Template:Obbie charinfo
Character History
From Hero to Traitor

After graduation from the Imperial academy Michael Arkarso of the House Arkarso started a career as fighter pilot. His first asignment was in a TIE Fighter Squadron on the VSD Narrador. He wasn't the best pilot, maybe not even a good one, but he had a clear view on dangers, wasn't too heroicle and with some additional luck he was able to manage to survive in his squadron, a squadron with a very high loss rate.
Michael was Lieutenant when Admiral Zaarin personally took notice from him. The admiral personally transferred Michael to his own fleet, later to his flagship the ISD Glory. Michael climbed into the upper naval ranks pretty fast under the command of Admiral Zaarin, ... till Zaarin turned sides.
Michael got captured, arrested and inprisoned. In a cell without any daylight Michael's sensitivity for the force increased and his hate for the empire driven Michael more and more into the dark side. Michael almost got mad in this time and many people knowing him think 'almost' is the wrong word in this sentence. In the stuggle of of the Galactic Civil War Michael managed to escape from his prison.
Prophet of Damnation

Michael returned to Arfis, the home of House Arkarso, just to see the growing tentions between the house and the other groups in the system. Michael noticed the others were spending more and more energy for building defense lines around the planet than for finding a diplomatic solution for the problems. Michael as well as many others in House Arkarso beleaved that stong in the superiority of their house that shown it's strength in so many conflicts in the past that they were blinded for the real dangers for the house. Michael was leading a small group of Arkasaan that build up ground forces regiment out of veterans, voluteers, old equipment of civil and clone wars.
The conflict broke out with a rebellion against Duga Arkarso, the leader of House Arkarso. Michael's regiment fought against the opponents on several planets in the star system to give the defenders of Afris more time to fortify their positions. The outnumbered ground forces of Taldryan fought as long as they were able too, till they got pushed back and the opponent fleet proceeded to Arfis. It too some time till the remnants of Michael's Regiment were able to return to Arfis, finding not more then the ruins of their former home.
Michael stayed a few days in the ruins of the temple on Arfis before he took his last possessions an left the planet.
Covered by Darkness

After some time of wandering through the galaxy without orientation Michael joined Clan Taldryan.
At the beginning Michael stayed pretty unnoticed by house and clan leaders. He became a faceless soldier in the ranks of the clan in all the conflicts with the other clans.
For the first year through several very bloody ground battles in the Dark Fire Brigade. Each time Michael was washing the blood from his hands he was wondering how he survived. Sure the brigade operated pretty professional and the olders of House Dinaari usually delt with the big enemies, but this wasn't a warranty for the members of the Battleteam to survive through their path of Darkness. For a short period Michael even became leader of the brigade before he tried to retire from these kind of business. Not that his own character was strong enough to do so, it was more some kind of internal struggle that brought him to give up his position.
But in the 6th Great Jedi War Michael got reactivated again and driven him even more into darkness then he was before.
DJB Facts
Positions Held
Former Dark Fire Brigade Sergeant.
In a few rare moments you can see Michael walking with a stick. His leg got injured years before. With the force he is able to compense his injury, but when he is tired he sometimes uses a stick to walk.
Here and there Michael is wearing an Imperial uniform with rank emblem and medals he archived under Admiral Zaarin.