Featured Timeframe
Should we push out the "featured article" timeframe? It seems like a week is just too short, but a month might be too long. Possily bi-weekly?
Please discuss... --
- Bi-weekly works. Might help if the Clans promoted it more too... not many in CNS knew the voting page existed until a few days ago, I'm guessing its the same in most places. I'm still partial to the idea of featured articles getting a DSS or something to try and encourage more people to tune up their articles.--Xanos 09:07, 16 March 2007 (MDT)
'Empty' support and opposition
As apparently the article page itself is not the proper place for discussion, I'll move it here. I can agree that vacuous lines such as 'Go XXX' and 'XXX rox' are patently useless, as is support without comment (it's not hard to write a line or two on why you like or dislike a certain article). To prevent this 'that support doesn't count!' from being applied arbitrarily, perhaps it should be included in the rules that any support must be substantiated if it is not to be discounted completely? -Timeros