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{{Krath charinfo
#REDIRECT [[Kal Vorrac]]
|name=Kaliidrad Mortashka Vorrac
|birth=15 BBY, 27 ABY(Rebirth)
|death=27 ABY
|weight=130 lbs
|allies=[[Brijha Mortashka Vorrac]], [[Anochiir]]
|saber= Red
|fightingstyle=[[Teras Kasi]], [[Grappling]]
|profession=Assassin/[[Dark Jedi]]
|era=[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
|affiliation= [[Clan Plagueis]], [[Satal Victus]], [[House Satal Keto]]
|ship= [[Hellhound]]
|dossier= 7288
A strange man, Kal is known for being a loner, for being utterly sadistic, and for being both one of the most capable(and suicidal) pilots in Plagueis. However, since his mysterious "rebirth," he is a changed man.
== Character History ==
===The life he'd never know===
Kaliidrad Vorrac was born on Coruscant, to Senator Ahn Vorrac and his wife, Kaltrina Vorrac, in the year of 15 BBY, along with his brother, Anochiir Vorrac, who renounced the family name at a later time. While Anochiir was to be groomed for politics, Kaliidrad was sent away to an Ithorian named Haido Kush in the slums of a different part of the planet. Ahn supposedly claimed he was meant to follow his Grandfather's path.
While Ahn and Kaltrina were extravagantly rich, Ahn led a double-life of sorts. While few have ever found information about this, it is known that in this double-life, he perused a lightsaber and the Force. By rumor, he was strong in the Dark Side, as were many in the Vorrac line, having descended from Sith Lords. When he found Kaltrina to be pregnant, however, he knew his double-life would have to end.
Employing his personal medical team, who, due to Ahn's wealth, were quite effective, Ahn oversaw the birth of the child by a Doctor Tsung, the head of the team. When the birth took place, however, he found a surprise. Not one child, but twins, a pair of brothers. The younger one had the attractive looks of Ahn, but the older showed a face that was completely dissimilar to him, one that hadn't been seen since Ahn's father, right down to the emerald eyes. Ahn's father had been a killer, and as much as he disliked it, he knew the oldest would be, too.
He named the green-eyed son Kaliidrad, a modification of Kaltrina, and the cobalt-eyed son Anochiir, a modification of Ahn. While both were of rich family heritage, the Senator knew that Kaliidrad, or Kal, as he was called for short, could never be of the family. While keeping Anochiir healthy and well-provided for, Ahn sent for a servant woman, whos name remains unknown, to deliver the boy to somewhere else, somewhere where he'd need to be tough, ruthless, and vicious to survive. The woman had just the place.
===Cast into Hell===
The servant woman took Kaliidrad to an Ithorian called Haido Kush in the Coruscanti lower-level slums. Kush was a deathstick dealer, and was known for past crimes. Even so, he was little more than a petty thug. The woman, who bought from Haido, told him the boy's name and told him to raise him as his own. Kush, who had been rendered impotent years before by a radiation malfunction on a starship, was gleeful to have a son, and traded the woman a large bag full of deathsticks for him. She would never get to use them, however, as Ahn's security forces soon killed her afterward.
[[image:Ithorian.jpg|thumb|left|175px|Haido Kush]]
Haido would prove to be a poor father for the boy, with barely enough food to feed them both, at times not enough, in which he would feed himself, and never with the nutrients the boy needed. As Kaliidrad grew, he became fluent in both Ithorian and basic, the two dialects taught to him by Kush and his only companion, a rusty old protocol droid who couldn't remember it's own name. As he grew, one of the first things taught to him was to fight. Kush taught him to fight viciously, taught him tricks, holds, tripping maneuvers, many of which saved his life on multiple occasions.
At the age of eight, Kal was already stealing, fighting, and running errands for the dealer. Soon, however, he would learn a new skill. One day, as he was running an errand, rival dealers jumped him and pulled a knife on him. While he escaped them, he recieved a vicious shoulder wound. Upon seeing this, Kush saw fit to teach the boy what little first aid he knew. He also taught the boy to knife-fight, and gave him a small knife. Kal learned fast, keeping the blade of the knife sharp enough to shave with.
Kal fought for years, until the age of eleven, when he was approached by a pair of thugs, one of which had a blaster. Kal quickly used what he knew, tripping one of the thugs and kicking him in the face to knock him out. However, the blaster shot that grazed his left arm caused him to become angry, and Kal would kill for the first time. Upon doing this, he took the pistol the man had used and ran, fearful for his own life.
Learning of the murder Kal had commited, Kush saw a very new opportunity in the boy. He began raising him to be the Ithorian's primary enforcer, attempting to make him kill again and again. Kal wanted nothing of it, and at the age of twelve, he would take his few belongings, the knife, the pistol, some ragged clothes, a bag full of food he'd stolen, and he would stow away on a ship, headed for an unknown port. He thought he would finally be free, that his days in Hell were over. He was very wrong.
===Deeper Into the Fires===
The ship Kal had stowed away on was headed to Nar Shaddaa, the Smuggler's Moon. When it arrived, the boy left eagerly, only to be disappointed. It was much like Coruscant, only less clean, more run-down, and with worse scum. As he tried to hide out, sleeping on streets, he was soon found by a spice-crazed gangster with a vicious temper, but little real skill. The man saw Kal and called him street scum, lifting his rifle to aim at the boy. Before he could get a shot off, Kal had drained the power cell of his pistol into the man's chest.
This would catch the attention of three groups. Firstly, there was a Hutt that called himself Durabga, one who offered Kal a very simple deal: Living space and money in exchange for murder. Kal didn't want to do it, but as he was running out of provisions, he soon had no choice. Unbeknownst to many, Durabga's earliest rivals were dispatched by a street-living twelve-year-old boy. Secondly there were a pair of Nikto, the Vuuraq Twins, who ran a stolen-goods operation. Often times, they had Kal sneak in, take merchandise, and if necessary, remove those in the way. Soon, he was cold and hardened, and could kill without a second feeling. However, this would draw to him the third one who noticed, who would be one of the most influential people in Kal's life. She was also the worst of them all.
Her name was Vhiim Ku'Hzad, and she was a disgruntled Zabrak woman who had formerly been a Jedi Padawan, before the rise of the Empire. After the purge, she hid, using what little skill she had to survive. She became twisted and mad, completely obsessed with the Dark Side, though not very powerful with it. When she discovered Kal, she had very specific intents for him. He would be her student, a term which she deformed and twisted until it was little more than an excuse for causing pain.
Firstly, she sent Kal to kill someone. He did the job well, in and out with the body hidden before anyone could notice. She overlooked his job and found a speck of blood on the wall. Going to Kal, she knocked him to the ground, took out a whip, and lashed the boy fifty times. This would continue, with the slightest mistake bringing from Vhiim a beating like no other. Soon, one of her worst beatings would leave a scar Kal would carry for life.
She found that he had killed a whole room full of people, but she had been able to find their bodies. As such, she took him and lashed him with a whip. Afterward, she took a huge hammer, bringing it down on the boy's knee again and again, until the joint was flattened and bloody, with shards of bone sticking out. With the help of Vhiim, who wanted her pet useable, he was able to get it back together for long enough for it to heal, partially. However, the wound would trouble him until his death.
Upon his older years of teenhood, seventeen, eighteen, Vhiim took a new interest in Kal. She considered herself something godly, but even so, the desires of the flesh consumed her, and with what little money he'd been allowed to keep from his earnings, he had groomed himself well. One night, in addition to her ordinary beatings, Kal was tied down to a bed, and Vhiim raped the young man. This would continue until Kal's nineteenth year, until he would finally free himself from Ku'Hzad.
===One Dies, Another Born===
When Kal was nineteen years old, he had finally had enough of Vhiim. He knew he was deadly enough, proficient enough, to finally kill her. He had been above her for years, but with her lightsaber, he knew she could kill him in an instant. So, one night, Kal took an old Sith relic that Vhiim held dear, a spider-shaped knife with a blade that emitted a non-lethal, pain-inflicting poison. Sneaking up on her in her sleep, he plunged the weapon into her heart, holding his hand clamped over her mouth to stop any noise. Before she died, he whispered "Never again. I am the master now," and departed, seeking a means of transport. He would find it in a ship that would be dear to him for his entire life and beyond.
Upon searching for a means of transport, Kal found a landing pad with many ships on it. There were a few freighters of various makes, but none of these caught his interest. It wasn't until he saw an ancient, rusty Eta-2 Actis-Class Interceptor sitting on the landing pad that he knew he'd found a vehicle he wanted. Sneaking up on the pilot, he murdered him and jumped in, knowing how to set an autopilot, as he'd sabotaged one before to kill someone. Setting it, he picked a random destination and flew off, going into Hyperspace. When he came out, he was landing on Corellia, at an empty apartment building. This would be his first of many safehouses.
Landing here, Kal realized just how short on resources he was, and knew he would need to look for work. However, all he had ever done was kill. So, with what little money he had, Kal bought himself a rifle and began a bounty hunting career. He was useful, but he had a serious problem with bringing targets in alive, and only took kills. As he continued this, he found he earned larger and larger sums of money, and soon, life began to get easier for him.
Seeing the stolen ship, run-down, broken, incapable of another flight, he felt something strange. This vehicle, this ancient, rusted old machine had saved him from Nar Shaddaa, from Vhiim, from the very bowels of Hell. As such, he felt an unusual attachment, as if the vehicle were his first friend. As such, he began to boost parts from junkyards, other ships, and even ship dealerships. Installing these, he got it in working order, christening it as the Hellhound for it was from Hell that he'd ridden it. Eventually, as he killed more and more, he could custom-order parts for it, making them perfect for the formerly patched together ship, along with a complete set of new, black plating, a security system, upgraded weapons, and a tinted cockpit.
As his jobs intensified and became more and more deadly, Kal began to gain fame. This was one thing he disliked, and soon, he staged his own death to the public, letting only his important contacts know he was still alive. He disliked fame, hated popularity. His time with Vhiim, being tortured for every hint of his prescence on a job, punished for any touch of sloppiness in murder, had forged him into a deadly weapon, and he chosed to be razor-sharp, perfectly accurate, and completely invisible.
His career would continue, making him the most deadly, the most efficient non-Jedi or Sith assassin in the Galaxy, if the most expensive. However, the Galaxy would never know he existed, aside from a few among the highest-ranking scum in the Galaxy. As this continued, he would stay lonesome and solitary for his entire career, until one fateful job, the hunt for Miika Alexxson. There, he would meet the one individual who ever meant anything to him.
===The Monster Has a Heart===
Kal took the job to assassinate Miika Alexxson on an offer of 150,000 credits from an anonymous source, plus a promise of future jobs. As per usual, Kal used his research contacts to discover that Alexxson was a crime lord on some world, rocky, heavily populated. Kal never really kept the details in mind, he just programmed in the numbers for hyperspace travel. Taking his standard gear, body armor, modded EE-3, backup DT-57, enough thermal detonators to turn an army into goo, and a few other neat toys here and there, and of course, the knife he'd killed Vhiim with, which he'd nicknamed "spidershiv", Kal travelled to the planet. When he began his mission, he encountered more than he bargained for.
Getting in was easy. First, he perused a rather large, poorly-defended landing pad. Having the droid piloting Hellhound take off until a scheduled time, he neutralized the door guards and made his way through, checking a number of likely-looking rooms. One of these, a heavily-secured room, caught Kal's interest, and he quickly blew away the door guards. Examining the room, he found it was a chamber used for Alexxson's "entertainment," as evidenced by the guards, bed, and slave girl.
As he attempted to leave, the slave girl tried to get him to pay attention to her. He dropped her to the ground and held the spidershiv to her throat, demanding to know who Alexxson was. Upon kicking him in the groin, she found the metal covering Kal had taken to wearing on assignments. Finally, he found out that her name was Brijha Mortashka, and she was no slave girl, rather she'd been in the guise of one looking for family heirlooms and had got into some trouble. He originally intended to leave her, but she persisted that he should take her, and a strange feeling compelled him to give her his pistol and lead her out with him.
Long story short, Alexxson meets the spidershiv, Bri finds the heirlooms, Kal blows a hole in the wall, grabs Bri, and jumps out into his ship, which was late. Afterward, Kal escaped to a safehouse on Coruscant, taking Bri with him. Though at first, he planned to dispose of her as he did all of his female companions, Kal would soon find that dealing with Bri would change him forever. As she stayed with him, he found excuses to keep her there. Eventually, the two became closer and closer, until finally, they began to fall in love.
One of the first things that would strengthen their relationship occured at Kal's safehouse. Kal was called away on a dangerous job and, to protect Bri, he hired a man called Kaidoz Altaris, whom he'd encountered, accidentally saved, and bested in a fight on Nal Hutta. The man proved to be cruel to Bri, and eventually, when he left, he attached a device called a Nervekiller to Bri without her knowledge. The device would have killed her, if Kal hadn't intervened quickly. Whatever his reasons, Altaris was out to get Kal, through any weakness he could exploit.
Soon after, when Kal returned, he and Bri grew so close as to share their first kiss. Soon after, Bri decided to stay with Kal, to help him in his trade of murder. They would go on a dangerous job, which would nearly kill Bri, but Kal saved her, bringing them even closer than before. It wasn't long until they were sharing a bed. However, as usual, there was trouble in paradise, and Kal and Bri were attacked. Escaping with Bri, Kal detonated his Coruscant safehouse, but Bri had been poisoned. He just got her to his Naboo safehouse and managed to save her life with an old trick he'd learned from Vhiim. After this, he collapsed, and Bri injected him with a double-dose of his new stimulant to save him from death. This would lead to an addiction.
Finally, Kal was offered a valuable job, but one unlike any he'd done before. It shook him to the core, but he saw what he could gain from it. He knew what he wanted. Just before the job, Kal made a decision, one he'd been thinking about for far too long. Going to Bri, he kneeled before her, took out a ring, and asked her to marry him, a question she agreed to. Finally, taking heavy armament, Kal went to his assignment, with Bri following, as she refused to stay behind. Bri seemed sick, but Kal could not make her remain at the safehouse, so he took her with him.
===Not meant to last===
Arriving on Tatooine, Kal chose a weapon he'd kept for a long time instead of the many guns he'd brought. He chose to use Vhiim Ku'Hzad's lightsaber, a weapon he'd trained with, but had never used. Now, after confiding in Bri, he felt that he could finally put the past where it belonged, and look toward the future. At Tatooine, Bri was sicker than before, and Kal made her remain in the Hellhound while he went about the task.
Before he even got into the estate, Kal was attacked by a pair of tuskens, one of which shot his bad knee. He cut them down, but the speed decrease would hinder him. After these, Kal entered the estate, killing the security forces. Normally, he would have had no difficulty with them, but their skill, along with his injury, caused them to be quite challenging. After dispatching them, he went on to his first objective.
Vorrac approached the stockroom readily, gunning down the guards of the crime family's vice. Upon entering, he set some explosives, keying them to respond to the main bomb he had. Finally, he encountered a little more resistance before moving on.
==Positions Held==
*Sith Flight Leader and Commander of [[Satal Victus]]
*Aedile of [[House Satal Keto]]
*Kal's left eye, a prosthesis, is four shades lighter than his other due to age, though both are green.
*The brand on Kal's hand is the symbol for the old Nygghos Corporation turned on it's side. The company was a small-time front for gunrunning.
*Kal is addicted to a stimulant he creates himself, to avoid his horrid dreams. The stimulant provides a burst of adrenaline, activating chemicals that help him stay awake. However, his addiction makes him crave adrenaline, and he will frequently perform dangerous and even stupid actions for a rush.
[[Category: DJB Characters]][[Category:Clan Plagueis]]

Latest revision as of 06:35, 16 January 2013

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