Template:Sith charinfo
Character History
Onderon and the jungle-moon of DxunOn a small camp on the Onderon jungle-moon of Dxun, four mandalorian generals were gathered around a fire. They all were gathered for a reason. Recently there had been attacks to the four major mandalorian settlements around the the jungle-moon. This was undoubtedly the work of the Onderon conservatives who still feared a mandalorian invasion. Times were dark for the re-building mandalorians. They had re-developed enough to be called a nation. Deep-space salvage explorations had provided them with many technologies they thought were lost when their homeworld was destroyed. There were now four hidden (but thriving) mandalorian settlements, all of which had been attacked on the course of the last few months. Although they had striven to keep their numbers hidden, the Onderon conservatives had gotten wise. They no longer considered the mandalorian unification effort to be insignificant and had acted on this thought. The four generals remained around the fire for the rest of the night discussing what the best course of action would be. In the end it was decided, should things get out of hand, to cut all communications and abandon the settlements in order to seek refuge in a more remote zone of the jungle-moon.
Dawn broke and the generals returned to their camps. Each and every one of them had thoughts of relief, but little did they know that while they were away their camps had been bombed strategically by the Onderon conservatives. Without anyone to organize defensive maneuvres all were helpless. When the generals returned only the soldiers experienced enough to battle on their own were joining the fight in space. There was little hope for any of the settlements. Suddenly taken by unexpected concern on the face of war, one of the generals went to find his wife. Having found her, he took her in her arms and carried her to his ship. In the confusion of the battle, no one noticed that single ship taking off and entering hyperspace just above Dxun.
A Warrior is Born
The planet KashyyykIn the year of 9 ABY a small and battered space ship carrying a pregnant mandalorian woman and her husband, once a great mandalorian warrior, rushed through hyperspace. As the engines gradually failed so did the ship return to ordinary space. Unable to control the speed of the ship, the warrior had no other choice than to attempt a landing on the nearest planet, and as he did, so did the woman give birth to a young mandalorian that was to be named Vardar Fen'Amar. The planet was covered with high vegetation. The father knew these to be wroshyr trees, they had landed on the wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk.
A Tach, one of the native animal species of KashyyykThere was nothing for them to do except build camp and try to survive in the harsh environment where they had crashed. After long hours of back-breaking labour, the camp was set up. Though he started by making a simple tent to shelter his wife and child, the mandalorian general soon transformed it into a dwelling of sorts. As a mandalorian warrior, he would go mad if he had to spend his whole life in one place. Fortunately, his wife hated the incessant noise of the local Tach, the general made sure they would not bother her during his usual target practices. He would also have to fend off the odd katarn attack on their camp.
The general, his wife and his child, young Vardar, lived a good life on Kashyyyk. Vardar soon learned the ways of the mandalorian warrior joining his father on his frequent hunts for sustenance. He grew up tough and yet kind to the ones he knew. He knew no other way of life than that of providing for himself and family. He had heard the teachings of war from his father, but they would mean next to nothing for the better part of his childhood.
The Child
File:Wookiee.jpgWookiee with bowcasterAs years passed, Vardar grew strong with the teachings and military training his father provided. When he was twelve years-old, disaster struck. While he had gone hunting with his father, his home had been raided by an unkown beast of the Kashyyyk Shadowlands. His father never said a word, but Vardar could feel his grief. He did not know how, but he could also feel something in the air, a dark aura.
Two years later, their rebuilt camp was visited by Wookiees. Vardar could always remember his father's humorous 'beware of these walking carpets' remark as they approached. To the amazement of his father, Vardar could understand the language of the wookiees. To him it seemed mere grunting. Young Vardar was beginning to unlock his true potential in the Force. At the moment when he understood the wookiees, he was taken back to the day of the death of his mother, when he felt the dark aura that emanated from the destroyed camp.
When he reached the age of fifteen, his father was already an aged man, his hair was almost all grey. Vardar would often leave him alone in order to watch the native wookiees while they hunted. After an year of scouting the native wookiees, he was asked by one of them to join the hunt. Although the grunts in the wookiee language aren't that accurate, Vardar could defenitely hear some sarcasm. Wookiees had no knowledge of how long he had been living in the Shadowlands, and during that particular hunt, he impressed all of them with his skills with a weapon. He continued to join the wookiees in their hunts for quite a while befriending one wookiee in particular. He was named Rwarrorr and was, like Vardar, both young and skilled in the hunt. Rwarrorr would often ask Vardar to go live with the other wookiees at the top of the wroshyr trees. Vardar always refused, he had to take care of his father.
One day, a couple of months after his sixteenth birthday, he returned to camp to find his father dead. He lay on his bed, peaceful. Vardar knew his father had always wanted to die on the battlefield even though he had never admitted it. Vardar knew there was nothing left for him in the Shadowlands. He had learned the ways of the warrior and, at the moment, no creature of the Shadowland posed a threat to him. The following day, after the hunt with his friend Rwarrorr, he took him up on his offer. For the first time in his life, Vardar left the Shadowlands of Kashyyyk.
The Guardian of the Tribe
Having lived with the wookiees for a long time, Vardar had been accepted as part of their tribe. He endured the trials and often helped the Holder of the Laws in his investigations. He had on some occasions met with the odd slave-hunter, but that was as close to true civilization as he had gotten. There was an occasion on which a group of slavers had come to Kashyyyk. Though most the wookiees had been subdued with neural restraining bolts, Vardar had been missed by the hunters. It was at that time that his leadership skills became apparent. He organized a small group of wookiees, among which was Rwarrorr. Together, they drove out the hunters, saving most of the tribe from a life of servitude. He was awarded with the title of Guardian within the tribe, as was Rwarrorr. He was also given a cerimonial bowcaster engraved with his clan's insignia. This was a great honor for him and for the wookiees as well. With the title came responsibility. The wookiee tribe-members began to call on Vardar for fairness and protection whenever trouble arose. One of Vardar's flaws was his pride, and still is. He would never miss an oppurtunity to show off his talent with a blaster. The odd pair had become well-known. Much like his father, he loved spending his time at target-practice. Many times would they, he and Rwarrorr, go to the Shadowlands to aim at Tachs. Though Vardar didn't know it at the time, those would be some of the happiest days of his life.
Just before reaching his eighteenth birthday, Vardar started getting restless. The time when a mandalorian warrior must go to war is when he becomes a man, thus is the way of the mandalorians. Vardar could tell that it was not his destiny to stay in that world. Immediately he began work on a spaceship. His father had taught him much about machinery, and both of them used to tinker around with experiments. He would go to the Shadowlands and salvage parts of the ship his parents had crashed. Upon fixing one of the terminals on the ship, he recovered some of its data on mandalorian worksmanship as well as the building details. He soon had re-built the ship with some help from his wookiee friends. Barely a month later, the ship was ready and Vardar knew it was time for him to leave that life behind. Saying goodbye to the wookiees was harder than he thought it would be. He had grown attached to them, specially Rwarrorr. On a surge of nostalgia, Vardar carved Rwarrorr's family insignia above his own on the spaceship's hull. He put on his assault armour and left Kashyyyk, probably for good. He did not know whether he would return, but he suspected his path would not cross with the wookiee's in a long time.
Unforgiving Civilization
DJB Facts
Positions Held
In the past
Lord of Yu
In the present
Assistant Envoy for House Ektrosis of Clan Taldryan
Weapons & Armor
Baragwin Heavy Repeating Blaster - Functioning much like the common
The common Mandalorian DisintegratorMandalorian Disintegrator - Once his father's, now his. This Mandalorian pistol bears the insignia of the once mighty mandalorian clan Ordo. Vardar took it with him after the death of his father. It bears great personal value, and he has never used it. It is usually kept in a place of honour above his Brotherhood awards. In his most personal moments, Vardar turns to this object and uses it to remind himself of the past. Thoughts of long hunts with his father through the Shadowlands of Kashyyyk surface upon loooking at it.
Lightsabre - The weapon Vardar made with his own hands while in the Dark Brotherhood, having an odd design with obvious influences of Mandalorian worksmanship this saber is unique and symbolizes what Vardar has become. It has become impossible for Vardar to travel without is lightsabre. It has become his trademark weapon as a warrior for the Sith faction and will often be preferred when going on missions for the Brotherhood. Vardar still likes the simple pleasure of carrying his Baragwin Heavy Repeating Blaster for no other purpose than to scare other sentients.
Wookiee Cerimonial Bowcaster - A unique weapon given to Vardar not long before leaving Kashyyyk. Though it may seem like an ordinary bowcaster, this weapon carries great value among the wookiee tribes, it is given only to those who have accomplished great deeds. It is usually given solely to wookiees, but when Vardar helped save the tribe from a life of slave-labour, the wookiees made an exception. Vardar treasures it as he treasures the memories of those somewhat happy days.
Mandalorian warriors wearing their assault armours
Full Body Mandalorian Assault Armour - A suit of armour worn by the generals of the Mandalorian armies. It was his father's and also carries the insignia of clan Ordo. This armour is blood-red and will instill fear on all opponents who watch Vardar charging at them while wearing it.
File:Eradicator Robe.jpgThe Eradicator Robe (with cloak)
Sith Robes - Having varied over the years, Vardar now uses the common out fit known as that of the 'Eradicator' within the Brotherhood. It is occasionally fitted with a cloak as Vardar uses it primarily when his missions require stealth. For battle and dangerous missions, he will use his Assault Armour.
Outstanding Achievements
During his stay with the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, Vardar has been the longest standing Lord Of Yu (in Clan Tarentum), and played important roles in both the sixth and seventh Great Jedi War as a warrior of clan Taldryan. His performance with a lightsaber has been outstanding, having received praise from the Grand Master himself who referred to Vardar as 'Destruction personified'.