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'''YOUR CHARACTER''' is... overview of character.
Ji’Kip is a human mercenary for Clan Odan-Urr and House Satele Shan.  

== Character History ==
== Character History ==
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== Physical Description ==

Revision as of 21:01, 26 March 2017

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Biographical Information

Nar Shadaa

Date of Birth:


Physical Description





1.8 m


80 kg





Personal Information


Chronology & Political Information



Clan Odan-Urr



[ Source ]

Ji’Kip is a human mercenary for Clan Odan-Urr and House Satele Shan.

Character History

Early Life

Ji’Kip was born on Nar Shaddaa in 2 ABY and grew up in the gang infested slums of the Nal Hutta moon. Growing up wasn’t the greatest by any respect. His father was a deadbeat drunkard who abused both him and his mother. Once he left, his mother turned to cantina and club work to feed her young son. This left Ji’kip all alone to fend for himself and he eventually turned to the local gang. The gang was like a family to him and they took care of the young human. A notorious Hutt ran the gang and he was placed under the charge of a human lieutenant named Garik. Ji'Kip thought gang life was great and he usd his newly acquired skills to move up the ranks. He also gained some notoriety in the Nar Shadaa underworld. His specialty was dealing in spice and illicit goods. Ji’Kip was also known to be proficient at taking out members of other gangs and those that owed debts. Beyond that he spent many nights in the clubs of Nar Shadaa drinking, gambling, and having a great time flaunting his wealth and power. Even though he had a fairly comfortable existence he did wish to be independent from the Hutt controlled gangs of Nar Shadaa. With independence he would form his own little criminal enterprise.

Life as a Pirate

Throughout the years Ji’Kip gained loyalties and began positioning himself to one day take over the Hutt's criminal organization. However, his band of loyal minions was not enough to save him during an incident with Garik. One night in the club the life Ji’Kip had made would change forever. Cheating his way to a fortune, Ji’Kip heard some commotion near the bar. It was Garik and he was assaulting one of the waitresses. He really wanted to intervene but was not invested in starting a feud. Things changed quickly when he noticed who the woman was, his mother. After his father left, his mother made money working the nightclubs of Nar Shadaa. Eventually she learned of her son’s involvement in the gangs and fearing he will turn into his father she forced Ji’Kip out. He understood but it didn’t stop him from keeping an eye on her. Summoning some of his loyal men he confronted Garik. The pursuing fight left Garik dead by Ji’s blaster. Not wanting to continue this into a full on gang war, Ji’Kip escaped Nar Shadaa with a small group of loyal thugs.

Now free of the Hutt along with his underbosses and lieutenants, Ji’Kip began creating a new enterprise as a Pirate. He began to build up his new gang by raiding vessels for cargo. Pirating was not the only thing he did, Ji'Kip also continued to deal in spice and illicit goods, including arms. On of his more interesting jobs and one he found good at was in obtaining and selling of information, which got his people great contracts. He was not one for assassination contracts as hiding in the shadows wasn’t his thing. His preferred method was straight on fights. Criminal and even some government organizations found out about his skills at “coercing” information from people and hired him frequently. Ji’Kip gained somewhat of a reputation in the galactic underworld earning him a small fortune over the years since leaving Nar Shaddaa. Though he made many enemies, he also made allies who wanted to be a part of his pirate gang.

Meeting Clan Odan-Urr

It was one of those enemies that found Ji’Kip with Clan Odan-Urr. Garik’s death never went forgotten and some loyalists wanted Ji’s death. Following a job back to Nar Shadaa, Ji’Kip took with him his best mercenaries and loyal allies. He always met with potential jobs and contacts armed and ready, too many people wanted him dead. At the spaceport he met with a Twi’lek female who was shipping some of the best spice in the galaxy, or so she claimed. While he was occupied making the deal his pirates were ambushed. The Twi’lek then turned a blaster on Ji’Kip shooting him in the leg. This lead to a mini war breaking out between Ji’s pirates and his former gang.

Ji’Kip was known to be a fighter and was talented with a blaster. However, his former gang was stronger. In the end the fight left members on both sides wounded or dead. His people took the heaviest casualties and those left standing fled with their leader back to one of the safe houses.

Afterward Ji’Kip fell into a depression and turned to alcohol. His second in command Thalia, who he was also involved in romantically, tried to help him while taking over the operations. After several months Ji’Kip knew he needed to get back to his life. This time he decided to spend some time on his own. Leaving his pirates in the hands of Thalia he left. He went around the worlds of the outer rim until one day he heard of the Jedi on Daleem. Thinking it would be an interesting prospect for work, Ji’Kip met with a military Commander named Len lode. The Chiss officer wasn’t sure of what to make of the human mercenary. Keeping most of his past secret Ji’Kip explained his talents for acquiring goods and information. Hearing about his exploits they made a deal to have him look out for valuable intelligence. Following the meeting, Ji’Kip would go back to the galaxy at large and his old life.

Thalia was now mostly in charge of his pirates leaving Ji’Kip to pursue his new found career. He still was making profit from criminal activity but gathering information and working for House Satele Shan changed him. Leaving his down turn behind he began to make more runs for the House and Clan. Now under the service of Commander Len lode he runs more intelligence missions while doing jobs that most of the military and Jedi can’t do. Ji’Kip has a past that allows him the freedom to complete tasks by any means necessary, except now he works more cautiously.

Physical Description

