Yeldarb Vohokou

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club

Template:Obbie charinfo Yeldarb Vohkou is a member of Clan Scholae Palatinae.


The Begining

Much of my childhood is unknown to me, but I do know I was born in late 10 BBY. I had a good childhood from what little memories I have. My family was middle class. They owned and operated a struggeling shipping business. The biggest problem was all the big money in shipping came from illegal transportation, which my family refused to take part in. They believed in the Empire and folloed the rules to the letter. They operated mostly in the mid to outer rim area.

A New Path

At about the age of 14 I started assisting my father Ukbar Vohokou in flying ships for the family company Vohokou Shipping and Recieving. I started on smaller transports like the Corellian YT-1300. I eventually worked my way up to the Corellian YT-2400. For my 18th birthday my father presented me with my very first ship that I still own to this day it is a highly modified YT-2400 called the Century Hawk.

Adult years prior to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood

Due to my pilot upbringing and being a loyal subject to the Empire I just felt it natural to serve using the best talent that I knew of and that was piloting. I joined the Imperial Navy and graduated near the top of my class and was assigned duties flying a Tie Fighter. Showing great promise I was quickly upgraded to the Tie Interceptor. after about two year in the pilot seat there I was recruited by the Imperial Inquisition. My first and sadly last assignment with them was to infiltrate the 128th Tie Interceptor Squadron to root out all traitors to the Empire. Even though I had a knack at being able to percieve thing prior to them happening it did not help me stop the Commander Lieutenant Kasan Moor from defecting to the Rebellion after the Battle of Gerrard V. Knowing the displeasure that my commanders would have with me I volentaraly resigned my commision and left the service. From here I sought out knowedge on my ability to percieve things ahead of time and this lead me to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.

Dark Jedi Brotherhood

File:Elder Yeldarb.jpg

Upon arriving at the halls of the great Brotherhood Yeldarb was quickly noticed and sent immediatly to work in his studies at the Shadow Academy. There he tore through much of the course material scoring very high marks on the majority of the courses offered. He soon realized book would not be enough to crave his appetite for knowledge and power so he was ordered into some hands on competitions against the other clan member of Scholae Palatinae. and soon after was competing against other Clans for battel field dominence. Noticing a strong will and a great tie to the force Yeldarb was nearly forced into apprenticeship from his master Lucien who shared a desire to learn, and to teach everyone around him about the ways of the force. My first official task under my new master was an act of diversion to allow Lucien ahead of the line privaledges during the begining of the 7th Great Jedi War. Having the brains of a typical Obelisk Yeldarb Stormed down the halls screaming at the top of his lungs which ultimatly ended up in a successful mission. With that sucess followed by many more long hours spent training I finally attained the rank of Gaurdian where I was quickly inducted into the Order of the Dragon, and appoonted Fang of Swords for supperior performance and achievments made during the 7th Great Jedi War. But my time is not yet finished int eh brother hood and I am sure more awards and promotions will come my way in time so until then this story can not be completed.

DJB Facts

Positions Held

I consider my self a student of knowledge from the great Shadow Academy.
Order of the Dragon as Fang of Swords August 2007.

Outstanding Achievements

I was awarded a Dark cross for hard work placed in my studies as a student And contributions to CSP and HAD.

I was awarded a Scroll of Indoctrination for assisting with recruiting Jeddanightlife.
