Sith Order

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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The youngest Sith are often oblivious to the secrets that the Elders of their Order hide from them. Yet, the most fractious and scattered of the three Orders, is also the most vocal of their own legacies. It is their Masters that have lead the Dark Side for generations, and even the Dark Lord of the Sith is called Darth, a title none other may bear. The Sith Empire was the most powerful rival to the Republic, and even the New Order was founded by a Dark Lord of the Sith. The theocracy of the Dark Side that he envisioned was based on Sith teachings. Of all the records in the galaxy, it is the Sith that have lead the most into the Dark Side. They are an order of Guardians of the Dark Side, they bear their responsibility with a stoic detachment.

Even with all the gold in their legacy, there is much rot underlying the surface. The Sith would much rather forget about Serpentis the Silver Tongued. According to their records, and even those few hidden from the Krath; recount that the Third Apprentice of Darth was an abject failure in nearly all things. A Senator to the Republic from a backwater world, he played a public face of being an upstanding and noble contributor to the politics of the Republic. Underneath his façade was a man who gloried in corruption. He cared little for the Republic, or even the worlds that he represented. He craved power and influence for its own sake, and spread his web outward, seeking more and more. From somewhere far beyond the stars, he attracted the notice of the Lord of Darkness, who found him in the midst of his corruption. Darth showed Serpentis that all his plans were nothing in the Dark Side. The Silver Tongued became the third and final Apprentice of Darth.

By all accounts, he was wildly successful in his education. He rapidly studied and understood the concepts that Darth lay before him. This failed to satisfy his lust for power, and he devoted himself to studying those aspects of the Dark Side that enhanced his personal connection to the Force for power and glory.

Serpentis was also the first to leave his Master’s side. He was bitter rivals with the enigmatic Wanderer, who was nearly three times the age of the young Dark Jedi. After a particularly heated argument, the Wanderer cursed Serpentis, and Darth upheld the Wanderer’s rebuke. The Silver-Tongued fled back to Coruscant, disgraced, and began his old ways anew. For nearly fifty years, he established a network of corruption that shook the Republic to its very foundation. So influential was he, that on the very night he was to take office as Chancellor of the Republic, he was slain by his own First Apprentice.

Within the Star Chamber, the legacy that every modern Sith recognizes is established. Okemi was an exiled Sith Warlord. Before his exile, he had significant influence in the Empire, and departed with nearly all his surviving forces. He ventured only a short distance from the Empire, establishing his base of operations within the Antei system. He struck at both the Republic and his former allies, and is said to have lead the Republic to Ziost during Naga Sadow’s reign. His command of the Dark Side was arguably even stronger than the mad Taimat who joined him in his mission, and later brought Ferran from Corellia. Okemi firmly believed in the Final Order, and did his best to guide the Star Chamber towards that end, even sanctioning the fatal ritual of the insane Sorceress. It was Okemi who stood as the guiding beacon to the Star Chamber in all things.

Of all the Orders, the modern Sith are still the most concerned with the pursuit of power for its own sake. They are the true Warlords of the Brotherhood, guiding its policy towards careful expansion of territory and financial resources. Each Sith seeks personal power above all else, and understand that the Brotherhood and its own resources are the fastest way to accumulate that success. Ideally, they would command every aspect of the leadership of the Brotherhood, and they very nearly do, though it is the Brotherhood’s fleet that they have the tightest command of.

Though they are often stereotyped as fighter-jockeys, the Sith are much more complex than that. They are the Knights of all ancient cultures, and upon their fighters they soar into battle. Through their connection to the Void, they claim their mastery of the Dark Side. Their love of flying, exploration, and space-warfare give them the most credible claim to actually seeking the supremacy of the Dark Side. For as much as wars can be fought between lightsabers, true conquest will always be fought between worlds.


Sith stereotypes of the other orders:

Krath: “Despicable monks. They can sing and write about the Final Order, for it is we who shall actually command at the conclusion of the Final Way”

Obelisk: “When I speak, the Obelisk scurry forth to carry out my commands. Such is the way of the Guardians of the Brotherhood.”