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Aryn “Jade” Erinos
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

16 ABY (Age 22)

Physical Description





5’7” / 1.7 m


128 lbs / 58 kg




Ice Blue

Personal Information
Chronology & Political Information

Mandalorian Soldier


Celevon Edraven

[ Source ]

Aryn “Jade” Erinos is a Mandalorian Warrior selected from Arcona’s Mandalorian Clan for the Fade Initiative. Jade was chosen as she is amongst the Arconan Armed Forces top pilots. She is just as deadly on the ground as she is in the cockpit. Jade’s skill with firearms, be they blasters or slugthrowers, is well-known throughout Arcona as a whole. She is frequently seen giving demonstrations to members of the Armed Forces to show how good they can become with firearms. Jade is loyal to the Assassin Celevon Edraven.

Fade Initiative


Born in the year 16 ABY, Jade took a keen interest in firearms of all types from a fairly young age. By the time she was eight years old, she could properly clean, maintain and handle the weapons. It wasn’t for a few years later that she took an interest in becoming a pilot. The young woman took on both with a steely determination and a thirst to prove herself worthy in the eyes of her superiors. It wasn’t until her early teenage years that the woman saw a demonstration which was the deciding factor in her choice of slugthrowers over blasters. A master of the lightsaber form known as Soresu, one of their own, showing the difference in difficulty when it came to deflecting both blaster bolts and slugs.

Shortly after her skills as both a pilot and a gunslinger became renown throughout Arcona, Jade was chosen to be a part of the Fade Initiative. Her only condition was that she would be able to choose the one to swear her loyalty to. She had found herself drawn to the shrouded figure with a presence that gave her a feeling of unease. Though Jade was unaware of anything about the male, the fact that he would willingly step into the Battle Circle and swear to use neither the Force nor lightsaber in a sparring match spoke highly of the man.

It had taken days following this to get the man to open up to her and speak freely. These conversations along with a look into the files on the male convinced Jade to swear her loyalty to Celevon Edraven. His insistence that she continue to bear the emblem of her Mandalorian heritage along with his own only served to increase her dedication and respect for the Assassin.

Physical Description

Jade has a svelte figure and is surprisingly strong, despite the deceptive appearance that some would describe as ‘frail’. She has long, dark red hair that falls in waves down to the middle of her back and icy blue eyes. She relies more on her speed and agility over brute strength. Her casual attire consists of a dark green sleeveless top, a loose-fitted pair of black and gray cargo trousers, black combat boots and a black trenchcoat to conceal the various firearms she carries.

Due to her knowledge of Force Users, Jade has chosen to carry slugthrowers over blasters, as they are much harder to deflect with a lightsaber. A pair of black chrome slugthrower revolvers rest in a set of tactical thigh holsters. Within a set of shoulder holsters are a pair of semi-automatic slugthrower pistols painted matte black. And across her back rests a double-barrel, sawed-off shotgun for those occasions when an enemy tries to get in close. After numerous conversations with the Assassin she swore her undying loyalty to, Jade has taken to carrying two fixed-blade knives on her person: two identical tanto tip, fully blacked out blades. One rests within a sheath on her belt, the other concealed in her boot.

When she knows there will be a battle, Jade is quite distinctive from the traditional views on Mandalorians. The woman believes the full armour tends to hinder her movement and has taken to her own variant. The only parts of the beskar’gam she wears are: the chest and back pieces, from ankle to just above her knee and from her wrist to just above her elbow. Beneath the armour covering her chest, back and forearms, Jade is clad in a dark gray, skin tight cloth that keeps her skin cool and unmarred by the shifting armour. The bottoms are a black set of cargo trousers that are cut off just below the knee. Resting against the armour covering her back is a relatively new piece that holds the clips for her semi-automatic pistols so that the woman can quickly pop new magazines into them and push down, where they are released and ready to unleash more lead at her enemies.

Jade will only wear the full, traditional armour for ceremonial purposes. The full set is painted dual-toned in both dark, forest green and dark gray. Either shoulder is emblazoned with both the emblems of Celevon Edraven’s personal and the Erinos Family emblem on her right and left shoulder respectively. Though she protested it heavily, Edraven insisted that the Erinos insignia remain to remind the woman of her roots.


Jade is a highly intelligent and complicated individual. Whilst appearing confident, outgoing and fearless to those she does not know well, that is merely a façade she presents in public to match the reputation she has earned. When in private, the woman is quiet, contemplative and cunning. The fierce determination and thirst to prove herself that shone through to her early trainers still remains, though it is now balanced by a quiet confidence in her abilities and a sense of duty that goes beyond what is expected of her heritage.

The woman has shown an unconscious habit of trying to emulate Celevon Edraven, down to the small smirk of amusement that briefly appears on the man’s lips. When not being challenged by the Onderonian, Jade will try to goad those she knows the man dislikes into attacking her. Toying with their emotions, insecurities, blatant manipulation of their flaws-it all seems like a game until they cannot take it anymore. Whether it’s a genuine need to see how the Assassin will respond to threats against her or a part of the front she presents to others is unknown.

All said, her loyalty to Celevon Edraven is absolute. Though some would assume she was infatuated with the Assassin, those few that know her would give a laugh at this. The only way she would be either romantically or physically attracted to the male would be if he underwent a sex-change.

Combat Specialization

  • Pilot -- Jade is amongst the top pilots in the Arconan Armed Forces. Her skill is a combination of the knowledge of starfighter physics and a honed instinct some believe could be a sign of latent Force Sensitivity.
  • Gun Slinger -- Jade’s skill with firearms is renowned throughout Arcona. A perfect blend of speed and accuracy, this soldier’s quick-draw could be described as preternaturally quick. Anyone crossing her will barely have time to blink, let alone note the fact that Jade has drawn and depressed the trigger before their life is extinguished.