Talk:Dark Sword of H'ksych

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 14:23, 12 December 2006 by Kaine Mandaala (talk | contribs) (Fix it.)
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The "Sword Itself" section of this article is very sloppy. It has a some redundancy, with the force lightning property mentioned at least twice in two separate paragraphs. Also, there are some issues (poor writing perhaps?) in that its abilites are spread all throughout the section, leading one to believe it cannot cut durasteel, then later on it says it can cut through it with ease.

Clean up this article. Rewrite this section to be two distinct, well-written paragraphs. Describe it's physical appearance and properties in one paragraph, including the size, shape, material and other aspects. List what it can and cannot do all in the second paragraph, including what it has the ability to cut through and withstand.

Kaine Mandaala 07:23, 12 December 2006 (Mountain Standard Time)