kaan’s Brotherhood of Darkness led Voranyen to the Emperor Hammers Dark Jedi Brotherhood. There he trained and rose in rank swiftly.

By the time of the Exodus Voranyen was an Equite and Proconsul of the Clan Arcona. That position led him to his greatest find on the worlds of Eldar and Selen; Garconian Spice. As he settled into his new home system, he also began constructing the basis of what would become the Tana Consortium. A system for secretly mining, shipping, refining, selling and distributing Garconian spice. It relied heavily on slave labor and contractors. Voranyen soon found the need for competent Lieutenants in his operation.

The Robber Barons

As Voranyens spice operation expanded, he decided to commission field supervisors. He also felt that to find the skill sets he required, they should be Dark Jedi's. For this he recruited three clan mates who also happened to be three human Brothers; Koskian also known as Psyko, Alex and Gavin. All three were young and strong. They drove the slaves, intimidated the contractors, and kept the buyers honest and the business profitable. Blackmail, extortion and murder, these were their tolls.

As the Baron's importance in Voranyens organization grew, so did their danger to him. In order not to become a victim of intrigue, the Arconae knew that he would have to keep them close. He kept them very close in fact and in time grew genuine affection for them, as they in turn developed a fierce loyalty to him. Somewhere along the way, they became a true family. They took Voranyen's name and the d'Tana Crime Family was born.

In time Prefect Arms and Dahl Plating were created to be front companies for the family, with Koskian and Gavin respectively, as the Chief Executive Officers. Along with their legitimate operations the family used these companies legal business license to do less than legal business and used the company's as covers for movement. In these two companies the seeds for what would become the Tana Consortium were born.


As the d'Tana Crime family continued to expand, so did its need for different skills sets. When Voranyen and Koskian decided to establish a legitimate business to operate from within, they also decided the nascent Consortium would need more specialized skills than the Drug Lord and Robber Barons currently possessed. To recruit this new talent, Voranyen looked within Arcona once again. He choose three Dark Jedi who, though not siblings, had fairly close ties.

An up and coming leader within the Clan Arcona was a woman named Selene; she was hired to become the Chief Executive Officer of the Tana Consortium, the public face and point of contact for the entire Consortium. The second Arconan went by Malidir and he was hired to be the Director of Marketing for the Consortium, in charge of advertising and branding. A third Arconan named Lucius was hired to be Director of Logistics, which amounted to smuggling and running security.

Forming the Consortium around Prefect Arms and Dahl plating, it was also decided that the specialists should be given their own affiliates along with board positions in the Consortium itself. In that vein, Selene was made Chief Executive Officer of Selene Services Inc. Malidir was made Chief Executive Officer of Trepidus Shipping and Transport and Lucius was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Maurier Security Services.


As the Consortium grew and the family became even more affluent and influential, they put their feelers out to find possible new officers for the Consortium. Rho, a Nagi, was Sashar Erinos's Apprentice but good friends with the d’Tana’s, Etah, a Sakiyan, was Koskians Apprentice and Orv, a Teltior, was a former member of the Imperial Directorate's High Command who was also close to Rho and Etah. He was also gaining a Brotherhood wide profile as his skills became recognized by the Dark Council.

Rho was made Chief Executive Officer of Ozrei Destructive Applications Company. A second security company, but a tad less professional than Maurier Security; less a company of soldiers; more a group of thugs. When Gavin died, Etah became CEO of Dahl plating and when Selene was killed, Selene Services Inc. became Dessrx Services and Orv was made CEO.

This period is often referred to as the Goldern Age of the d'Tana family. Many members of the family were active in the Brotherhood at the same time, the Garconian spice veins were full and flowing, the Consortium was profitable and a large space station named Coronada Station was established as the Consortium and the Crime Families base of Operations with Alex as its Captain.

Exodus from Arcona

Gavin died, Malidir left the family and due to various circumstances, members of the d'Tana family started leaving the clan Arcona. Lucius, Selene, and Psyko all left for other parts, followed later by Alex. Instead of the Consortium being based solely in Dajorra, it now had assets spread between Clan Arcona, Clan Plagueis, Clan Scholae Palatinae and Clan Tarentum. Time proved this to be a losing strategy.

Death of Selene

The history of this period has been stricken from public records. The family wishes only to convey that Selene was an amazing person, the loss of her has never stopped being felt and the family will never forget her.

The Fourth Robber Baron

After Psyko had already left the Clan Arcona for the Clan Scholae Palatinae, he put forth the name Phoenix Olkyssagh for membership of the faily who was a Firrerreon Dark Adept and Proconsul of the Clan. He was easily voted in and was soon proclaimed to be a Robber Baron, a leader of the family (what would later be called Teru). Phoenix took over as Chief Executive Officer of Trepidus Shipping and Transport and renamed the Company; Olkyssagh Shipping and Transport.

The Lost Generation

The next generation of three was made of Debric, Adien and Balthier. Of the three d’Tana’s Debric was the most active and longest lasting. After leaving the Clan Arcona he lost touch with the family. Adien was a member of the Clan Tarentum and was recruited by Lucius Du Maurier. His tenure was marked by continuous and unannounced absences. It’s not even clear if Balthier ever wore the name originally. He was voted into the family and disappeared right afterward during the time of Consul Mejas Doto’s Project Ressurection.

Period of Decline

During the rise and fall of the lost generation, Psyko and Alex removed themselves from daily Brotherhood life. Lucius fell off the face of the galaxy, Rho traveled the galaxy, Etah made frequent trips to Kessel and Orv who had been appointed to the Dark Council, was too busy to be involved in the running of the Consortium. Alex continued running Coronada Station and Phoenix acted as the defacto Lord of the Crime Family.

New Blood

Rho returned to Arcona around the same time Etah did. They both worked with a relatively new Dark Jedi that went by Talos. They both pushed for Talos to join the family. Shortly after he became a vested member of the d’Tana’s, he took a fall for the family. Sentenced by the Chamber of Justice on multiple accounts, he spent two full years in prison. Once he completed his sentence he returned to the family and returned to Arcona.

Alien Occupation

The Force-devoid Aliens swept through the galaxy like a plague, destroying worlds, enslaving entire peoples and changing the course of history in even the most remote corners of the galaxy. Not even the d’Tana family couldn’t remain unaffected by the enormity of the Aliens' invasion. Most of Brotherhood Space was occupied and much of it was re-formed by the Aliens, but few destinies were as forever changed as that of the of the d’Tana Crime Family.

The invaders had occupied the entirety of Hutt Space before it had ever reached Brotherhood space and in the ensuing fight had destroyed the d’Tana’s home space station, Coronada. Furthermore, by the time the clan Arcona had retaken Dajorra, Alien-forming had totally dried up the Garconian Spice Lines. Since all of its assets were destroyed, but much of its debt remained, Alex officially dissolved the Tana Consortium and with it, its former Affiliate Companies.


Over a period of many years Etah d’Tana had built a Swoop Club and based it on Kessel. Having located old Imperial Mining Reports he found a very potent Spice Mine, which contained dozens of spice veins that were each as large as the spice cashes the d’Tana family had on Eldar and Selen. Using swoop thugs that had been loyal to his Uncle Regna and old toughs that had been former slaves of the mines, the Thrice Damned hollowed out of fortress over these spice mines.

After the Alien forces sequestered in Dark Brotherhood space had died from some kind of disease and the Jedi Invaders who followed them were driven from Brotherhood space, the Thrice Damned voted to offer their services and facilities to the family. This of course, had always been Etah’s plan and figured into the construction of the Fortress, so the family moved into the space with relative ease.

Insanity and Betrayal

A human female named Robin Hawk, sought membership in the family. She had been in the employ of the Herald of the Dark Council. After a short amount of time, she was allowed to join. By this time the Consortium had been destroyed and the family went about moving into the Fortress on Kessel. Her duties involved information technologies and she immediately came under fire by the Chamber of Justice, who put her up on charges twice. She left the Dark Brotherhood and the family forever. When last heard from, she was being committed to a mental institution somewhere in the core worlds.

Talos after serving the family for a few years, disappeared. He left the employ of the newly formed d’Tana Inc. and wouldn’t return missives from the Teru. It only became clear what had happened when he was found at the side of Zandro Erinos wearing the Erinos name. Because he had little knowledge of the families inner-workings, had never visited the fortress on Kessel and has no knowledge of its whereabouts, he was spared the death of a betrayer, if only temporarily.


Current members

Teru Koskian 'Psyko' d'Tana

A former Arconae, current member of Scholae Palatinae and one of the original Robber Barons of the d’Tana Crime Syndicate. Though he never took the title out of respect for Voranyen, Psyko functioned as the Drug Lord for much of the family’s golden age. Though he remains informed, he is nominally retired. There is some dispute over whether he is a human or an Ewok.

Teru Alex d'Tana

A former Arconae, current member of Clan Plagueis and one of the original Robber Barons of the d’Tana Crime Syndicate. He doesn’t defer to Psyko but never publicly challenged his primacy. Alex had been retired, but has recently returned to Dark Brotherhood space and is functioning as the active head of the family.

Tura Du Maurier d'Tana

The last remaining member of the d’Tana families third generation. His contemporaries Malidir and Selene have both disappeared, one through murder and the other through defection. He ran protection and enforcement through the family’s golden age. He was nominally retired but recently returned.

Tura Rho Ozrei d'Tana

The first member of the d’Tana families fourth generation. Soon after him came Etah and then Orv.

Tura Etah d'Tana

The second member of the d’Tana families fourth generation, coming after Rho and just before Orv. With the first three generations stepping back, Etah has taken responsibility for the structural reorganization of the family.

Tura Orv Dessrx d'Tana

The third member of the d’Tana families fourth generation, coming after Rho and Etah. Orv has also taken on more responsibility within the family.

Teru Phoenix Olkyssagh d'Tana Palpatine

Bucking the d’Tana tradition of threes, Phoenix joined from the Clan Scholae Palatinae and was the first to be named a Baron that wasn’t one of the first three brothers. He is now semi-retired.

Tura Balthier mied Demen d'Tana

Was last of what had been consitered the lost sixth generation of the d’Tana Crime Family, which also consisted ofDebric and Adien. He swept into Arcona from Plagueis during DJM Mejas Doto’s Project Resurrection. He didn’t stay long after joining the family, before he disappeared entirely. He returned recently and the Teru made it clear he was to be accepted back into the family.

Honorary Members

Lord Voranyen d'Tana

Founder and mastermind, Voranyen was the original Drug Lord of the d’Tana Crime Syndicate. He has since retired and is living his elderly years in seclusion amidst many beautiful women and vast riches.

The Fallen

Baron Gavin d'Tana

One of the original Robber Barons, he died of a simultaneous overdose, heart attack and stroke on the last day of a twelve day bender amidst spice, booze and the legend says; no less than four super hot Twi'lek slave girls.

Sister Selene d'Tana

One of the d’Tana families third generation along with Malidir and Du Maurier. She was thought to be the future of the family before her untimely demise.

Current Retainers

Mogani Kratus Vahillus

Kratus is a rising star within the Clan Arcona and answers to Tura Etah d'Tana.

Mogani Andraste Vivendi

The young and quiet Apprentice of Tura Balthier mied Demen d'Tana. Only time will tell if she grows in stature within the Dark Jedi and if she has the stomach for living the life of an outlaw.

Former Members

Debric Santhe - One of the lost sixth generation members of the d’Tana Crime Family along with Adien . His contributions to the family were fairly minimal and he grew apart from the family when he transferred to Clan Taldryan where the d'Tana Family had no assets. It was mutually decided to cease his affiliation with the d’Tana Crime Family, with no hard feelings.

Adien Falaut - One of the lost sixth generation of the d’Tana Crime Family along with Debric. Adien was recruited by Du Maurier/Lucy during a short period Lucy was a member of Tarentum. His contributions to the family were fairly minimal and once Lucy left Tar, Adien was left a lone member in a Clan where the Tana Consortium had no assets. It was mutually decided to cease his affiliation with the d’Tana Crime Family, with no hard feelings.

Robin Hawk - A few years after Talos’s induction came Robin Hawk. She was vetted very lightly and only a few months into her induction she was arrested by the Chamber of Justice and committed to a mental intuition somewhere in the core-worlds, the Grand Master had determined that she was a danger to herself and others. Since Robin Hawk the family has changed the way they induct new members.


Malidir Erinos - One of the d’Tana families third generation along with Selene and Du Maurier. He left the d’Tana family citing Brotherhood politics interfering with his status as Quaestor of Galeres. But his true intentions became known when he joined the newly formed Erinos Family. Because of his contributions to the Clan Arcona he was spared the death sentence customary for treason and betrayal..

Talos Erinos - Destroying the trend of threes Talos followed the lost generation. He was imprisoned for some time by the Chamber of Justice, but returned to the family. He served only a short time before disappearing again but this time it was following Malidir into the Erinos family. His death sentence is stayed only because he is a member of Arcona. Should he ever leave Arcona, he would be executed as a betrayer of the families trust.