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#redirect [[Aura Ta'var]]
'''All of the below is a literal hot mess that requires a complete rework. I don't suggest anyone use any of the below as authoritative for any purpose ''unless you check with the owner of the character first.'''''
|firstname=Aurora "Aura"
|birth={{Birthyear and Age|ABY|8|}}
|hair=Crystal Blue
|eyes=Crystal Blue
|allies= Ta'var Family, Odan-Urr
|enemies= Any Bad People
|saber= Single White Lightsaber
|weapons=Katana, SC-401 Stun Cuffs
|fightingstyle=[[Shadow Step]]
|profession= Defender of Jedi
|position= Rollmistress of Odan-Urr
|affiliation= [[Jedi_Order|Jedi Order]]
[[Odan_Urr|Odan Urr]]
|dossier= [[dossier:10388|10388]]
== Character History ==
=== Early life ===
==== Childhood (8 ABY - 19 ABY) ====
Blade Ta’var, born Aurora Ta'var, was born on the planet Zeltros in 8 ABY, though she only stayed on the planet for a short time. Her adoptive parents, who she grew up to know as mother and father, kidnapped her from her biological parents during a festival. While her biological parents partied and their babies napped in a nursery, a desperate young human couple by the name of Zoran and Maura, stole the infant Aurora, or "Aura" for short, to raise as their own. They then fled the planet and raised the young Zeltron on a variety of mid-rim planets, going wherever the young couple’s missions took them. As a result, they often lived in mixed communities, but her parents still ensured that she received a thoroughly human upbringing.
At the age of four, Blade started her home schooled education with her mother and father. Her father was an accomplished warrior who often served as a mercenary, and her mother was a spy. Her training would center on both of these aspects, her parents often splitting her education in half. In addition, they both worked for a radical faction of the Church of the Force, though Blade didn’t know its exact name until she got older. Regardless, it had an impact on her upbringing and she not only learned its values from a young age, but grew to idolize the society as much as her parents. In that spirit, she applied herself diligently to all of her studies, learning a plethora about the way of a warrior, the galaxy at large, and the tactics of a spy.
==== Adolescence (20 ABY - 25 ABY) ====
Blade led a pretty normal life until she turned twelve, when her parent’s expectations shifted from an insular scholastic education to one that coupled lessons with hands-on exercises or missions. It was at this time that she was starting to develop preferences, such as her love of the katana and the way of the warrior set forth by warrior based cultures (mastery of oneself, continual self-improvement, frugality, honor). Her circle of teachers also broadened, which included her parent’s friends and their children. As a result, Blade grew up in an environment where she was constantly testing herself against others, often risking her life in the process.
Through some miracle, and the constant worrying of her parents, Blade survived long enough to come of age, thirteen,  and started to exhibit what made Zeltrons so much fun. She often chased after several boys, got carried away with her emotions, and often planned secret parties with the other teenagers. It was a difficult time for her parents, so they decided to enroll her in the Church of the Force’s youth program. Blade’s spare time was henceforth spent in the employ of the Church of the Force, who often sent her out on low risk missions starting at the age of sixteen. This was also the beginning of her experiments with the melding of her training as a warrior and spy, which was only helped by the fact that her parents ensured that she got plenty of both in her missions.
==== Coming Back Home (26 ABY) ====
Blade had learned that there were others like her, but she didn’t care much about them. She was content with her life and its semi-nomadic experience, especially since her community often moved together. Her parents would have preferred she not go on a mission to Zeltros, but the Church of the Force thought differently. It was on Zeltros that Blade, age eighteen, learned who she was, where she came from, and more importantly all the wonderful skills that she could use to her advantage as a Zeltron. She never found out who her real parents were, and truthfully never searched for them.
Unfortunately, Blade quickly learned that she may have looked like a Zeltron, but she was very different. The Zeltrons found her odd, but gracefully pulled her into the fold. This was a good time for Blade, and more importantly a much needed break from her obligations at home. It didn’t last long but her two month vacation gave her plenty of time to refuel, kick back, and learn how to control her pheromones. Zeltros left a mark on her, and she resolved to visit at least once a year going forward in order to learn more about her birth planet and fellow people.
=== Church of the Force ===
==== Recruitment and Early Training  (26 ABY) ====
At the age of eighteen, Blade officially joined the [[starwars:Church_of_the_Force|Church of the Force]], more specifically its more radical faction, in both a warrior and spy capacity. She was sent to several mid-rim worlds for specialized training in espionage, secrecy, melee weapons, and survival. After her training was complete she was assigned to a cell within the organization. Her missions would vary, but she now lived a very familiar life constantly on the move. This was a particularly fulfilling time in her life, because for the first time she was contributing to the dangerous assignments. She would learn more about herself in the next four years than she had in the past eighteen. Her work and her visits to Zeltros would be key moments during this time of her life.
==== Missions (26 ABY - 30 ABY) ====
Blade learned a lot of herself during her time with the Church of the Force, but the most important discovery was when she found the Force. Everyone considered her “lucky” in her cell, whether it be an undercover slip up or her innate ability to duck, and for the longest time no one knew the reason why. The legend of the Jedi and the Sith were taught to everyone in the Church of the Force, but no one really thought that Blade had the potential to be one of them. Nevertheless, she would be sent on the more suicidal missions as if it were on purpose, and she would always come back alive. There were some close moments and her parents often worried for her, worry which was often expressed through offers to spar or practice her weaker skills.
Suspicions of her Force Sensitivity persisted for some time but didn’t manifest itself in true belief until Blade was pushed far enough. Ironically, and perhaps on purpose, it was through one of her more dangerous undercover missions. She found herself on Nar Shadaa posing as a young socialite with no weapons. Her job was to infiltrate a crime syndicate and extract another agent. Her pheromones got her into the party, but the mission was rife with problems. In the end, she found herself cornered, reaching for a blaster that magically came to her hand. She escaped with her life and the knowledge that she could be one of the legends.
==== Justice at Any Cost (30 ABY) ====
During her missions for the Church of the Force, she grew to learn the darker side of the world around her. As a warrior and a spy she was forced to watch as innocent lives would perish for no good reason. Over time, this wore her spirit down and stoked her rage. During some missions she would go off script and murder guilty culprits; playing the role of judge, jury, and executioner despite the consequences. She became frustrated at her restrictions and the limitations that they put on her nascent abilities with the Force. She was never truly trained under the Church of the Force, but they told her just enough to play with it on her own. It was the worst possible form of teasing. One day, an emissary claiming to be a Jedi sensed the Force within her and invited her to the opportunity of a lifetime. She boarded the Jedi’s shuttle and went off to meet her destiny.
=== The Dark Brotherhood ===
==== Shadow Academy (30 ABY) ====
At the age of 22, she was dropped off at the Shadow Academy by a Jedi claiming to be from the Dark Brotherhood. During her time at the academy she proved to a quick learner and quite popular with the other new recruits, though being a Zeltron helped a lot. She learned about all of the orders and paths that a force user could undertake, and despite her revulsion of the term Sith found herself agreeing with its code. She put up a fight, but in the end decided to enroll into the Sith Order. She promised herself that she would use the freedom of the Sith Code to reach her full potential and provide justice to the galaxy, rather than use it just for the thrill of killing.
==== Clan Tarentum (30 ABY) ====
Blade spent a brief period of six months as a member of House Tridens, making a name for herself with her saber skills. She was only a novice, but more often than not won against stronger foes in duels. In recognition of her admirable skill with a saber she was promoted to Proselyte. She used these skills in the Ninth Great Jedi War, earning herself three Seals of Unity. Unfortunately, she became disillusioned with the Dark Brotherhood and left after six months.
==== Rogues (30 ABY - 34 ABY) ====
Blade took her nascent abilities and wandered the universe, learning more about herself and enforcing justice as she saw fit. She took upon herself the role of assassin in order to make a living, though only taking on missions where her sense of justice deemed the target guilty. Eventually she moved to Zeltros and purchased a home, using her time there to revel in merriment and personal pleasure. She kept up her training, unless she was on Zeltros, and simply lived each day to its fullest.
It was also during this time, at age 23, that she had her first child with a local Zeltron that she sometimes sparred with for fun and often used as a date for parties. Unfortunately, this relationship didn’t last, mostly due to cultural differences and the lack of a true foundation. In addition, she didn’t want her daughter brought up on Zeltros, so she conveniently decided to keep the father in the dark. Faced with the reality of being a single parent, Blade decided she was not ready and had her parents take care of it. She also believed that it was the best protection she could give her child, especially since she was a Sith. 
==== Clan Scholae Palatinae (34 ABY - 35 ABY) ====
The lure of the Force proved to be too powerful and in 34 ABY, at the age of 25, she rejoined the Dark Brotherhood. It had taken her some time to get back in the shape she wanted, but when she returned she was ready. She had been recruited by a man called “The Jester,” who she had met during one of the festivals held on Zeltros. He was a fun personality and great at parties, but what interested her was that he discreetly showed off his use of the Force to her alone. In addition, she wondered if she had seen his face before, perhaps at the Shadow Academy. They had some conversations, and then it wasn’t long until she took a shuttle back to the Dark Brotherhood to join Clan Scholae Palatinae.
===== Finally a Knight =====
She returned to the Dark Brotherhood a bit more mature and ready to pursue the power she needed to enforce justice at any cost. She chose to train as an Arcanist, learning the more mystical rituals of the Force. She also acquired a master named Lexiconus Qor, quick and found her new clan to be the perfect place to hunt "bad guys". She rose quickly through the ranks and acquired the rank of Dark Jedi Knight.
===== Call to Leadership, House Feud, and Shattered Ties =====
A few months before she acquired the rank of a Dark Jedi Knight, she answered the call to leadership and took on the position of [[Aedile]] of [[House Imperium]]. She would fulfill that role for six months, during which time she would lead the House to victory over [[House Excidium]] and [[Clan Naga Sadow]]. It was a successful leadership stint, but it was not quite for her lifestyle. She was a warrior, but no military woman. Soon after, she resigned this commission to take on other challenges.
During the House Feud between [[House Imperium]] and [[House Excidium]], she took a leading role and helped drive her House to victory. Most notably she played both sides trying to get them to both kill each other. She achieved this by providing key intel to both sides, while at the same time appearing to be loyal to [[House Imperium]]. Casualties were much higher than they needed to be, but that was the whole point of her schemes: Kill as many bad guys as possible.
During Shattered Ties, Blade again lead her clan to victory through both personal achievements and group leadership. The key difference from the House Feud is that [[House Imperium]] and [[House Excidium]] were now fighting together. As a prior member of [[House Excidium]], she helped knit the two together to acquire all of the artifacts from the local pirates and [[Clan Naga Sadow]]. She notably acquired the Light of Darkness during this campaign, which forced her to see all the people she had killed. This forced her to view herself for who she really was and in truth she was not ready for it. A slightly broken and conflicted Blade Ta'var returned to her Clan. As a side effect, it continued to haunt her dreams after its destruction.
[[File:Light of Darkness.png|thumb|left|alt=Light Of Darkness|Light of Darkness]]
===== ACC Tournament =====
Around roughly the same time, Blade Ta'var competed in a Journeyman's ACC competition. She beat everyone on her way to be crowned victor in front of the entire [[Dark Jedi Brotherhood]]. She was crowned Champion, despite her act of defiance towards [[Pravus]]. He demanded she kill [[Aul Celsus]], but she refused to spare someone "good". Thankfully, [[Pravus]] was not in attendance and his apprentice had no qualms with still awarding her the Champion's Pendant.
===== Equite Times, and a New Chapter at Excidium =====
After both the ACC Tournament and Shattered Ties, she was promoted to the rank of Warrior, joining the Equites. Soon after, she left for [[House Excidium]] again to take on the position of [[Quaestor]] there and guide them into the future. This is an ongoing process, but she has high hopes for her new House. In the meanwhile, she continues to improve her skills in preparation for the next Great Jedi War or Vendetta, and enjoys any remaining free time blowing off steam during the many parties that her clan hosts.
Blade was not very helpful during the Breaking Dawn campaign, helping the enemy out more than Scholae Palatinae. The Clan won their battle nonetheless. While the Clan recovered, she took advantage of the scenario to colloborate with a Jedi sympathizer in the Dark Council ranks. The goal was simple: eliminate the Clan and save the system from their tyranny. Unfortunately, Blade was tricked by Damon Nix who used her intel to wipe out the entire system: man, woman, and child. Cover blown, she was already on a shuttle to her new home with the Jedi.
==== A New Beginining (35 ABY - Current) ====
After the destruction of so much innocent life in the Cocytus System, Blade was beset with overwhelming sorrow, guilt, and loss. She contemplated committing suicide, but was persuaded not to by V'yr Vorsa. On the way to the Kiast system, she made a detour to face her family and confess her sins. In the process, her katana was taken away from her but she gained back her family in return. Zoe would return to her soon. As Blade arrived on the planet Kiast to meet her new employer and settle into the role as Rollmistress, she promised she would make things right again, for everything. She told everyone in Odan-Urr her real name: Aurora Ta'var. Along with her family, her new Odan-Urr family, and her Jedi Master V'yr Vorsa, Aura looked forward to the future with hope despite her losses.
===== Rolling with the Times =====
Todo: Zoe comes home, more stuff. etc.
== Physical Appearance ==
A stylish blue, longer pixie cut frames an average (for a Zeltron) pink face with crystal blue eyes. Her body, though unmistakably feminine, is well toned and never shows more than fading scars, a result of frequent Bacta treatment. A large wardrobe mostly contains form-fitting pieces in a rainbow's worth of colors, as well as neutral clothes to mix and match. Her party wardrobe is even larger and satisfies all tastes. ALL of them.
=== Training Attire ===
[[File:BladeTa'var1.png|thumb|left|alt=Blade's Training Attire|Blade's Training Attire  (Image Credit: Zehsaa Hysh)]]
Blade has a number of outfits in addition to her training attire, other outfits often similar to her training attire. She wears similar attire for stealth missions except that all gold items are now black, the addition of dark blue gloves, and the addition of a dark blue hoodie to cover her upper body and hair as needed. She wears similar attire for combat missions but it is a game day decision as to whether she wears gold or black for her boots and belt. Everything up to this point has a similarity to her training attire, but her formal attire and party attire are different. Her formal attire is a version of a traditional jedi outfit from the Republic Era using dark blue as a main theme. Her party attire consists of anything you can think of, but is always guaranteed to make a statement.
=== Shattered Ties Attire ===
[[File:BLADE-duality.jpg|thumb|left|alt= Blade's fighting attire during Shattered Ties|Blade's fighting attire during Shattered Ties (Image Credit: Bale Andros))]]
Blade has many different outfits. During Shattered Ties, she donned a blue and gold look while she took out her enemies.
== Personality & Traits ==
Strong willed, determined, strong sense of justice (based on justifiable actions), ambitious, optimist, urge for self-improvement, playful, passionate, and a healthy dose of self-preservation.
== Powers and Abilities ==
Blade is particularly gifted in Amplification, Precognition, and Telekinesis, often using all three together to great effect. She is also proficient in healing herself. For more details please see her character sheet.
Blade grew up wielding a katana for most of her life, and is therefore quite skilled in its use. In addition, she learned the martial art K’tara for stealth operations and for self-defense against superior numbers.
Zeltrons have the ability to release pheromones, which Blade uses to great effect in combination with her skills in manipulation.
== Possessions ==
Blade was awarded a holocron for her Shadow Academy work. It is a cube design that glows orange when activated by the user. She often uses this during her classes at the Shadow Academy in order to access reference material. This is particularly useful in scenarios where she doesn't have access to a data terminal or data pad, since she can always take out her holocron for reference. This section is still a work in progress.
== Hobbies ==
Blade, like most Zeltron, loves to party during her free time, which always involves some form of alcohol. Her favorite choice of drink is Tequila, though she isn't too picky as long as its a hard liquor with plenty of taste. Fortunately, she also has two livers and they come in very handy when it comes to detoxification. As a result, she can out-drink most non-Zeltrons and not feel its effects.
Another one of Blade's hobbies is to relax in hot springs or hot tubs. She trains quite extensively and she finds it relaxes her muscles. In her opinion, party hot tubs are the best form of entertainment and relaxation. She also is a frequent visitor of the bacta tanks, due to her affinity with sharp edges. She doesn't like to have visible scars, and often daily visits the bacta tank for treatment. This culminates in an intense interest in research into the 'Hot Bacta Tub' [Patent Pending], since it fuses both of her preferred forms of physical relaxation.
[[Category:Odan-Urr members]]

Latest revision as of 03:45, 8 March 2018

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