Daedric Turelles

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Daedric Turelles
Biographical Information
Physical Description








Personal Information
Chronology & Political Information

Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era



[ Source ]

Son of a philosopher and brother to a soldier, Daedric Turelles knew more about the past than he does of the present. A young lad who is physically fit, and devoted to his studies but could hold his own in combat. He found his force sensitivity in his later teens which fueled his quest for power. Daedric's thirst for power through knowledge only grew deeper as his understanding of the force matured.

Character History

Daedric and his father Miro Turelles were adventurers of the sort. They traveled around the galaxy in search for information on force sensitive artifacts such as holocrons. During there quest for knowledge and to make their mark in the philosophy realm, Miro discovered something that would eventually lead the team to the Kibilini Sector on the outer rim, and most notably the Neebali System and thus, Neebali Prime.


A water world that had land and what appeared to be no civilization left. Remnants of a once sentient species was evident on the surface.

Turelles and his father roamed the planet for weeks using a new sensory equipment that could detect Midoclorians. The force behind the Force. After weeks of searching they finally located a stone tablet with engravings, what of what appeared to be Krath. Daedric could feel something inside of him beginning to swell as his eagerness for knowledge turned into a craving. His father could tell something had changed within his own son.

The cravings for the knowledge began to grow deeper and more over whelming as the pair went deeper into the tunnel that the tablet lead them too. They came to a dead end and with no way further the father and son team began to think that there was no way out. It was after Daedric sat against a random section of rock walling and unknowingly willed for it to open did the passageway become clear. Daedric's father detected a large amount of Midoclorians during this which raised his sons alertness. After a brief verbal altercation between the two, they decided to camp at the entrance for the night to allow a recon drone to look forward and gain information.

Recon Droid

After several hours have passed, Daedric finally convinced his father to proceed into the hallway that recently opened up. Miro Turelles was reluctant to proceed as he had determined the Midoclorians that showed themselves earlier were that of the Dark Side. They spent the next several hours stopping and reading engravings and looking at different objects as they continued down the long hallway leading to what Miro believed a Krath temple.

While searching around the lower levels of the temple, Daedric came across an object that he couldn't take his eyes off of. It was a glowing pyramid object sitting on a pedestal. Around the pedestal statues of which appeared to be that of Guardians. Each one carrying indistinguishable markings of what appeared to be the old Krath Order. He focused little on the statues but more on the object beating in the middle of the room. It called to him, he could feel the pulse coming from it. It felt alive to him. He stared at it from a distance trying to match it up with pictures from his datapad. Alas he came across a match. He had found a Holocron. This was the first he had ever seen in person. Daedric couldn't believe his eyes.

Krath Holocron

Daedric Turelles approached it with caution as didn't completely know how to react but the lust that was building inside of him soon over powered him. He lept for the object sitting on the pedestal, grabbing it with ease. As he turned around to face the exit, he could feel the Holocron heating in his hands. He felt a surge of energy flow through, of the likes he has never felt before. A rumble went out all across the room and the temple. Rocks began to fall, and the ground shake. Daedric knew the structure was sturdy from the schematics he took earlier. Behind him, the four statues that over looked the Holocron, began to move. The hardened dirt that had encased them for centuries began to fall to the floor. Daedric's mouth slightly opened as he realized at what he saw moving before him. Krath War Droids. Daedric placed the holocron into his satchel that was slung across his soldier and began to run.

Four giant Krath War Droids thunderously chasing Daedric and his new found possession down the narrow corridor. Turelles reached his father on the his communication link and briefly explained what was going on. Miro was worried, as he could hear the crashing sound that followed his son.

Entry into The Dark Jedi Brotherhood

Clan Naga Sadow

38 ABY

Daedric Turelles' entrance into Clan Naga Sadow came during a time of reclamation. Reclamation of Clan Naga Sadow's home system. The battle of Inos was fresh on every ones mind, but Daedric soon found out that he would be joining his clan mates on the Invasion of Aeortheran.


To be continued...
