
From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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The Dragons of the Brotherhood

The Long Family is a loose association of powerful Elders and promising Equites of the Brotherhood. Founded by Grand Master Faethor Dejarc, later known and Chi-Long, to offer his tutelage to creative, expansive, and otherwise promising members of the Brotherhood.

Most members of the Long Family exhibit a streak of insanity. This may be blatantly obvious as Chi-Long's own sociopathic outrages, or the disassociative identities observed in Shan-Long, or the technological obsessions of Xu-Long

Chi-Long served as Patriarch for many years. Upon his departure, he left the guidance of his Family to Master Shan-Long.

Jai-Long, also known as Mike Halcyon defiled the honor of the Family by denoucing the Final Way and the Dark Side, by becoming a member of the Jedi Order once more. Shan Long decreed him Apostate, and a Blood Hunt against him by the entire Family. They seek his destruction ceaselessly.

Current Members

Shan Long, the Thunder Dragon, Dark Jedi Master Trevarus Caerick Gui-Long, the Ghost Dragon, Dark Jedi Master Sith Bloodfyre Xu-Long, the Hidden Dragon, Dark Side Adept Syn Kaek Xiao-Long, the Little Dragon, Krath Archpriestess Cymbre Kall Xia-Long, the Blind Dragon, Krath Archpriestess Sildrin Rys-Hastur Shuang-Long, the Frost Dragon, Dark Jedi Knight Syrus Korodin

Former members

Chi-Long, the Fire Dragon, Grand Master Faethor Dejarc Shen-Long, the Lightning Dragon, Dark Jedi Knight Mark Qiao-Long, the Stone Dragon, Obelisk Exarch Shaithis Hei-Long, the Black Dragon, Dark Side Adept Cyris Oscura