Template:Krath charinfo
- "And thus Krath created a universe within his palm"
- ―From Windos' 'Book of Krath'
Character History
Detailed information about the fictional character.
Basic Information
Tall and slim, Windos' posture has been ravaged by years of crouching over old scrolls and tomes. He is bald and clean shaven. His skin is wrinkled and pale, owing to the very little light he gets in his exceptionally cluttered quarters. His face has very little flesh under pasty skin, giving him a fearsome skeletal appearance in the right light. When he does venture from his quarters, Windos will wear full robes with his cowl pulled up to cast shadows over his face. He generally keeps his hands tucking inside the sleeve of his opposite arm, unless holding a text or manipulating the Force.
Reclusive, Windos prefers not to be around other people. He feels that interacting with other unnecessarily will distract him from his studies. He can grow very attached to objects he deems sacred and has also been known to fall for members of opposite sex, but has sworn this will never repeat after the death of his fiancé over 40 years ago. Above all else Windos believes in the supremacy of Krath; his one true god.
Windos' first saber was gifted to him by Welshman Corsair Tarentae as part of his impromptu promotion to Dark Jedi Knight during the Phoenix Crest incident. It had been kept in a secure safe within it's former owner's office. Windos is still yet to return this saber.
His first and only attempt to create a lightsaber produced a simplistic silver and grey hilt. There is no switch on the hilt’s surface; instead it reacts to subtle Force manipulations within extremely close proximity.
The synthetic crystals housed within the saber’s hilt produce a standard length, violet, blade.
Windos is a master of the Makashi lightsaber style, a style that is considered to the point.
Windos has studied the Teras Kasi martial art for many years and now considers himself a master.
Windos’ preferred sword is the Krath War Blade; a huge sword that has been twisted by the Dark Side of the Force. It posed no threat to lightsabers, despite it's dark aura, but in the hands of a skilled warrior it is still deadly.
Purple, crossed axes in saltire. The mask of our Lord's will, hooded below the flagon chief. Under royal charge, Windos will execute his duty to the death, without thought to his life or limb. The drawn hood symbolizes his grim determination in it all.
DJB Facts
Current Positions Held
Commander of the Praxeum
Past Positions Held
Fiction Staff Member
Aedile of House Gladius
Magistrate to the Head Master
Tetrarch of the Keepers of the Night
- Lowest ranked member to recieve an Amethyst Kukri.
- Karel affectionately refers to Windos as a fruit.