Summary of the character. Delete this note to add your own.
Early Life Autobiography
It all started when I was a very small boy in the swamps of my home world in the Meridian Sector which was one of the few planets in that sector to have an independent civilization. It maintained an uneasy truce with Budpock until Seti Ashgad incited pirates to attack Ampliquen and break the truce. This was done in order to draw New Republic forces away from Durren and Nam Chorios, as part of Dzym's plans to take over the galaxy. It didn't take long for this to happen. Although, I was never given the chance to grow up there due to the invasions that took place when I was 4 years old. And this is where my story begins.
I was down on my knees looking for insects that I could put in a jar. I liked to bring them home so I could add them to my collection. I heard a loud explosion come from over the mountain that was directly in front of me, I looked up to see what it could have been and when I did, I saw one of the largest galaxy class ships flying over the peak of that mountain with flames pouring out from behind it from whatever it was they had just blown to pieces! I didn't know what to think. I had never seen one from this close up before. I had only ever seen them on the news on the holo-projector at home. Whenever I saw them they were always causing trouble, but it was never on my world... never on Ampliquen!
It was as if someone on the ship saw me. It stopped cold and hovered over the peak of the mountain... smoke billowing from behind it! I stood there strembling in fear. "What are they going to do?", I thought. I wasn't sure I wanted to find out so I began running as fast I could toward my home. My home was underground, so I knew that no one could have possibly found it. I turned around to see what the ship was doing and I saw a large panel the size of four square city blocks open from the bottom of the ship. I hid behind the nearest Ponchu tree (the largest tree known to Ampliquens) and peaked around to see what was happening.
"Oh, no!"
I had no time to think! They were upon me! NOOOOOOOO!!!!
The next thing I knew I was waking up in what looked like some sort of cargo hold in the belly of a ship! I was no longer 4 years old, but had aged 20 years! The last thing I remembered was being attacked by those... those cyborg reptilion reatures that I saw after peaking around the Ponchu tree.
I tried to move, but for some reason I just couldn't make my arms and legs do anything my brain told them to do. As you can imagine, I was petrified! I began to hear noises coming from my left. The noises, which sounded like footsteps at the time, sounded like they were coming from down the corridor that I could see from the corner of my eye. "OH NO!" Who is that now?!" I screamed to myself. The second I said that in my head I saw two of those reptile cyborg pirate things carrying what looked like a man between them on a pole which was resting on each of their shoulders followed by what seemed like hundreds more!
The first man that I saw was about my age, and he was awake. He looked dead, but he was certainly awake because I could see his eyes were wide open and they looked scared. "They did the same thing to him!" I thought again. He just couldn't move either.
They placed him beside me on the table. Directly beside me...
It was as if we both saw the same thing at the same time because we both gasped at the same time... What we saw was unlike anything we had ever seen before. First of all the room we were in was dark and smelled like rotting flesh and the table we were on was so cold I couldn't even feel anything that was touching it!
To make my long story short, this guy and I managed to escape to Ampliquen's highest point in the tallest mountains........ and that's when it all started!
DJB Facts
Positions Held
Battle Team Soulfire Strike Team: Sith Flight Member
Outstanding Acheivements
Under Contruction
Under Construction