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#REDIRECT [[Deimos d'Tana]]
|type =Sith
|name=Morrighan Ravenscroft
|birth=21 BBY
|allies=*[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood]]
*[[Dark Council]]
*[[Clan Arcona]]
*[[House Qel-Droma]]
*[[House Galeres]]
*[[Etah d'Tana]]
|enemies=*[[starwars:New_Jedi_Order|The New Jedi Order]]
*Imperial Scientists
|profession=*[[starwars:Inquisitor|Sith Inquisitor]]
|position=*[[Dark Jedi Knight]]
|era=*[[Rise of the Empire Era]]
*[[Rebellion Era]]
*[[New Republic Era]]
*[[New Jedi Order Era]]
*[[Legacy Era]]
*[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
|affiliation=*[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood]]
*[[Sith Order]]
*[[Clan Arcona]]
*[[House Qel-Droma]]
*[[House Galeres]]
|masters=*[[Etah d'Tana]]
''"They fear what they cannot see, but what if what they were seeing wasn’t really there either? Deception is such a beautiful art."''<p>
— Morrighan Ravenscroft 22 ABY
Born to deceive and deceive he has all his life, Morrighan is but one of many alias he goes by. A Unisexual name neither meaning him or her but as a whole. A changeling species and one gifted in the force and the beloved arts of stealth. A deadly combo in the hands of anyone, but a science project and a slave does strange things to any creature. Especially one who can be anyone….
== Character History ==
=== Before the Brotherhood ===
====Lao-Mon – Birth of the Trickster Prince====
Morrighan’ life started the same as everyone’s; he was born and grew up in content bliss on the lush world of Lao-Mon. The Shi’ido race naturally secretive hosted few visitors and those that he ever met tended to be of the scientific or exploration kind that whatever they were there for would go right over the youngsters head if he ever got a chance to speak to them, though he would often sit for hours just listening and trying to make out what the men from distant lands were talking about, piecing fanciful stories together that when re-enacting with the other children he would shift into aliens and creatures he had never seen before or even knew if they existed. Though as a youngster this tended not to matter as everything to a child’s mind is real, until they are given proof it is not.
Generally liked those of his people around him knee he was different, though no one knew why. Force sensitive Lao-Mon were rare and interaction with outsiders being so low not many even knew what a Jedi or Sith was, but they knew there was something. Nothing remarkable happened really until his twelve birthday where during a small scuffle with other children he managed to push one back too hard in anger, the force flowed briefly and the push became an uncontrolled shove which sent the other child back too hard causing him to collide with a rock shattering bones. From then on he became the shunned one, the one no one would play with or even talk to unless needed and he didn't know why, not till much later in his life.
To alleviate the problem his parents did the only thing they could do and sent him out into the galaxy, the plan was he was to meet up with a relative on Corellia, blend in and try to live a different life to what he was used to, scratch out a living and hopefully never be shunned for being different. But like most stories where the main character is an alien, the Empire had ways of intervening.
====Corellia – The Journey Begins====
Everything started fine as it had been hoped for, his great uncle taught him the basics of surviving in a metropolis and his education was brought up to speed of that of a child several years older than him. He learned to harness and use his natural gifts to blend in with the Corellian population and even at one time or another fell in love with a girl or two just like any youngsters life should be. He didn’t mind spending all his time in a human form either, it amused him and he started to enjoy being able to alter his hair style and colour at a whim, fitting in with the local crowds and just being, However happiness and the bliss of youth is never going to last especially when living a lie.
The starting of it all came when he over cockily started flirting with a girl when her boyfriend was only twenty or so feet away. He amused her, she thought him cute and he nearly got away with it but during one his moves he tripped pulling them both to the ground. The other boy turned at the ruckus and saw the rather awkward scenario, putting two and two together and getting it oh so very right, but wrong at that moment he moved in with his friends dragging Morrighan off the girl and began to lay into him. Punches flew, kicks swung in and it would have been the beating of his life had it not all been stopped by a passing off duty [[starwars:Imperial_Office_of_Criminal_Investigations|IOCI]] officer.
Beating the gang off the man pulled the half dead Morrighan to his feet and rushed him to the local medical centre where he stayed by his bedside until he awoke the next day, then sat and talked to him about everything and nothing to try and cheer the young boy up. Morrighan was curious, he like many other alien had reasons to detest the empire yet here was one of the nicest people he had met talking to him and making sure he was fine before leaving to return to his own family. Of course it might have been different if the man knew what he truly was but the Shi’ido’s natural telepathy and manipulation saved him and nothing untoward happened. He knew though from that moment on where his path lay, if he could pull it off he had his heart set on emulating that man and becoming an officer of the law.
Now on Corellia he had three options; One to join the Imperial Security Bureau but he knew without full and formal qualification from a [[starwars:Commission_for_the_Preservation_of_the_New_Order|COMPNOR]] academy he would never get in, so it left only two other choices. The first was, like the man, to join IOCI or the home grown CorSec. Not knowing which to choose he applied for both and greedily jumped at the first offer he was presented with. Thus began his odd and treacherous life as part of the Empire.
===Imperial Service===
==== Corellia - Imperial Office Of Criminal Investigations ====
=== The Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era ===
==== Apprenticeship ====
[[File:Morrveiled.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Morrighan's ambiguous form at times can be unnerving..]]
For the third time in his life Morrighan entered the darkness but this time it was by his own volition. The Brotherhood was everything he had ever desired and more; power to forge his own path, the skills to defend hisself against those before his and the knowledge of a lifetimes worth of Sith and Dark Jedi that had come before. Though he was not assigned to Etah d’Tana at first as his apprentice he learnt well under a wizened Sith warrior named Karahatus. He taught his the mysteries of the dark side and the beautiful ways he could manipulate the force and use it to his will be it to augment his natural abilities or bring pain and miasma to those he wihed hurt.<br>
Throughout his early years as an apprentice potential he had locked away from his time within the Imperial labs became known to his, he found wielding blades and blasters in combat almost like a second nature an heavily favoured that style of combat. Through this fixation he began his study of the Hapan martial arts to better himself in its uses. He found the weapons to be an extension to himself the ability to bind his foes and then unleashed his force gifts upon them always amused his to some degree. However during his training an itch returned he couldn't scratch. Something felt wrong and he was unable to quite place his finger on it. He had everything he had ever wanted yet still felt incomplete.<br>
He petitioned Karahatus’s advice and listened intently as he explained that what as holding his back from gaining true power was he was missing a part of himself, a part that had been denied from his at such a young age that his mind, after all it had been through, was still clinging to that moment of happiness from when he was a young girl. He knew what had to be done and with his master’s blessing left the Brotherhood and returned to Lao-Mon and from there onto Nar Shaddaa to adorn a new mantle.
==== Nar Shaddaa - The Trickster Prince ====
[[File:MorrighanAttire1.jpg|thumb|left|200px|Morrighans Attire on on Nar Shaddaa]]
His time away from the Brotherhood was generally shrouded in mystery. He reconnected and was accepted again as one of them. For six years he trained alongside his sisters, learning in a short time what he should have learned in an entire lifetime alongside his kin. He tamed and rode beasts into combat and reconfirmed his tribal hisitage, rising to the rank of shaman’s apprentice whise he would stay until his departure from his kin.<br>
His appearance changed again, though he kept his defensive modifications; nails, hair, teeth, he began to wear less formal robes and began dressing hisself in the tribal wear of his people. He felt whole, complete a void that needed to be filled within his had finally been done and his ability to control his powers grew and grew.  Six years away and he finally felt whole, with promises he would return to his people at least once a year Morrighan left Dathomir and set course back to the Brotherhood.
==== The Return To The Brotherhood ====
His triumphant return to the Brotherhood was short lived as upon his return he found his old master to have been slain in combat leaving his alone and without a path to tread. He had been training under the clan shaman but to reach the peak of his performance he had to be taught by a proper student of the Dark Arts.  Much to his surprise however he was put under the tutelage of Etah ‘Tana, the man who set his free from the darkness and would now lead him further into it.<br>
Now returned and more powerful than ever and the darkness around his he strides into a dark new future.
== DJB Facts ==
=== Characteristics ===
==== Physical Description ====
As like most of his race Morrighan is a everything and nothing at once. A shifter he is able to take on many guises from humanoid, non-humanoid, animal and beyond. He has not one true set definition of form but it's been so long since he visited his original one he fears he may have forgotten what he original looked like or even how to get back.<br>
In the brotherhood as his common form however he stands about 1.87 metres and weighs in around 230 lbs. He has long hair and sometimes sports a matching beard, the colour changing at his whim. Muscular and broad in the shoulder hides his agility and he holds himself well among his peers.<br>
==== Attire ====
[[File:Morrighanrobes.jpg|thumb|left|200px|Morrighan's DJB Robes.]]
The clothes usually match the assignment he is on or the role he is playing but usually he is found nestled inside his Brotherhood robes, ever shifting eyes staring out from amongst the shadows and folds of the hood. His cape drifts around him and his footsteps are echoed by hard heeled boots. His dueling saber strapped at his side for all to see when he wishes them to see, for the Dark Jedi Knight is proud of what he is.<br>
Out of the Brotherhood is a different matter, being part swooper he wears traditional gear to go with that line of work, however he has access to a wide assortment of clothes and costumes, uniforms and attires purely for the purpose of different guises. More often than not he an acquire what he needs on the job from a willing donor but he finds it best to always be prepared.<br>
==== Personality ====
Unpredictable at times would hit Morrighan on the head when it comes to her personality, because everything he does he does it with no reasoning as to why he did it or even as to what he hoped to achieve. He could be quite content one minute eating his dinner and the next tearing a chunk our of some poor passer by just because they looked at him.
Despite this Morrighan is actually rather quiet, preferring to keep to himself at the best of times. His head buried in a tome or looking over a Holocron or on the training field, Though taken from Lao-Mon at an early age and subjected to all kinds of sick tests at the hands of Imperial researchers he came out still intact, it was the mines of Kessel that cracked him. Fierce, proud and with his love of free space an the wilds all caged animals in the dark break at some point after all and after all a shifter always has ways to survive.<br>
==== Impediments ====
[[File:Morrighans Lightsaber.jpeg|thumb|left|200px|Morrighan's Saber.]]
*Hates The Pitch Black
*Not Good At Imperial Relations
*Quick To Anger
*Not Physically Built To Survive Sustained Combat.
*His ability to shift can throw people or make them unomfortable
==== Allergies ====
*Cathar Fur
*Kessel Spice (Only If Ingests)
*Imperial Scientists
==== Distinguishing Marks ====
*Everchanging Hair & Eye Colour
*Evershifting Tattoo's
==== Phobias ====
*Pitch Black Darkness
=== Positions Held ===
Krath Tyro (Blue Mist) [[Guardian]] - [[Jedi Hunter]]
=== Outstanding Achievements ===
*Bronze and Silver Novae in his first IG
*Awarded Grand Cross of the Dark Side
*Earned 3 top places overall in the last IG.
*Awarded The Dark Cross
*Crescents with Emerald Stars for two First places in competitions.
== Trivia ==
* Formerly took the name Eclipse at the begining of his training, however changed this after his return from Nar Shaddaa
* Vanished from the Brotherhood twice in his history in it. Once to return to Lao-Mon, the other for unknown circumstances though it's rumored he hunted down those that caused his so much pain.
* Mastered the use of blaster and blade.
[[Category: DJB Characters]][[Category: Arconans]]

Latest revision as of 23:21, 16 September 2013

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