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|type= Sith
|firstname= Ahsik
|firstname= Ahsik
|lastname= Warren
|lastname= Warren
|homeworld= Dathomir
|birth=19ABY (20 years old)
|birth= ABY
|death= Alive
|death= Alive
|species= Zabrak
|gender= Male
|gender= Male
|hair= Curly mid-length Brown Afro
|eyes= Gold
|height= 1.72m| 5'8"in
|weight= 70.3kg| 155lbs
|cyber= Left arm
|mother= Nightsister Alti
|father= Feral Warren
|children= None
|spouse= None
|allies= Dark Jedi Brotherhood
|enemies= Collective/ Sith Beasts of Naga Sadow
|saber= Journeyman saber
|form= Form 0
|weapons= ElectroStaff, Journeyman saber, Crushgaunts
|fightingstyle= Corellian Kickboxing
|profession= Hunter/ Trainee
|affiliation= Clan Plageuis
|ship= None
|masters= Ranarr Kul-Tarentae
|dossier= [[dossier:15703|#]]
|dossier= [[dossier:15703|#]]

= Ominous Beginnings =
Ahsik was born on Dathomir, to the Nightsister Alti and Nightbrother Feral of the Warren clan of Nightbrothers. Alti died during childbirth, the child and father becoming servants to Ahsik’s Godmother Nightsister Tunta. On the night of Ahsik’s birth there was a solar eclipse, which prompted the resident Nightmother to turn to their Gods. The Nightmother returned with a ring bearing a symbol of a black sun, and a prophesy about the boy’s future and that of the Warren clan. The prophesy dictated that Ahsik needed to be raised strong, and healthy. Should he die, the clan would be wiped out and 5 demons would be released on Dathomir with the intent to kill all intelligent life until they had returned to their master. Feral was charged by Tunta to raise Ahsik and the two returned to his clan and retold the tale. Ahsik was accepted by the clan and raised traditionally, his fate having little affect on his lifestyle.

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Ahsik had been raised to be rivaled to the Eldest of the Clan’s grandson, Feng. Feng and Ahsik grew up together often sparring and competing, however Ahsik was always scorned by some of the clan, believing that he was a curse and that he would kill everyone. Ahsik would have no love for these people and develop a hatred for people that never acted on what they believed in. During his childhood Ahsik would also develop the Force ability of Illusion, something that Ahsik would use to play tricks and pranks on people. Typically lighthearted, these pranks and Ahsik’s bright temperament made him very likable and a popular figure in his clan.
Ahsik believed his abilities to be part of his fate and a gift from his ancestors, something that would be affirmed by the visions he would receive later on in his life.
After Ahsik turned 8, he would begin receiving his Tribal Tattoos, although it was traditional for these to be marked after the age of 10, but Feral had taken it apon himself to start the process. The Tattooing would cause a rift between Ahsik and Feng, something that would cause a genuine hatred between the boys, fueled by Fengs grandfather’s hate to Ahsik.
8 Years have passed. The boy Ahsik was standing before his father in the empty area just as the sun was rising early. “Today is when you begin to put those tricks of yours aside, and properly commit yourself to combat like a true nightbrother” His Father said to him. This had been a regular complaint, Ahsik had developed a talent for conjuring illusions that only he and another person could see or hear. It was something he prides himself on, a gift from the ancestors and the unseen stigma of his cursed fate. It was matched with the ring his father bared, something that he would receive when we was worthy, and was ready to face his fate. The constant pranking and playfulness that he used his gift had caused him to shirk his training and combat in the arena with the other younglings. “I’ve been an Ace in my studies Father, and there’s no one I know my age that can beat me with a spear.” Ahsik groaned at his father. He knew that this talk was more serious than others but he was hoping to avoid the confrontation. “NO. You will not shy from this, you are my son and the Child of Black Sun. You need to be strong enough to kill death itself and you will not do that when you can’t even kill your laziness.” Feral spoke approaching his son. “But Fath-“
The taste of blood filled the boy’s mouth. “If you will not appliy yourself, you will have no choice but to train. You will train or die boy, and I will have no mercy on you.” Feral snarled. “Yes Father.” Ahsik said.
For the next 2 years Ahsik lost all control of his life, there were no friends to visit him and no time to spend alone. Training had consumed him physically, but mentally he still trained those skills that made him happy. Music and his illusions kept him together and helped him to become stronger together. Ahsik hates his father as much as he loved him, for he saw the fear in his eyes every time he saw Ahsik stumble.
Ahsik had reached the age of 15 when the time came. He was to undergo the Rite Of Beginning, which was a 2 week long test, consisting of 3 days of gladiator fighting in the arena, with no sleep or rest. This is followed by a week and a half of surviving in the wildlands or the marshlands, the decision made by the victor of the last fight. The combatants are the newly initiated and the final fight was against a tribal leader. Most are expected to fail the last fight, hence the trek into the wilds, however Ahsik was expected to defeat all the opponents, then go into the wild without resources, or face death. The curse of his life made it apparent that if he didn’t live up to this expectation he would be deemed a failure and killed.
More surprising than not Ahsik survived the first day of gladiatorial fighting, forced to not use his illusionary abilities. He had no rest and was given little to eat. He had been paraded around the tribe every hour he was not fighting, a celebrity and an outcast in the same breadth. The two days followed the same, however the final fight Ahsik had chosen to use his illusionary abilities, igniting a deep rage and hatred within Ahsik.
Ahsik had been force to face the son of Elder Feng, Craw. Craw has fought as dirty as possible, sabotaging Ahsik’s spear and shield. Ahsik eventually got the upperhand quickly, suffering only severe bruising and drove the blunt spearhead into his shoulder. As Craw screamed and pleaded, Ahsik placed a hand on his wound and on his face, driving a pain so horrendous that the Leader had died of heart attack. This act was seen as an outrage but before he could be reprimanded, Ahsik stride into the wild, bruised, unarmed and bloody.
He returned healthy, grinning, and covered head to toe in blood.
=The Fateful Quest=
When Ahsik returned he was greeted by his father, and apon reaching him, he spoke a single word, “Done”. He promptly passed out in his arms and slept for 3 days.
The reaction of the clan to his trial was mixed, but most considered it a pass, regardless of how and who got hurt. When Ahsik had awoken none had come to visit him save his father. “Ahsik because you have passed and become a Nightbrother in your own right, there is something I must give you.” Feral said to his new brother. He took off the necklace bearing the ring that had his insignia on it, the mark of the Black Sun prophesy. “This was from the clan of your mother, the nightsisters, it was meant to guide you to complete your mission.” Feral said.
Apon placing the ring in his son’s hand, Ahsik’s eyes became black, his neck strained and body rigid. Ahsik had been taken to a place of darkness, he saw a star of blood and shadow crash to Dathomir somewhere beyond the marshlands. It carved a wicked ravine and caused the sky to turn to a perpetual storm that never rained, but always thundered. The water grew green and black with poison from the star. From inside he saw the shadows dance and snarl. Ahsik had now known where it was he must face his fate. However before he returned he saw a faceless figure of a zabrak, it stood before him in a black void. Only the two of them, the ghost walked to Ahsik, and into him, Ahsik felt his body become filled, each muscle feeling as if it had been pumped with the power of every zabrak that came before him, painful but powerful. Ahsik had been given the gift of amplification from his ancestors, to call on all their power as his own.
Ahsik awoke another day later, painstakingly watched over by his father.
“Father I know my path and what I must do. My ancestors have given me further strength that I need for this. Gather the strongest among us and meet me in the arena tonight.” Ahsik said, clutching his fathers shirt as the sweat from his feverish sleep covered his face. “Okay son, what will you do now?” Feral asked. “Train, I will train father.” Said the zabrak. Ahsik found himself in the wildlands he had just left later that day, meditating and exercising his new power. By the time the dark had come, he was comfortable and ready to choose his companions.
Ahsik met his father and the strongest they had to offer, all lined up and waiting for his approval. “I wish for you all to kneel before me, I must know that you have the will to face a demon and not flinch.” Ahsik said this to the warriors before him. He then began to go down the line, placing his hands on each one, and laying before them a test of will. One had to endure unimaginable pain after Ahsik broke a finger and enhanced its pain, another had to face the vision of a demon and the sound of its roar without flinching. Out of 15 of the strongest, only 5 had passed those tests. “Those who I have proven strong of will, you will form a team and I will face you at dawn. Those that are left standing will be my companions on my quest, it will start a month to the day. Now go, and prepare.” Ahsik dismisses them. On the following day, only 3 had been left standing after facing this beast they had outcasted all their lives, eyes full of reverence and fear.
The day had come, the three warriors, Scorn, Tear, and Retch, and Ahsik had been blessed by the elders for the great quest. Armed to the teeth and carrying rations for a week, they set out. “I will sing your praises my son, once you return. May the gods guide you, and the ancestors strengthen you.” Feral said to his son. “And may you find your place among the stars.” Ahsik finished the farewell. It took 4 days to reach the place but it was unmistakable. They had found the home of the fallen star of blood and shadow.
It was a stretch of marsh that had been annihilated, the trees were flattened and the ground had been turned from wetlands to a dry cracked mud. Strange pools and flows of green and black water flowed from the hole in Dathomir, it’s source a massive ravine that angled into a deep cave. Ahsik could feel the pressure in his skull warning of the danger in this place and the air. With the thunder sounding above them, the warriors entered the cave.
Inside they found an ancient shuttle, it’s origin must have been Yavin4, once part of the Sith empire many wins ago. The shuttle was massive in size though ravaged by time and covered in runes. Apon Ahsik’s arrival the found a door opening to his touch, revealing a hallway depicting the tales of Sith Lord Naga Sadow. Each image accompanied by a case containing an artifact of power, calling to each of the men walking its decrepit grounds. After further exploration there was another region uncovered by the group, one containing a room of twisted statues. 5 stone beasts lay on the floor, surrounding a final pedestal, inside a Sith holocron.
Ahsik could feel a pull to the holocron, like a voice calling him home. Apon reaching it, the closed his hand around it, as though there was a spirit inside he heard a voice, “the blood of the hounds is what deigns a Sith worthy.” The voice has sounded in his head. Immediately after the voice spoke, the five beasts awoke, shedding the layer of stone and dust that made them look inanimate. Their maws dripping with blood like fluid and bodies rippling with muscle, covered in a cloud of darkness. The size of a landspeeder, they howled with a blood freezing sound, but each of Ahsik’s brothers didn’t not buckle or run, they stood ready to fight the creatures. The resulting fight would kill all of Ahsik’s comrades and allow the 4 beasts to escape. Ahsik had depended on his illusions and the strength of his brothers to kill these beasts, but Ahsik had only managed to kill a single Sith hound, trapped under its corpse with the remnant of his severed left arm in its maw.
As he lost consciousness, there was another vision brought to him, one of blood and fear and death. When he awoke Ahsik freed himself and drink from the blood of the fowl creature before him, granting him another visit by the ghostly zabrak that came to him when he returned from the wild. This time the figure showed him how to make himself impossible to be found by the spirit world, something Ahsik had realized is what the monsters had used to awake from his presence.
Ahsik awoke, skin clammy and the stench of rot burning his nose. The body of the beast pinning him was cold already, and his wound that cost him his arm had been cauterized shut. This was due to the acidity of the saliva of the Sith hounds, it caused what was left of Ahsik’s upper arm to melt, and seal off blood flow from his shoulder down. With his remaining arm, and likely several broken bones, Ahsik crawled from under the beast, having been restored enough to amplify his broken body. Once Ahsik was free he began to prepare for the journey back, he knew by now that the clan was in danger, but it took him days to make it here while in a group, he may make it in a day and a half if he focused and pushed himself. Gathering a small portion of rations, the only knife that was still intact and a length of twisted metal, Ahsik made a spear and set off to make it home.
By using the speed of the swiftest of his ancestors and by resting regularly, Ahsik had neared his home in 2 days. However, he did not find a welcome party, no praises being sung, just a painful silence. Every home was ravaged, doors and windows broken in and shattered, the walkways were covered in sprays of blood and piles of broken bones and twisted flesh. With an urgency that would push Ahsik to over strain his abilities, he already knew that the beasts had left, it was only about finding a survivor. His first instinct was to go home to his father.
What Ahsik found would be a haunting day, he found Feral, the left half of his face having been chewed on, with the teeth exposed and his tongue having out. Feral had been scratched across the stomach, deep enough for his organs to be visible, with a massive bite in his left hip that was melted due to the acid involved. His right arm was snapped in the middle, several fingers missing, but on his left he still clutched a knife, it was a small Vibroknife, something Ahsik had never known his father to carry, and its blade was covered in black blood that never dried. Ahsik would cry before his father and clutch at his tattered remains for what felt like years, but was only an hour. Setting back out into the wild, and making traps for more food, Ahsik realized he would be alone for a long time to come. After having secured a supply of food for himself for the next day as a half, Ahsik returned to the village and buried each and every member he found and could recognize, those that had too little or were too mangled he merely noted as “Revered Nightbrother” The endeavor took Ahsik 3 days, the end by which he had been starving, but content with what he had done. As he prayed to the Gods, he departed each of his Nightbrothers to the ancestors and vowed to slay each of these beasts if there was any purpose in this world, it would be done.
Before he set in this quest he decided to set out to the Nightsisters, hoping they might help him with his now lost arm. However he could not enter the grounds, the thick green smoke that covered the estate created a wall before him. After another day of waiting Ahsik had been met by Tunta, sister to his mother and his godmother. “Ahsik my dear boy, you failed to protect your father and your clan, by the word of the Nightmother you have been truly cursed by the Gods, and as such we have to banish you. The only way that you might restore yourself and save the afterlives of your people is to kill those creatures before they ravage the rest of the planet. To find the beasts you need to use your mind, hatred and power emanate from those demons, through that you can find them.” Tunta tasked of Ahsik. “Thank you Nightsister, I love you, and may the Gods guide you, and Ancestors strengthen you.” Ahsik said to her, “and may you find your place among the stars, my dear boy.” Tunta responded.
==The Hunt==
Ahsik set out from the home of the Nightmother. He was determined but very lost. It took a week for him to center his hatred enough to catch a whiff of the beasts. They shared a presence in his mind, a feeling of bile and rage filled his thoughts and guided him to them. By concealing himself he was able to find them on the opposite edge of the marshlands, it was an area none of the Warren Nightbrothers had ever been to, and the 4 beasts split up, one staying behind and the others continuing in a pack. The behavior confused Ahsik, and the remaining beast stayed almost stock still for days. It was 3 days before Ahsik made any move on his prey, all the while the presence of the single beast was like a siren in his mind, calling him and maddening him. With a single knife and as much strength he could muster, Ahsik confronted the beast and killed it. Suffering a wound along his lower abdomen, it took another day before Ahsik was well enough to continue his hunt. Before he left however, he made an offering of the demon to the Gods and his Ancestors, taking in its vile blood and receiving another vision.
This vision was of the 5 Sith Hounds, each one surrounding him in the same formation that they had around the holocron that Ahsik carried. Two of the beasts lowered their heads and the cloud of darkness that followed the beasts flowed into him. The holocron hovered above Ahsik and it lowered with the essence of each dead hound. Ahsik awoke from his dream with the power to stop a creature with the power of the Ancestors.
The next venture took a year and a half before Ahsik made it to slay the other beasts like the first, only apon finding them two of the beasts had sat before the third, their necks exposed to it, and blood running down, with blood in the maw of the remaining one. The final beast fled with a twisted shriek and its body jerking, it felled with speed greater then Ahsik had ever seen of them. Ahsik had now armed himself with a club of stone and wood, 2 short spears and his father’s knife.
By using slow and amplification Ahsik was able to dance between the monsters and slay one while slowing the other, this time he suffered only a gash in his neck along his clavicle. After his ritual and the vision of the holocron coming closer to him, Ahsik gained the ability to create a space of darkness and the ability to create a barrier to separate himself from others. Ahsik did not rest, rushing to catch up to the final beast in the same day.
Apon reaching the final Sith hound Ahsik found a demon twice the size than original. Ahsik had managed to wound the beast without suffering any damage until an armored party of strangers emerged out of the woods cursing and muttering to themselves. The Sith hound batted Ahsik out of the way and made for them, hungry for a kill. Ahsik slowed the beast and managed to make it to the party first, throwing up a barrier to keep the beast away. Worn out and tired the barrier failed, and the beast had locked its jaws around Ahsik’s leg. As he screamed the Humans shot at the creature, to little avail. After driving the vibrodagger into the head of the monster Ahsik had finally avenged his family. The beast had managed to wound 2 of the 6, “Mandalorians” as they called themselves. Ahsik offered up his final kill and gained the ability to heal. This power was also accompanied by a vision of the holocron, reaching it and then a rush of power. Ahsik had not yet opened the holocron in all this time, instead opting to help the mandalorians and joining them.
=Galactic Introduction=
After healing the mandalorians, Ahsik discovered that their purpose was to uncover the lost ship of Naga Sadow. Telling them his story, Ahsik guided them to the wreckage and allowed them into the tomb of his worst failure. The Mandalorians raided  the cases containing the talismans and artifacts of power. They turned on him promptly and attempted to kill him, this lead to a merciless slaughter that ended with each of their deaths.
Ahsik was confused, he was distraught and ashamed. Even after avenging his family it seemed that the only way to solve his problems was to kill. Ahsik, covered in the blood of strangers and pillagers, left to see the Nightsisters for the last time.
Met by Tunta, Ahsik had told her of what happened to him and how he had redeemed himself with the Gods. Tunta told Ahsik that the Nightmother had learned of his fate, and that Ahsik no longer had a place on Dathomir. Confused and enraged Ahsik slew her, barehanded he had strewn her entrails on the gates of the estate and left. Alone and angry Ahsik had decided that it was time to open the Holocron and learn his fate.
Ahsik emerged from these woods and left Dathomir with power and a mission. The holocron took blood from Ahsik and shown him the place he belonged, the system Aliso had a military and place for adherent Sith. It was there he saw his fate and it was there he went.
Apon reaching Aliso, Ahsik had established contact with The Ascendant fleet and submitted himself to the training of The Circle. After a few months of study and learning the ways of the galaxy, Ahsik had come under the tutelage of Ranarr Kul-Tarentae. Ahsik became a much more open person in the clan and is currently looking to become a full fledged knight.
== Physical Description ==
He has 12 horns, though only 8 are visible. He has 4 12cm horns, 2 on each end of his forehead, with the other two mirroring the back. The other visible 4 are placed in between the first 4, but are of 6cm in length and located about a quarter closer to the top of the head. The last 4 horns of his are 3cm in length, in a diamond formation on the top of his crown.
He has light red skin and grows thick brown hair thats curly, but typically kept in a medium length Afro. There is no other hair on any of his body. The eyes themselves are a brown so dark as to look black, however the rims and edges of his iris are gold that streak toward his pupils. His nose is thick and straight, with medium wide nostrils. His cheekbones are mid face, but not prominent. His jaw is strong, with thick cheeks and a square chin. He has tattoos on his face and body, they begin with his horns, each line crossing down and rimming each eye, then they divide his cheeks by covering the length of his nose, finally reaching down to his chin, leaving 3 lines down his lips.
The back of his head and the underside of his chin have all been painstakingly tattooed black. His body has been tattooed with black that is very linear. Utilizing thick black lines, not unlike a circuit board, to black out his joints, shoulders and ribs. The remaining skin over his muscle groups have 3 symmetrical black bars, about 3cm in thickness, reaching out from the edges of his muscle groups, the highest vertically being the longest, the subsequent bar is of half the length of the previous one. He is stocky, with a barrel chest and wide hips. His legs are thick, and arms tones, but not as built. Each of his forearms are a net of scars and each of his fingers are long and pointed.
He has 2 scars on his chest, 1 being over his clavicle, and stretching 20cm. The other scar is covering the base of his left hip. It stretches 30cm by 10cm. His entire left arm is missing from the shoulder down. He has another scar, has both a burn and half bite marks scarring all the skin from just under his left knee to his toes.
Ahsik is extremely lazy with mundane affairs, Ahsik tries to dodge personal matters and social life, tending to be a wreck. However in more professional matters Ahsik becomes the best there is.
He has respect for those who protect others and will always seek a challenge against those he sees as an equal. Ahsik will always seek to prove his strength against the strong but will never hold over anyone’s head.
Ahsik tends to lose his cool when dealing with the high and mighty, making him a poor diplomat. He always seeks a challenge and will make a bet in any situation to prove it. This has put his team at risk and himself through humiliation as he never takes a bet unless the risk is interesting, and most times he doesn’t win them.
Ahsik was always raised to display absolute confidence and unbreakable will. In reality Ahsik is very afraid and has spent countless hours alone with his fears. Ahsik typically likes to be alone, though looks to befriend those who share respect for tenacity and determination, but resents those that pity themselves and own up to their potential. Ahsik enjoys making friends but is afraid for them to see his inner self. Ahsik doesn’t have a lot of friends that will stand by him, often deterred by his paranoid pushing them away. However for those that do remain and have seen his facade fall, Ahsik would die and walk through the void to protect them, no matter how long or how brief their friendship. Ahsik is vulnerable to those that are close to him and any betrayal leaves him more reluctant to open up to anyone else.
Although always lighthearted and quick with a joke. The long times spent hunting and in isolation have left Ahsik with a darker side of silent cynicism and an unbreaking bond of loyalism to his friends. He can be as vicious as he can be joyful, and will show this side to any enemy and anyone threatening his closest friends.
When the other side of the joker emerges, Ahsik speaks very little, is very irritable, and often times performs his actions with more aggression than necessary, often breaking his tools or injuring others accidentally.

Latest revision as of 16:35, 29 July 2024

to be rewritten

New Order era.
Ahsik Warren
Biographical Information
Date of Birth:


Date of Death:


Physical Description


Personal Information
Chronology & Political Information


[ Source ]


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