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From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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#REDIRECT [[Gon Doru]]
* Fistandantilusi
* Gon Doru
|species=Human (Adopted Tusken)
|affiliation=[[Plagueis|House Plagueis]]
|masters= * Current Master [[Kal di Plagia Vorrac]]
* Former Master SW [[Sarak Shai]]
* Task Masters: [[Kal di Plagia Vorrac]] and [[Dacien Victae]]
Fistandantilusi is an [[Obelisk]] [[Protector]] of [[Plagueis|House Plagueis]] and apprentice to [[Kal di Plagia Vorrac]].
==Name Information==
The name Fistandantilusi is not so much a first name than a title. The reincarnated force soul that ties this man to a lineage of ancestors calls itself FISTANDANTILUS. The name variations are interpretations of the current soul containers' interpretation. 
==Character History==
===Destruction Of Hope===
Being born on [[starwars:Dathomir|Dathomir]] usually spelled doom for Force-sensitive males; as a result the parents of Fistandantilusi, whose birth-name was Kor'Ka, fled to [[starwars:Tatooine|Tatooine]] to hide from the dark sisters who wished to kill their child. They traded their small craft for a moisture farm and were ready to raise the boy in relative peace. Six months after arriving on Tatooine their farm was attacked by a group of Tuskan Raiders. During the raid Kor'Ka was taken because the warriors believed the child was a Tusken child. The raid had been conducted because the Chieftain had a dream thatd these Dathomiri humans had kidnapped one of the Sand People's babies. In later years a Sith Historian would come to the conclusion that the child was mysteriously protected by the Force. Kor'Ka is adopted into a tribe of Tuskan Raiders. During this adoption he is raised as one of their own. When he is 10 summers old he receives his name after a successful raid on a [[starwars:Jawa|Jawa]] village, Kor'ka becomes known as Ugh'Ka "Desert Wraith" as a result of how he acted during the raid. Being brought up as a Tusken means learning how to survive in the desert. These survival skills would later benefit him during his academy years on [[Morroth]] At the age of 14 Ugh'Ka becomes known as Gu'ka'ugh'na, or "From the Desert, Death" After taking a human captive back to the Tribe to perform the Bloodrite. The bloodrite ritual allows Gu'ka'ugh'na to display all he has learned about anatomy from the Tribal leaders. As a reward for drawing out the ceremony for three nights he is given a bride. The ceremony marked the day he became considered a man. A new life was beginning for the young man. Gu'ka'ugh'na knew nothing about where he came from, and had no clue that he was any different from the Sand People. However, during the consumation of marriage it is discovered that he is only a human, and not one of the Sand People. At which point he is violently excommunicated from the Tribe. During the ceremony of Ostracism his prized [[starwars:Gaderffii|Gaderaffi]] is destroyed. It is a symbol to describe his destruction. He is forced to wander the desert to die. Nearing death he is discovered by Fallen Jedi Master Tobias.
Jedi Master Tobias had been guided to Tatooine in dream. He found the dying young man in the great dune sea. The fallen Jedi could feel the Force in the boy and saved his life. Tobias had found a pre-equipped hovel in the desert. After purposing it for use Tobias took the young human and nursed him back to health. At this time the teen refused to have a name, to the point that in anger he would lash out at the Fallen Jedi. Tobias named him Gon Doru. After the young man healed from his wounds Fallen Jedi Master began to train Gon Doru in the ways of the force. He taught a balance of the force. For each good deed done Gon Doru would have to do an evil act. A balance must be kept. From the ages of 14 to 24 this is how Gon Doru learned of the force, and of this Fallen Jedi philosophy. Soon Gon Doru grew to hate even Tobias, for the Tusken anti-human sentiment could not be quelled in him. Many times Gon Doru attempted to kill Tobias during training, and each attempt was met with a harsh punishment. For ten years Tobias trained the young man, yet during those ten years Gon Doru could only understand the simplest of Jedi skills. However, in the field of combat he could nearly best Tobias in hand to hand. Gon Doru would get up with the rising of the Suns and go for a long run, and only return when his body could not take the strain any longer. Each day he pushed past the previous distances. Soon his runs took him near by a Jawa camp. Even though many Tuskens had issue with the little creatures Gon Doru could remember being facinated by them. He would rest in the shadows and watch the little people go about their lives. When Tobias discovered this behavior he rewarded the boy with advice. That advice would serve him well. By watching and observing the repeated actions of his prey Gon Doru could understand how to best defeat them.
At 24 when he realized he has once again become more than an adult he performed the bloodrite on his master. A rite that he has long since perfected. While the Master was teaching Doru about meditation he bludgeoned Master Tobias with a rock. Then working fast Doru quickly began draining enough blood to keep his Tobias barely alive. Slicing a hole in the small hut with the lightsaber Tobias quickly fell victim to the heat. No amount of force training prepared Tobias for what Doru chose to do. However, years of meditation on Endor would bring Fistandantilusi to the conclusion that his master willfully chose to let him do this. An act of complete selflessness to forgive all the years that Tobias spent at odds with the Jedi Paraxum. The level of hatred that bubbled with in Doru gave him little pause. He set off in his masters old B-Wing to deal with his old tribe of Sand People.
Doru landed the B-Wing on the outskirts of town. Dressed as one of the Tusken Raiders he quickly gained entrance into the tribe. He pulled out his old masters lightsaber and promptly began to hack and slash his way through the helpless creatures. He slaughtered every single one of them, even the bantha that the Sand People revered. This simple act pushed him from the simple equality of the gray force into the Darkness.
At 25 he left Tatooine and sought solitude. The B-Wing's navigation system locked on to the planet of Endor. Doru allowed the ship to travel as it saw fit. Research informed him that Endor would be better learn to feel the force, and seek a balance for what he had done to the Sand People. The B-Wing crash landed on the planets surface. All that survived the wreckage was used to create a temporary shelter. A group of Ewoks found Doru and with out cause Doru slaughtered them all. He ceremoniously placed their bodies in a fashion similar to that of the Old Republic Jedi. This ceremony was unintentional, it instead was an act of the Force. He spent the next 5 years as a hermit. Hunting alone with the small sporting rifle and survival skills he adapted from his youth. At the age of 30 after meditating for seven days he awoke and knew himself as Fistandantilusi descent from a long line of [[Fistandantilusi/Ancestors|ancestors]]. Found by [[Dacien Victae]] while he was out hunting Ewoks with a party of enslaved wookies.
Fistandantilusi arrived at the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and was given a series of tests that he did not understand. He was placed before the shrines of the Sith, Krath, and Obelisk and had been made to choose one. Of course each Order had a herald barking out what each Order was noted for. The Obelisk called to him. Soon after he was assigned to the House of Plagueis. Shipped to the planet Kapsina Fistandantilusi advanced through the lower levels of Journeyman with ease. Under the tutelage of [[Kal di Plagia Vorrac]] and [[Dacien Victae]] Fistandantilusi may have gained a few new scars from their use of the Task Master whip, but these are only badges of office to him.
==DJB Facts==
==Positions Held==
List positions that are important.
===Outstanding Achievements===
Interesting or important facts that do not fall under the other two categories.
[[File:Tuskan Raider Emblem.jpg|275px|center|The symbol of the Tusken Raiders.]]
[[Category:DJB Characters]]

Latest revision as of 19:42, 8 September 2014

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