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22 ABY
Barabel-Dashade hybrid
7 feet 10 inches
Black fur
his claws, fangs, size, speed and fury
Hunter, Beast master
Member of the battle team Oppress
New Order
Clan Plagueis, House Tyranus, Battleteam Oppress
YOUR CHARACTER is... overview of character.
Character History
Birth and Early Life
Fenrir's birth is shrouded in mystery. all that is known of his early life is that he was born on Uvena. The only other thing known is that he was separated from his birth parents when he was but a wee cub. What is not known is that he was lost in the jungle. He would have perished had he not accepted in a pack of wild wolves and nursed by a female wolf. The pack mistook his lupine features for one of their own. Thus he was nursed and bought up by wild wolves.
Possible Subheading
Possible Subheading
Teenage Years
Growing talents
As he grew older into his prime, his strength, agility and stamina started to rival those of the strongest in the pack. When on a hunt, he would be one of the last to remain to remain standing, one of the strongest, and one of the fastest. Soon he came to be known for being one to fell beasts larger than himself with just a slash or a blow. He became more savage and wilder than the wolves themselves, and certainly more violent. While others killed for food, he would maim and kill for sport.
He also discovered that he had the ability to control some birds and animals. This ability was sporadic in coming, and worked more on the beasts he was in close contact with. Of course, he did not pay much attention to why and wherefore behind this ability. However, the wolves he lived with began giving him a wide berth whenever he came nearby. He found that this ability was very useful when hunting. For instance, he could confuddle small game and make them come to him, all without lifting the muscle. In time, he could use it on bigger herbivores.
The cub becomes the Alpha
Terrorizing the nearby settlements
The meeting
The world he never knew existed
Fenrir in the Brothererhood and Clan Plagueis
Time in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood
File:Fenrir1.jpgA bloodthirsty Fenrir in battle
Physical Description
File:Fenrir3.jpgFenrir at full height