Jusadih system

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club

The Jusadih System is located in the Core, not far from Coruscant, and is the current home of Clan Plagueis. It contains five planets: Sigil 1: Kapsina, Aerun, Morroth, Nintura, and Shintera.

Jusadih System

The Jusadih System is home to Clan Plagueis. It is a volatile system whose star has caused major environmental shifts in its two innermost planets, Kapsina and Aerun. Yet the system serves the Dark Jedi adequately, providing for their immediate needs, and allowing them to remain hidden from outside interference behind a corporate front.

Sigil 1: Kapsina

Capital of the Jusadih System and headquarters of Clan Plagueis. Kapsina, once a planet of massive oceans, underwent the devastation of Jusadih’s sun, Sigil, turning the once luscious planet into a dry, desolate landscape. Kapsina is composed of five continents: Kurast, Calimcha, Asinai, Schall, Khanduras. Kapsina possesses two of the largest and rarest Adegan crystal veins currently known in the galaxy, giving the planet great importance to the Dark Jedi.

Sigil 2: Aerun

The planet Aerun was the former home of House Exar Kun. It was once engulfed in ice, however, much like Kapsina it underwent a massive environmental change and has transformed into a moderately temperate climate. The planet is composed of six continents: Tesh-Relin, Decaria, Erineth, Barridon, Kelimar and Nyo. The various terrain types provided by the continents serve as an excellent training ground for Plagueis' ground forces.

During the Seventh Great Jedi War, Aerun was reduced to little more than a barren wasteland. Bombed by the Yuuzhan Vong, all of the major cities and structures on the surface were destroyed and a quarter was Terraformed to the invader's liking. The once great symbols of Exar Kun, the Ash Citadel and Diadem Fortress, were also destroyed in the attack forcing House Exar Kun to take refuge on Kapsina, and the Yuuzhan Vong building Si'Tilk in Diadem's place.


The third planet, home of House Satal Keto, is primarily utilized by the Jusadih military forces for training. The planet is sparsely populated, excluding the major military installation of “Alpha Base”. Morroth is composed of five continents: Annwfn, Cernunnos, Cerridwen, Skadi, and Skatha. The Clan Plagueis Summit has charged Satal Keto with transforming the Jusadih Defense Force into an army more befitting its new masters.


Nintura is a world of lush jungles and abundant life forms, boasting a rich history and the moniker of an ancient culture’s deity of justice. Before Clan Plagueis inhabited the planet, it was controlled by the Ninturan Preservation Coalition, a group of Wookiees who attempted to transform the jungle world into a second Kashyyyk. Nintura is composed of three major continents and numerous islands, the largest of which is Solace. The three continents are Edean, Verdancia, and Treeholme. Nintura is an excellent revenue provider for Clan Plagueis due to its thriving tourist industry.

During the Seventh Great Jedi War, all civilisation was wiped out from the planet. Bombed constantly by the Yuuzhan Vong for hours until every city was gone. Unlike Aerun though, Nintura was not terraformed by the Yuuzhan Vong.


Shintera, twin of Nintura and outermost planet in the system, is the primary trading planet for Jusadih. It also possesses the largest population, having many major metropolitan areas in addition to a multitude of smaller settlements scattered across the planet. Shintera is composed of six continents: Sharr, Tethyr, Chult, Theskel, Khurr, Sancrist Isles. It provides the main corporate front shielding the activities of Clan Plagueis from prying eyes, and acts as a gateway between the Outer Rim and the Core worlds.