House Ludo Kressh

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House Ludo Kressh is one of two currently active houses in Clan Naga Sadow. When the Dark Brotherhood had order-specific houses, Ludo Kressh was the sith arm of the clan.

House Ludo Kressh's Quaestor is currently Krath Archpriestess Xia-Long, and its Aedile is currently Sith Warrior Malisane De Ath.


Eagleye - 1st Quaestor

The first Quaestor of House Ludo Kressh was Obelisk Warrior Eagleye. During his tenure, a temporary base of operations for the house was established on the planet of Ullyr in the Phare system.

However, soon after the formation of Clan Naga Sadow, many leaders left the clan, and power shifted several times. Proconsul Bob-Fett took a voluntary demotion to lead House Marka Ragnos. Obelisk Warrior Eagleye and Guardian Manesh were the only two applicants for the Proconsul position. Given his vast experience, Eagleye was the obvious choice for Proconsul, and he was promoted.

This left a void in House Ludo Kressh. For unknown reasons, the Aedile of House Ludo Kressh, Dark Jedi Knight Khaine Seth, did not apply for the vacant Quaestor position, and the position was given to newly promoted Sith Warrior Manesh.

Manesh Sadow - 2nd Quaestor

Manesh Sadow stands at the longest continuously reigning Quaestor of House Ludo Kressh, with a term of about 16 months.

Two months into his tenure, Grand Master Khyron proclaimed that houses in the Dark Brotherhood would be order-specific. House Ludo Kressh at the time consisted of members of all orders, after the restructuring, the house would be the Sith arm of Clan Naga Sadow. Many leaders of houses lost their positions during this restructuring, but Sith Warrior Manesh and Dark Jedi Knight Khaine Seth remained Quaestor and Aedile of House Ludo Kressh. This was perhaps by sheer luck instead of any demonstration of skill (Manesh had only been Quaestor for about two months prior to this change).

Hoping that there would be no further disruption in the Dark Brotherhood, Manesh and the members of House Ludo Kressh proceeded to build the house. Manesh always felt that in order to gain the trust and loyalty of his members, almost all efforts in the house would have to be cooperative. Therefore most decisions were considered by all active members of the house before being finalized by Manesh.

Back in those days, house communication and record keeping wasn't as automated as it currently is. Those circumstances, combined with the healthy size of the house, necessitated the need for a house roll master. The first roll master of the house was Dark Jedi Knight Kale, inherited from Eagleye's reign. In addition, a unified communications system, otherwise known as a “mailing list” was created to improve the efficiency of the house communications system. It was initially Kale's sole responsibility to maintain this mailing list manually, however he grew to become a third leader of the house. At the time, the house was so active that several members complained about the bulk of communication.

Three squadrons were formed, and after approval from the newly appointed commanders and the general house membership, they were implemented. Manesh started his career in the Emperor's Hammer Corporate Division and remembered the squadron names then. He therefore used the same squadron names in the house: Emerald, Sapphire, and Diamond. After the names and commanders were established, members were assigned.

About 18 weeks into his tenure as Quaestor, Manesh was promoted to Sith Battlemaster (SBM). A month later, DJK Khaine Seth retired as Aedile and was replaced by newly promoted Sith Warrior Kale, the roll master. Soon thereafter, the house deliberated for months, and with hundreds of emails, as to what kind of base to build, and what kind of facilities it would need. This involved a lot of petty bickering, and many changes. However, the decisions that Manesh made were final.

After hundreds of emails, the final base was established. The base built was an underwater base, with over 20 levels running deep underground. It might be considered one of the most well thought out and intricate bases in Dark Brotherhood history.

One of the more persistent and (and some say troublesome) members of the house was Jedi Hunter Goatham. The damned most active and eager-to-please member of the Dark Brotherhood, according to Manesh. Since Goatham needed an outlet for his enthusiasm, Manesh created the Shadow Academy Motivator (SAM) system, with Goatham in charge. The SAM system was similar in function to the current Envoy system employed by the Dark Brotherhood.

During Manesh's tenure several Consuls and Proconsuls resigned. These things happen naturally over the passage of two years. Manesh was offered the Proconsul position many times, but stubbornly refused. However, he knew that by staying in his position, he was holding back Aedile Kale. He eventually recommended Kale for the Proconsul position. At some point Kale became the Proconsul of Clan Naga Sadow.

Choosing a replacement for Kale was a tough decision for Manesh. DJK Bond and DJK Goatham joined the Dark Brotherhood around the same time (although Goatham joined slightly earlier). Bond completed the Shadow Academy faster, and Goatham got in trouble for whatever reason. They were both extremely active. Goatham was the Shadow Academy Motivator, and Bond was the roll master. They were two outstanding members of the house, however Manesh chose Goatham as the new Aedile. That decision haunts the Clan to this day. Bond remained as roll master.

Manesh's reign was also known for the many aborted DB-wide competitions. Therefore the house did not have many opportunities to prove itself against the rest of the Dark Brotherhood. However, there was Operation Darkfall, a DB-wide competition in which HLK members ranked pretty well. The house was the 2nd ranked Sith house, and Clan Naga Sadow ranked 3rd.

Manesh created a point system to help standardize promotions in the house. It was eventually removed by DGM Astatine. There was a Great Jedi War, and Clan Naga Sadow placed 2nd in that competition, and House Ludo Kressh was an integral part of that effort.

All in all, Manesh served under almost a dozen Consuls of Clan Naga Sadow, and four Grand Masters of the Dark Brotherhood. He was promoted to Sith Battlelord during those two years. So what could have possibly ended what seemed to be the never ending tenure of Manesh? Well, he was offered a position on the Emperor's Hammer High Court of Inquisitors (HCI), and this required him to resign his position as Quaestor. Replacing him was SW Goatham, the seemingly perpetual Aedile of HLK.

What about Bond? DJK Bond was promoted to Sith Warrior, but shortly thereafter transferred to House Marka Ragnos. He felt that remaining in the house, and taking the position of Aedile, as Manesh requested, would produce a schism of power in the house. In order to avoid that, he transferred to the Krath house, Marka Ragnos, amicably.