List of Shadow Academy Courses

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 03:53, 20 August 2007 by Katrila (talk | contribs) (Karan to Karana)

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Below you will find a list of past and current abbreviations for Shadow Academy Courses. When an individual passes the course, the abbreviation will be added to their ID Line for use in official Brotherhood communiques.

ID Line Format

When a course is graded and passed, the Brotherhood member will receive contact of the completion of the course. This will entitle the member to add the abbreviation to the Shadow Academy section of their ID line.

For example, if a member comples the DarK Brotherhood Basics Course, the abbreviation DBB will appear on their ID Line at some point following the {SA:} tag, along with any other Shadow Academy courses the member has passed.

Current Courses

The abbreviations below are organized as the courses are organized in the Shadow Academy. As such, you will find the title of the course, followed by it's abbreviation, based on what Campus the course is located on. For information about each course, please see the Shadow Academy itself.

Khar Shian (General Studies)

  • Brotherhood Basics - DBB
  • Communications
    • AOL Instant Messenger - AIM
    • ICQ - ICQ
    • Internet Relay Chat - IRC
    • IRC Channel Operator - IRO
    • MSN Messenger - MSN
  • Leadership
    • Fundamentals - LF
    • General Leadership - GL
  • Programming languages
    • Basic HTML - HTML1
    • Advanced HTML - HTML2
  • Acc Initiates - ACC
  • Conflict Meditation - CM
  • Chamber of Justice - CoJ

Onderon (Tactics & Flight)

  • Sith Core - O:SCORE
  • Enemy Starfighter Eng/Tech - ESET
  • Imperial Starfighter Eng/Tech - ISET
  • Capital Starship Studies - CSS
  • Starfighter Studies - SF
  • Astronomy - AST
  • Test of Agility - TA

Deneba (Lore & Philsophy)

  • Krath Core - D:KCORE
  • History
    • Pre-Republic History - PRH
    • History of the Sith Empire I - HSI
    • History of the Sith Empire II - HSII
    • History of the Sith Empire III - HSIII
    • Clan Plagueis History - CPH
  • Sith Alchemy - SA
  • Force Philsophy - FP
  • Grammar - GS
  • Poetry - KP
  • Poetry(Advanced) - KPA
  • Run-On - RO
  • Test of Wisdom - TW
  • Test of Wisdom (Advanced) - ATW

Karana (Melee/Ground Combat)

  • Obelisk Core - K:OCORE
  • Test of Endurance - TE
  • Lightsaber Studies - LS
  • Marksmanship - MRK
  • Weapons - WB

Limited Courses

Limited Courses are courses that are offered semi-regularly, depending upon the schedule of the instructors of the courses. For more information on limited courses and what courses of this type are currently available, please consult the Shadow Academy itself.

  • Dark Maven - MVN
  • Dark Savant - SVT
  • Dark Sage - SGE
  • Master of Dark Lore - MDL
  • Advanced Writing Certificate - DS:W

Past Courses

In no particular order, the abbreviations for past courses that are no longer offered by the Shadow Academy are listed below.

  • Test of Skill - ToS
  • Leadership Applications - LA
  • ASP Programming - ASP
  • PHP Programming - PHP
  • Photoshop - PS
  • Safe Computing - SC
  • Dark Jedi Meditation - MED
  • Starfighter Tactics - ST