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Template:Krath charinfo Krath Priestess Impetus, Loyal member of Clan Scholae Palatinae

Character History

Life on Ryloth

Impetus, birth name Tonal'la, was born as an only child in the underground Ryloth city of Sal'kaasa. Sal'kaasa was quite seperated from the rest of Ryloth, and as such the cultures and traditions varied slightly. Unlike the traditional Twi'lek government of a 5-man head clan, Sal'kaasa was ruled by a single king.

Tonal'la's father, Zentu'la, was a Light Jedi, and the primary assistant of the king. Since the King had no heir, it was common knowledge that the right to the throne would pass to him. Although adept in the ways of the Force, and aware of his daughters lust to wield the power, his fear of her falling to the Dark Side stopped him from tutoring her in the ways of the Force. She was however, given private tutoring in a veriaty of subjects, including self defence with a Twi'leki Lyaer'tsa.

At the age of seven, Tonal'la witnessed the murder of the King of Sal'kaasa by a Fosh assassin, Shaikanetsa. After the quick and clean attack, Shaikanetsa turned to the nearest witness, Tonal'la, with the intent of selling her as a slave. The battle of two knives against the girl's miniature Lyaer'tsa was brief, as Shaikanetsa crushed the futile defence. She ended up disarmed and the blade of her weapon across her neck. She fainted, and was saved from slavery only by her Father's timely appearence, but the damage had already been done. Tonal'la awoke from a coma two weeks later shaken from her experiences, with a large scar across her lekku.

As predicted, her Zentu'la was crowned king of Sal'kaasa, placing Tonal'la in royalty. After almost being kidnapped by Skaikaneysa, Tonal'la asked her father again to train her to wield the Force, claiming she could have defended herself if she could use it. Despite this, Zentu'la still refused to teach her the ways of the the force, following a prophecy passed down by the Sal'kaasa royalty.

'The daughter of the Jedi King Must not be trained in sacred Force, She'll learn the path to evil things and kill without remorse.'

That was the first time Tonal'la had heard the prophecy, and the thought of falling to the Dark Side frightened her. Zentu'la had given her many lectures on the terrors of the Dark Side, and she backed down from the argument.

A surprise attack

Tonal'la lived the next years of her life under strict supervision in the Palace of Sal'kaasa, every precaution was taken to save her from the horrors of slavery that quite often fell to a twi'lek.

Although she appreciated the concern, as she grew older, and lernt more about life, she started to wish for a normal life, one not so closely watched. Not being allowed out of the palace ever gave her the feeling she was missing out on all the fun, and started to ask for a bit more freedom.

As usual, her request was turned down. At 15, out of pure despair, she escaped through her bedroom window while the guards were asleep, and began to stroll through the streets of Sal'kaasa reveling in the freedom to feel fresh air and go where she wanted for the first time in years.

After a few hours, refreshed to see the outside world again, she went to return to the palace the way she came in, climbing in through her ground floor window. As she made to climb back inside, a sharp sense of pain struck through her back, all her muscles froze. With no oppertunity to balance, she fell sideways onto the floor, luckily not causing any damage.

She lay on the floor, limp, unable to move and senses still worked perfectly. He laid Tonal’la in a storage compartment in the rear of the ship, and set a course for Tatooine before returning to her, she was still effected by the blaster, and unable to move. To her horror and surprise, he began to undress her. She was relieved as he storrped at her underwear. Confusion and embarassment took over as her hands were tied together then fastened to the wall above her head, and she was unable to do anything but but stand against the wall in her small, black underwear.

He stepped back to admire the features of his captive. She was more attractive than any twi’lek he had seen before, for such a young girl, he features and beauty were incredibly pronounced. He realised the benefits of keeping her unharmed. All he could learn from her was her name and royal status before the ship landed on Tatooine. As the stunning drug began to wear off, he fastened a metal collar around her neck. He led her through the streets of Tatooine by the collar, Tonal’la was able to walk again by then. He stopped in front of a building called ‘The Oasis Cantina’.


The door opened into the corner of a large hall. In the center, a twi’lek, hardly more dressed than Tonal’la, danced in a circle of cheering males, of various species and race. Tonal’la was swiftly led across the hall, to a door on the other side. A corridor went along the back wall of the hall, a cheap looking row of doors on the right hand side, making a security door on the far end look out of place. The man opened the door, pushed her through, then followed inside. Another human sat behind a relatively empty desk. A long conversation about her erupted between her captor, and the man who was clearly his boss, Savdo Nelik.

One Thousand Credits, Nelik said. Tonal’la thought it totally unrelated to the topic of conversation, her. After a brief argument about royalty, he upped his offer. Fifteen Hundred. Deal, came the captors reply. Credits were exchanged. The collar went the other way. Tonal’la had been sold as nothing more than a slave.

The man left the building 1500 credits richer. Savdo Nelik had a slave. Tonal’la had been rewarded with one of the worst lives in the galaxy.She was led to her room, and was surprised by what she saw. She actually liked it. The large room was lavishly decorated in crimson, a luxury bed on the far side. She looked around an Nelik, confused. What he said cleared up her confusion.

Visitors would come to the cantina for a private performance from her in that room. She would please the visitor through any method avaliable, and never deny a request. He empasised that the last twi’lek in this room died from resisting a client. And any money you make must be given to me, you won’t be making anything out of my customers. He informed her that she would be wearing the clothes in the wardrobe in the corner, and she must never leave the room. A bathroom is through the door to the back.

She looked in the wardrobe for her new clothes. All that was in there was a yellow skirt that would barely reach her thighs and a yellow bra that looked too small. She was forced to surrender what little garments she wore then, and the yellow clothes would be all she wore for the forseeable future. The thought scared her. If they needed to be washed, she would have nothing. A quick scan of the room showed that tiny cameras littered the room, specifically placed so she could be watched anywhere she went. Cameras were also in the bathroom, many in the shower. She grimaced at the throught, then, unable to control herself, she began to cry. She would never again see her family, never be able to leave the room, and be under the eye of perverted males twenty four hours a day.

Not even a week later, she faced her first client, the first person looking to exploit her pristine figure and pure golden skin. Nervous, she gestured thee male human to sit on a chair and made up a random dance as she went along. After ten minutes, he seemed satisfied and a voice from outside told him his time with her was over. To Tonal’la’s relief, he left with a smile on his face. It didn’t go too badly, and she actually found it enjoyable. The next visitor, however, destroyed all positive thought in the twi’lek’s young mind about this nascent lifestyle. He was simply not content with the dance she offered. Tonal’la simply couldn’t refuse anything, her life was more important to her than dignity.

This happened a lot. Word of her had spread across the city of Bestine, and she was inumbdated with clients. In a usual day, out of five performances, she was raped twice, often by different species to her own. She decided that her life couldn’t get any worse. She was wrong. As she grew, he clothes became too small for her, and Savdo Nelik refused to replace them. After three months, the bra became too small to fasten, and she was forced to live without it, still under the eye of cameras. She was unsure what became of the images.

Tonal’la want on like that for one and a half years. The only hope in her life being that her next customer would respect her dignity. It rarely happened, but when it did, Tonal’la found the job remotely enjoyable, even if it was somewhat demeaning.

The Birth of Impetus

At fifteen and a half years old, her life changed for the better in a flash. After many particularly demanding sessions, a male blue-skinned twi’lek entered her room, dressed in white robes, strange jagged armor on the forearms. As she started to dance for him, he made a cutting motion with his hand, telling her to stop in ryl. He explained he was led there by the Force, as he recruited for his Sith Academy, and he had no wish to use her as a slave. Her suspicions were squashed further as he offered her his robes to cover herself up. She jumped at the chance to pledge herself to his Sith Academy. He father brought her up against the Dark Side, always telling tales of what befell those who ‘fell to the Dark Side’. But was it really a fall from where she was? She decided not.

The Academy was situated on the Ryloth Brightlands. She was about to return to her homeplanet, although she knew it would be foolish to return home. The male twi’lek, Sceptine, helped her to escape. He ignited a bright red lightsaber from his belt and cut a great hole in the wall, before pushing it through with the Force. Tonal’la was awestruck. She would be that strong soon. If only her father had taught her sooner, she could have escaped herself.

Sceptine took her back to Ryloth. In the trip, various thoughts racked her brain. Tonal’la, she wasn’t sure what her name meant. Knowing her father, it was something along the lines of Server of Light or something unfit for a Sith Apprentice. Going over certain Ryl words in her head, her mind settled on one. Impetus. Tonal’la was nothing but a memory. Impetus was born.

More to come soon

Embracing the Dark Side

Under Construction. Come back later.

DJB Facts

Positions Held

Aedile of Acclivis Draco

Quaestor of Caliburnus

Outstanding Achievements

Impetus brought complete equilibrium to Clan Scholae Palatinae, by her leadership of House Caliburnus in a house feud. A feat thought impossible by some.


Unknown GRD Impetus was introduced to leadership the day after her promotion from PRT. At this point, she had no leadership experience at all, was hardly active besides IRC, and had little to no db knowledge, when Mune offered her an Aedile position. Questioning his sanity, she accepted the position and prospered in her new role, to the surprise of the house.

Impetus was the first Krath in Caliburnus, and was also named Quaestor on the day of her initiation (Feburary 1st, 2006)

'Impetus' was originally a game name, Latin for attack or sudden motion. Later, after choosing the Brotherhood character of Impetus, Laurus discovered that Impetus was also a dance move, reflecting her history as a dancer.

Impetus sumitted the current Dark Cross add-ons.

Impetus obtained every Cross award without doubling up on any of them.